LauncherPro Glow Icon Pack в Android Market

Icon for LauncherPro Glow Icon Pack 1.2 LauncherPro Glow Icon Pack (v. 1.2)
Разработано Mariux


A huge, ultra-detailed Neon Glow Icon Pack for LauncherPro

More than 450 apps themed, and increasing.

To download the Wallpaper, the custom Dockbar and Drawer icon, visit my website.

**HOW TO USE: **

1)In your homescreen, press Menu->Preferences
2)Theme Settings->Icon Pack
3)Choose "Glow Legacy Icon Pack"
4)LauncherPro will restart and then you'll get the icons applied!


Категория: Персонализация
Закачек: 1000-5000
Размер: 2.7 MB
Опубликовано: 2012-01-31
Обновлено: 2014-02-23

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Системное имя пакета: mx.lpiconpack.tronlegacy

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для LauncherPro Glow Icon Pack

[2013-02-20] A Google User:
Ehh Icons are a bit blurry
[2012-11-04] A Google User:
How How does one go about recreating links from the dock to make the icons show up?
[2012-09-21] A Google User:
Idiots have to reset links for dock icons to show For all of you complaining about Phone, Contacts and Messaging, etc. not being skinned, they are! You have to recreate your link in your dock for them to show up with the new icons. Think before giving bad reviews; just don't hurt yourselves in the process. ¬.¬ Great pack! Love the icons! :3
[2012-08-24] A Google User:
Vinayak Phone, Contacts n messaging icons r not skinned unlike the ADW launcher version where even the dockbar is customizable. Cant download d dockbar or d drawer from the website as there is no option to do so. Please do something bout it.
[2011-12-22] A Google User:
This icon pack could definitely be better. First update I received was today. No new icons appeared. Cool looking, but sucks...waste of money...
[2011-12-18] A Google User:
Missing the basic internet icon and also a voxer and GO SMS icon. Update please! :)
[2011-12-15] A Google User:
Smexxy Needs a Google+ icon!
[2011-12-10] A Google User:
Dan Can't scroll down icons. Keeps crashing :(
[2011-08-26] A Google User:
Youtube Icon Please add a youtube icon. I love these icons but youtube is one of the most common apps. Why was it left out?
[2011-08-26] Kenneth:
Youtube Icon Please add a youtube icon. I love these icons but youtube is one of the most common apps. Why was it left out?
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