DOF Calculator в Android Market

Icon for DOF Calculator 2.0.17 DOF Calculator (v. 2.0.17)
Разработано Cunning Dog Software, LLC

★ Features:
1. First 3 COC entries are customizable - select one and then press "Edit Camera" from the menu.
2. Tab for showing the DOF calculations for the range of apertures
3. Tab for showing the DOF calculations for the range of focal lengths
4. Tab for showing the DOF calculations for the range of subject distances
5. Tab for showing the FOV for the range of focal lengths

★ Calculates:
1. Depth of field
2. Hyperfocal distance
3. Near and far limits
4. DOF in front and behind subject
5. Rectilinear angle of view for the chosen camera and focal length

★ Inputs for (press and drag left and right to scroll the values):
1. Units (meters, feet, centimeters and inches - swipe the top panel left and right on the first tab to switch units)
2. f-stop
3. Focal Length
4. Subject Distance (long press selected value when units is meters/feet to input additional centimeters/inches)
5. Teleconverter (1.4x, 1.5x, 1.6x, 1.7x, 2.0x, 3.0x)

★ Settings for:
1. Showing custom COC Values only
2. Hiding the teleconverter input
3. f-stop increments, f-stop range start and end
4. Adjusting maximum subject distance

★ Found a problem?  Please email for support. ★
★ If you run into a crash please email with details, thanks!!! ★


Категория: Фотография
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 706.9 KB
Опубликовано: 2012-12-26
Обновлено: 2015-03-14

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Системное имя пакета: com.cunningdogsoftware.dofcalculator

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана dof-calculator_00002

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для DOF Calculator

[2013-07-25] A Google User:
Great application Intuitive interface and does exactly what it should do.
[2013-06-30] A Google User:
[2013-06-27] A Google User:
Amazing, Simple, Rich of Info, (HTC One) Developed in accordance with technical needs. No fancy stuffs. The UI is easy to use, each tab is providing comprehensive info. Compliments.
[2013-06-05] A Google User:
Great app Very useful, it is direct to the point, very comprehensive info and it has many camera/sensor settings; it was no problem finding my cropped sensor. Many other apps I have tried haven't so many sensor options hence are less accurate when calculating. Compliments.
[2013-05-21] A Google User:
Clean and useful - just what I was looking for A nice field useable application. No snooping permissions required. Good job! Thanks for letting the user write in their own sensor size and circle of confusion values.
[2013-05-21] A Google User:
smooth UI, information-rich Well-designed application with a smooth UI. For most apps, tabs of screens of tables of numbers would be a bad UI, but this is the proverbial exception. Focus limits, depth of field, hyperfocal distance, and field of view are easily available and managed by swipes on the main tab, and settings control the steps and range for the input controls. The other tabs let you see the effect of changes (aperature, focal length, subject distances) at a glance.
[2013-05-12] A Google User:
Great UI Developed with great attention in detail for best user experience. The UI is smooth and easy to use.
[2013-05-07] A Google User:
What happend - update fest? Why updeat almost every day?
[2013-05-07] A Google User:
Gets the job done Great stuff, very configurable and flexible. A breeze to use.
[2013-05-06] A Google User:
Great piece of software. Recommend..
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