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Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Персонализация' в Android Market

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8001-8010 из 20343
Иконка для XBOX Launcher Pro Plus Theme 1.0

XBOX Launcher Pro Plus Theme (v. 1.0)

Voxeltoxin опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)

XBOX LauncherPro Plus Theme !

This is a theme for the widgets in the LauncherPro Plus home replacement app.

You MUST have LauncherPro Plus for this to work. Please do not leave bad ratings if you do not know how to do this.

Thanks for downloading !

Иконка для Live Wallpaper Rabbit 2.2

Live Wallpaper Rabbit (v. 2.2)

DrHu опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)

2011 is the year of Rabbit in Chinese lunar calendar. According to the legend, there is a jade rabbit on the moon.  You can see a rabbit during a sunny night.
So why not have a Rabbit Live Wallpaper on your Android Phone?
If you born in the following year:
1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
, you are a rabbit and year 2011 is your likely winner year.

BTW, I am a 1963 rabbit.
What rabbit year your are?

Иконка для Hearts Red GO Launcher Theme 1.3

Hearts Red GO Launcher Theme (v. 1.3)

Urtegata опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

A super cute red hearts theme for GO Launcher EX, includes custom icons , dock bar, 2 backgrounds and folder++.

App 2 SD supported.

1. You must have GO Launcher installed.
2. To apply the theme within GO Launcher EX : MENU >preferences >theme preferences
3. To change icons: Long press an icon > Replace > Theme's icons

Check out our other themes, we have another hearts theme this one will fit well with!

Keywords : GO Launcher EX theme GO Launcher Dev Team  go launcher ex themes Hearts red Theme Urtegata

Иконка для Skull In Flame Live Wallpaper 2.6

Skull In Flame Live Wallpaper (v. 2.6)

annhoedroid опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2014-02-17)

Skull In Flame is a Live Wallpaper.

This live wallpaper auto rezise for all devices screen from 240x320 to tablet resolution
Also you can set the speed of the live wallpaper in order to obtain the movement perfectly adapted to your phone model, Another useful feature is the ability to move the live wallpaper on the SD memory card. In this way, you can install on your phone all the Live Wallpaper that you want.

Question & Answer:
I have downloaded and installed it. How do I set it up as a Live Wallpaper?

- go to your home screen;
- press the menu button on your device;
- select "Wallpaper";
- select "Live Wallpapers";
- search and select for "<name_app> Live Wallpaper"
- select "Settings" to see the settings or select "Set wallpaper" to activate it.
After you have installed and launched the live wallpaper, if you want to change the screen resolution:
- Go to your home screen;
- Press the menu button on your device;
- Select "Wallpapers"
- Select "Configure ....";
- Select Set Size of Live Wallpaper:
- Then click the back button on your Android device.
System Requirement:
There are two requirements to use live wallpaper:
1) compatible hardware -- any phone that came with Android OS 2.0 or later should work fine. Anything that came with 1.5 / 1.6 may have problems. HTC Droid Eris, Hero, Legend, Spica, and their cousins are known to have problems, even when updated to Android OS 2.X.
2) compatible OS -- Android OS 2.1 (Eclair) or later can use live wallpapers
We want to keep the app completely free, In order to keep free is ad supported and may contain ads in the notification tray and or home screen. This will help keep it free and help us bring you more cool apps like this in the future.You can delete the search shortcuts easily and without any effect for our app (Drag and Drop to the garbage).
You can optout notification ads from:
Airpush Optout : http://www.airpush.com/optout
Leadbolt Optout: http://opt.leadbolt.com/  
SendDroid Optout: http://senddroid.com/opt-out/

Tags: Live Wallpapers Skull Flame Fire Horror

Иконка для Drama Queen - Crazyhome 1.0.0

Drama Queen - Crazyhome (v. 1.0.0)

FlaGirl опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Follow me on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/flagirlsthemes or follow me on twitter @FlaGirlsThemes

This theme works with the following home replacement apps:
Crazy Home (Pro & Lite)
OpenHome 6
91PandaHome (1&2)

