The GrassOid wallpaper represents a stylized field of plants with different designs for each seasons.
Similar to TreeOid, GrassOid is moving its leaves during the day (in this case in a synchronized fashion).
The GrassOid Live Wallpaper is is part of a series of TimeART pieces. TimeART apps are time driven without beeing actual clocks.
If you want to have more customization options for GrassOid and try out 4 more TimeART pieces, please upgrade to the full TimeART Series.
GrassOid shows off your phone and looks great on tablets (Tested on Samsung Galaxy Tab(s), HTC Flyer, Motorola Xoom, Toshiba Thrive and Sony Tablets S&P many with Honeycomb)
For "first time" Live Wallpaper Users (after download):
Please go to Wallpapers -> Live Wallpaper -> GrassOid
Keep off the Grass(Oid)