Skull Bones doo-dad blue в Android Market

Icon for Skull Bones doo-dad blue 1.0 Skull Bones doo-dad blue (v. 1.0)
Разработано Dark Matter Lab

doo-dads! - Attention please read below.

What is a doo-dad?  A doo-dad is a widget that sole purpose is to add a little bling to your screen without having to change your background or theme. Most doo-dads come in two sizes (1x1 and 2x1) and there is no excessive battery usage like other widgets.

To Install:
1. Purchase, download and install
2. Go to blank area on screen and long hold (press and hold)
3. When menu comes up select Widgets
4. Look for the doo-dad you installed and select it

Your doo-dad should appear on the screen.  If you would like to move it around just press and long hold until you see the doo-dad increase in size then move it to where you want it.

Everybody's screen needs a doo-dad!


keywords: skull, bones, pirate, blue, doo-dads, doodads, dodads, decoration, graffiti, graphics, awesome, art, sticker,decal, bling, bling bling, eye candy, personalization, dml, dark matter lab


Категория: Персонализация
Закачек: <50
Размер: 74.6 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-06-08
Обновлено: 2011-06-08

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Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана skull-bones-doo-dad-blue
Снимок экрана skull-bones-doo-dad-blue

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Skull Bones doo-dad blue

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