Iron Celtic Skull sticker ! в Android Market

Icon for Iron Celtic Skull sticker ! 1.0 Iron Celtic Skull sticker ! (v. 1.0)
Разработано ID-Tech

Iron Celtic Skull is a cool Decoration Widget for your Device
Search in the market for IDTECH for more cool apps!!!

1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 different size option!

This Decoration Widget is supported almost all the screen resolutions and all the Android versions from 1.6 to latest.

Instructions to installed it:

- go to your home screen;
- press and hold the finger on the screen of your device;
- in the menu that will appear select "Widgets";
- in the next menu "Choose widget" , select this widget with the proper size 1x1,2x2 or 3x3.
- Done!

Look at our other widgets, wallpaper and applications on the market.

System Requirement:

There are two requirements to use live wallpapers:
1) compatible hardware;
2) compatible OS.

1) compatible hardware -- any phone that came with Android OS 1.6 or later should work fine.
2) compatible OS -- Android OS 1.6  or later can use these widgets

Developed by ID-TECH

ID-TECH is a leader in developing apps for android devices like widget , live wallpapers and apps to play mp3 and midi music and other stuff.
We can develope flash any kind of of app for Android, and some of them needs root access.
You can personalize your device with cool animation and video effects, improve your mobile phone and launcher these apps.
Check for other apps in the market like  clock, weather forecast, battery monitor, health etc...
Relax and feel free to contact us for any issue or suggestion by e-mail : or over skype : idtech2012
You will never get angry with these apps!

Tags: decoration fantasy fun widget classic  funny cool photo personalize design personal drive original fashion dog angry strong  Terrific Skeleton dark gothic fantasy skull metal

decorazione adesivo fantasia divertente classico foto personalizza originale


Категория: Персонализация
Закачек: <50
Размер: 2.4 MB
Опубликовано: 2012-01-15
Обновлено: 2012-01-15

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Системное имя пакета: com.idtech.stickers.ironcelticskull

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