Simple (optionally animated) wallpapers for Android with whimsically named selectable colors, backgrounds and animations. Over 3000 combinations possible in the paid version.
These wallpapers are not going to change your life, they are not the 'ultimate' of anything in the market, but they are pretty and look nice on your device.
***If you have issues ‘opening’ the application please see the instructions on my website about how to use a live wallpaper.
As with any live wallpaper this application will use up battery resources at a higher rate than a static wallpaper depending on how long you spend staring at the screen between charging. If you like the look of the wallpapers but the animation is using up your battery too fast you can always opt to turn of the animations (in settings).
This application is graphic intensive, if the lite version does not work on your device then the paid version will also not work as it is basically more of the same.