You must have one of the home replacement apps listed in order to use this theme.
This theme has 9 wallpapers from which to choose (not all home replacement apps support multiple wallpapers). It also has custom icons, custom app tray background, custom dock & custom font.
There is a matching icon pack, search for Drama Queen Icon Pack
Crazy Home is the best home replacement app on the Market.  It has the following customization options:
*3 separate desktops, each with its own theme & each desktop contains 5 screens
*Easily switch desktops with a swipe up/down
*Full icon customization through the Icon Configurator
*Hide apps from the app drawer
*Change app titles
*Scrollable widget support
*Widget resizing
*Supports multiple wallpapers
*Supports live wallpapers
*Hide/Unhide the top notification bar
*Backup & restore your settings
*Custom font support
*Outstanding customer support
Give Crazy Home a try-you'll love it!
Any questions or issues, please email me at the address listed-I always respond promptly.

Иконка для Waterfall At Moonlight Live Wa 2.6

Waterfall At Moonlight Live Wa (v. 2.6)

annhoedroid опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2014-02-16)

Waterfall At Moonlight is a Live Wallpaper.

This live wallpaper auto rezise for all devices screen from 240x320 to tablet resolution
Also you can set the speed of the live wallpaper in order to obtain the movement perfectly adapted to your phone model, Another useful feature is the ability to move the live wallpaper on the SD memory card. In this way, you can install on your phone all the Live Wallpaper that you want.

Question & Answer:
I have downloaded and installed it. How do I set it up as a Live Wallpaper?

- go to your home screen;
- press the menu button on your device;
- select "Wallpaper";
- select "Live Wallpapers";
- search and select for "<name_app> Live Wallpaper"
- select "Settings" to see the settings or select "Set wallpaper" to activate it.
After you have installed and launched the live wallpaper, if you want to change the screen resolution:
- Go to your home screen;
- Press the menu button on your device;
- Select "Wallpapers"
- Select "Configure ....";
- Select Set Size of Live Wallpaper:
- Then click the back button on your Android device.
System Requirement:
There are two requirements to use live wallpaper:
1) compatible hardware -- any phone that came with Android OS 2.0 or later should work fine. Anything that came with 1.5 / 1.6 may have problems. HTC Droid Eris, Hero, Legend, Spica, and their cousins are known to have problems, even when updated to Android OS 2.X.
2) compatible OS -- Android OS 2.1 (Eclair) or later can use live wallpapers
We want to keep the app completely free, In order to keep free is ad supported and may contain ads in the notification tray and or home screen. This will help keep it free and help us bring you more cool apps like this in the future.You can delete the search shortcuts easily and without any effect for our app (Drag and Drop to the garbage).
You can optout notification ads from:
Airpush Optout : http://www.airpush.com/optout
Leadbolt Optout: http://opt.leadbolt.com/  
SendDroid Optout: http://senddroid.com/opt-out/

Tags: Live Wallpapers Waterfall Moonlight sky star

Иконка для Windows 7 GO Launcher EX Theme 1.3

Windows 7 GO Launcher EX Theme (v. 1.3)

Urtegata опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Read first: You must have GO Launcher installed first!

The best Windows experience on Android!

A cool windows 7 theme for GO Launcher EX, includes over 100 custom icons, dock bar, 3 backgrounds and folder++.

App2SD supported.

1. You must have GO Launcher installed.
2. To apply the theme within GO Launcher EX : MENU >preferences >theme preferences
3. To change icons: Long press an icon > Replace > Theme's icons

Check out our other themes!

I can not respond to comments, please send me an email with questions!

Keywords : GO Launcher EX theme themes GO Launcher Dev Team windows 7 win microsoft Theme Urtegata

Иконка для zZodiac Leo clock! 1.8

zZodiac Leo clock! (v. 1.8)

ID-Tech опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Zodiac Leo is a cool Widget Clock .

*** Now with 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 size option!!!

Please rate it if you like...

Leo (♌) is the fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Leo. In astrology, Leo is considered to be a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and is one of four fixed signs[2] ruled by the Sun. Being the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo has been associated with the astrological fifth house.
Individuals born when the Sun is in this sign are considered Leo individuals. The Sun is in Leo roughly from July 23 to August 22. Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from August 10 to September 1.

