DROID Theme PINK Extreme (v. 1.1)
Разработано HiTechPilot
By request, the Pink DROID theme you've been looking for! The perfect theme for your phone!
* Two Custom Live Wallpapers with "tap to sweep" classic eye and floating Androids with "tap to pop" interaction. Use the 5 included backdrops, or choose your own for the droids to float over.
* Six Custom clocks with "Tap to Launch" any application on your phone.
* 5 Custom static wallpapers. If you are not sure how to get to them, check my website help, or write to me at www.hitechpilot.com.
* Custom icons to replace system app icons.
ALL IMAGES are ACTUAL screenshots from a DROID 2 phone using OpenHome 6 or PandaHome home replacement apps.
Enjoy this theme, and please ask if you have any questions or requests. I can't help you if I don't know about it!
DROID, DROID 2, DROID X and anything else DROID are Trade Marks of Motorola Corporation. Artwork has been designed in CS5 and/or PoserPro. I have no association with Motorola, Verizon, or any other host of DROID or Android handsets.