Icon App 1 ADW/OH/DVR/CP в Android Market

Icon for Icon App 1 ADW/OH/DVR/CP 2.2.1 Icon App 1 ADW/OH/DVR/CP (v. 2.2.1)
Разработано AI Development

You must have either ADW Launcher, Adw Launcher EX, Circle Launcher Pro, Open Home, or Desktop Visualizer installed to be able to use these icons. These are only icons for custom shortcuts and the will not replace your launcher icons in your app draw.  There are 500 icons in this app and all icons are in high resolution without cheap variations. All icons are 128 x 128 pixels so if your using Circle Launcher Pro they will look great at 2 x 1.
    We hope you enjoy and don't forget to check out our dock packs for ADW Launcher EX, other icon apps for ADW Launcher, and icon apps for Go Launcher Ex. You can find them under view more applications at the bottom. Also don't forget to like us on Facebook to find out about updates and new releases.

To use the icons with ADW Launcher:
1. Long press an apps icon
2. Select edit from selection bar
3. Press the icon picture in upper left corner
4. Press ADWTheme IconPacks
5. Press ADW Icon App 1

To use the icon with Desktop Visualizer:
1. Press select icon
2. Press Image File
3. Press ADW Icon App 1
4. Scroll and select your icon

To use icons with Circle Launcher Pro:
1. Long press Circle Launcher widget
2. Select Launcher Icon
3. Press Select downloaded icons
4. Select ADW Icon App 1

To use the icons with Open Home:
1. Long press an apps icon
2. Select edit from selection bar
3. Press the icon picture in upper left corner
4. Press Theme Icon Packs
5. Press ADW Icon App 1

AI Development holds various license for artwork that is not created internally as such all assets in this app are for personal use within this app only and in the apps intend manner. All rights remain with AI Development and original artists.

tags: custom dock, dock pack, adw theme, launcherpro, icon, dockbar, docks, go launcher ex, golauncher, ADW Launcher ex, dock bar, pack, icon pack, Desktop Visualizer, circle launcher, ADW Icon App 1, ADW Launcher,


Категория: Персонализация
Закачек: 1000-5000
Размер: 5.2 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-11-28
Обновлено: 2011-11-28

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Icon App 1 ADW/OH/DVR/CP
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 0 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: adw.AIDevsIconPackOne.icon

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана icon-app-1-adwohdvrcp

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Icon App 1 ADW/OH/DVR/CP

[2011-09-24] Ruso:
Icons 10+! Great.
[2011-08-19] Morganne:
wow new update equals 5 gold stars
[2011-08-12] Alberto Carlos:
now that's what you call customer service! thanks dev! i'll buy more of your excellent icons if all of them can be moved to sd card! =)
[2011-06-17] Troy:
Great, hopefully we will get more colorful square icons.
[2011-04-27] ajbehanna:
Grewt hd icons! Just needs common icons
[2011-04-27] Andrew:
Nice icons , but only a dozen or two of each kind, what's point if they don't all match ?
[2011-04-26] Adrian:
Good icons ... but doesn't have any system app alternatives...
[2011-04-20] amber:
Had checked all other icon packs out, this is the BEST #1. Very well put together, worth every $$! Thanks for your hard work!!! (HTC Droid)
[2011-04-15] Kelsey:
Soooo many icons to choose from!!! love it!!!!! MyTouch4G
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