Zodiac Symbol Lion
Duration (Tropical, Western) 23 July – 23 August (2011, UTC)
Duration (Sidereal, Hindu)[1] 14 August – 31 September (2011, UTC)
Constellation Leo
Zodiac Element Fire
Zodiac Quality Fixed
Domicile Sun
Detriment Uranus and Saturn
Exaltation Venus, Jupiter
Fall Mars

This Clock Widget is supported almost all the screen resolutions and all the Android versions from 1.6 to latest.

Instructions to install it:

- go to your home screen;
- press and hold the finger on the screen of your device;
- in the menu that will appear select "Widgets";
- in the next menu "Choose widget" , select this widget with the proper name.
- Done!

Look at our other widgets, wallpaper and applications on the market.

System Requirement:

There are two requirements to use live wallpapers:
1) compatible hardware;
2) compatible OS.

1) compatible hardware -- any phone that came with Android OS 1.6 or later should work fine.
2) compatible OS -- Android OS 1.6  or later can use these widgets

Developed by ID-TECH

ID-TECH is a leader in developing apps for android devices like widget , live wallpapers and apps to play mp3 and midi music and other stuff.
We can develope flash any kind of of app for Android, and some of them needs root access.
You can personalize your device with cool animation and video effects, improve your mobile phone and launcher these apps.
Check for other apps in the market like  clock, weather forecast, battery monitor, health etc...
Relax and feel free to contact us for any issue or suggestion by e-mail : idtech2012@gmail.com or over skype : idtech2012
You will never get angry with these apps!

Tags: Live wallpapers fantasy LWP fun widget classic gothic dark zodiac horoscope funny cool educational photo astrology astronomy cartomancy magic tarot magician sign personal design Aries (Mars), Taurus (Venus), Gemini (Mercury), Cancer (Moon), Leo (Sun), Virgo (Mercury), Libra (Venus), Scorpio (Mars), Sagittarius (Jupiter), Capricorn (Saturn), Aquarius (Saturn), Pisces (Jupiter)

fantasia zodiaco oroscopo divertente educativo foto astrologia astronomia cartomanzia magico segno vergine
Ariete (Marte), Toro (Venere), Gemelli (mercurio), Cancro (Luna), Leone (sole), Vergine (mercurio), Bilancia (Venere), Scorpione (Marte), Sagittario (Giove), Capricorno (Saturno), Aquario (Saturno),Pesci (Giove)

Иконка для Waterfalls Live Wallpaper Pack 17

Waterfalls Live Wallpaper Pack (v. 17)

Best Scenic Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Waterfalls Live Wallpaper Pack

This is a pack of 6 waterfall Live Wallpapers for 1 super low price. You will be getting 6 hot selling live wallpapers in one pack.

1. Waterfalls 1 Live Wallpaper
2. Waterfalls 2 Live Wallpaper
3. Waterfalls 3 Live Wallpaper
4. Waterfalls 4 Live Wallpaper
5. Waterfalls 5 Live Wallpaper
6. Waterfalls 6 Live Wallpaper

Go to the settings screen to change the waterfall you want to see.

These are all High Quality realistic looking waterfalls. I also sell these as separate LWP's.


app2sd card support
settings to set fps
a real nice android experience
A LWP Picker shortcut icon with easy setup instructions

Tags: waterfall, waterfalls, background, backgrounds, wallpaper, wallpapers, live wallpaper pack, scenic, scenery, ocean, water waves, ripples, reflection, reflective, nature

Иконка для Leo  Zodiac Live Wallpaper 1.1

Leo Zodiac Live Wallpaper (v. 1.1)

Zeellis Tech опубликовал приложение 2012-01-26
(обновлено 2012-01-26)

In this live wallpaper, the Leo zodiac sign with gold shining glitter and sparkling stars.

Wallpaper setting sizes are now available for the following resolutions:

600x1024 (Tablet size) 480x854, 480x800, 480x600, 320x480, 240x320

Sizes 480x750 480x700 are also included for added adjustments.

Choose frames per second for the wallpaper speed 1-20

Now save this wallpaper to your SD Card! Once download, the option to save to SD Card will be there  :)

Settings-Applications-Manage Applications-choose your wallpaper-Move to SD card

Check out my other live wallpapers!

zodiac,zodiac sign,horoscope,wallpaper,

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