Nikon Setup Guides в Android Market

Icon for Nikon Setup Guides 1.1.1 Nikon Setup Guides (v. 1.1.1)
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Camera setup guides for popular pro and semi-pro Nikon™ digital SLRs. The list includes D2X, D3 (including D3S and D3X), D80, D90, D200, D300 (including D300s), D700 and D7000.

These are recommended settings for your Nikon™ camera for various shooting modes. You can start with these settings and keep adjusting till you find your perfect setting. Your Nikon™ camera model can be selected from the list on Camera Selection screen to display all settings.

Allows selection from up to 4 shooting modes to find the most optimal settings for your camera and shooting scenario. Shooting modes supported:
- Nature, Landscape and Travel
- Portrait and Wedding
- Sports and Action
- Point and Shoot

Inspired and compiled from various sources including one-page setup guides available from


Категория: Фотография
Закачек: 50000-250000
Размер: 92.1 KB
Опубликовано: 2012-11-08
Обновлено: 2012-11-08

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Nikon Setup Guides

[2013-08-26] A Google User:
Doesnt work in xoom Hung up in xoom
[2013-08-25] A Google User:
bad doesn't even run. what everyone else is saying, close after you open.
[2013-08-23] A Google User:
Won't open on galaxy gs4 do it's useless to me.
[2013-08-18] A Google User:
Donnell Carr Won't open on my Hydro. Says it's compatible but it's not. It did run earlier this year, but now it won't. Please fix it.
[2013-08-07] A Google User:
Lots to improve Won't start on galaxy s2
[2013-08-04] A Google User:
Force close Can't even get it to stay open.
[2013-08-03] A Google User:
Would not start. LG-OptimusG Too bad.
[2013-07-27] A Google User:
Crashes on start Similar problems to other people with crashing on start. Samsung Note 10.1
[2013-07-18] A Google User:
Needs work Saddly it crashes while opening and never opens....hope it gets fixed
[2013-07-11] A Google User:
Not working Cant load data on samsung galaxy note
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