Dock Pack 1 (ADW Launcher EX) в Android Market

Icon for Dock Pack 1 (ADW Launcher EX) 2.0.1 Dock Pack 1 (ADW Launcher EX) (v. 2.0.1)
Разработано AI Development


This is a large dock pack for ADW Launcher EX the desktop replacement app on the Android Market. There are currently 160 custom docks of varying colors and styles. Most styles support five shortcuts, three shortcuts, and some shortcut dock bars. We have included 37 icons for use as custom shortcuts (These are not launcher icons and only support hdpi right now). There are a few examples below but dose not come even close to representing the contents of the whole package. Please remember this will not work with the free version of ADW Launcher you must have the pay version (ADW Launcher EX) to use these docks.

How to use from home screen:
1. Press our menu button
2. Select ADW Settings
3. Select Themes
4. Select Customize
5. Press the Main Dock
6. Select Custom

To use the icons for custom shortcuts from your home screen:
1. Double tap an apps icon
2. Select edit from selection bar
3. Press the icon picture in upper left corner
4. Press ADWTheme IconPacks

If you have any problems please email us. Don't Forget to check out our other dock packs and icon packs that work with ADW launcher, ADW Launcher EX, and Desktop Visualizer under "View More Applications".

AI Development holds licenses for all art work that is not created internally.

tags: custom dock, dock pack, adw theme, launcherpro, icon, dockbar, docks, go launcher ex, golauncher, launcher pro, dock bar, pack


Категория: Персонализация
Закачек: 1000-5000
Размер: 2.4 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-09-24
Обновлено: 2011-09-24

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Dock Pack 1 (ADW Launcher EX)
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 0 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: adw.AIDevsDockPack.theme

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана dock-pack-1-adw-launcher-ex

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Dock Pack 1 (ADW Launcher EX)

[2012-12-27] A Google User:
Not very many Not a whole lot of quality or quantity
[2012-02-15] A Google User:
Finally! I found a dock that matches my background exactly! ;)
[2011-04-30] A Google User:
They wouldn't give me a refund, and it was well within the 15 minute time allowance....very poor service.
[2011-04-30] Angela:
They wouldn't give me a refund, and it was well within the 15 minute time allowance....very poor service.
[2011-04-21] A Google User:
Nice, more please!
[2011-04-21] ajbehanna:
Nice, more please!
[2011-04-17] A Google User:
Love all the selections!!! Well worth my dollar! :)
[2011-04-17] Kelsey:
Love all the selections!!! Well worth my dollar! :)
[2011-04-05] A Google User:
Great app, so many choices, it works great on my Samsung vibrant.
[2011-03-30] A Google User:
Great! Change my dock everyday! So many choices! DroidX
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