Favorite Bible Verses Widget (v. 1.0)
Разработано adrian vega
These widgets allow you to add your favorite Bible verses to your phone desktop.
The app contain a widget that allows you to add your favorite Bible verses to your phone desktop. You can add as many widgets to your desktop and each can be configured to reference different Bible verses.
The widget comes in three sizes (small, medium and large).
You configure the widget by specifying a Book of the Bible, a Chapter of the Bible, a Starting Verse, and an optional Ending Verse.
I have just started development, and I have a whole lot more I want to do with the widget, but I want to release it so that I can get feedback. If you have any, provide it in a comment.
I am already thinking about the following near future updates:
- allow the user to edit a widget configuration
- automatically select the size of the widget so that the user doesn't have to mess with this
- allow the user to change the background color
- allow the user to change the font color
- allow the user to change the font style
- allow the user the include the Book, Chapter, Verse information in the widget.
Let me know what you think!