UW Hours Mins Calc is one of the widgets from the "Useful Widgets" app which contains 5 different widgets (Please see "Useful Widgets" for more details).
UW Hours Minutes calculator is a 2x2 widget that has a "normal" calculator and a Hrs:Mins mode which adds/subtracts/multiplies and divides time.
Time can be specified in either Hrs:Mins (eg 7:24), decimal (eg 7.4) or a mixture of both formats.
Press the "H:M" button to switch into time mode and "Norm" to switch to calculator mode.
Same features as our "Hrs Mins calculator" app currently on the market but in a 2x2 widget.
Has a "normal" calculator mode.
Can be used to add and subtract music playlist times.
LCD and digits colour/transparency are easily configurable using the colour picker and transparency slider.
A preview of the chosen colors is shown.
Click the calculators display to copy the result into the clipboard so you can paste the result into another application.