CrazyHome Theme | CrazyPastels (v. 1.5)
Разработано ADDesigns
This is a theme created for Crazy Home Pro & Lite. The theme should be compatible with the following applications:
Crazy Home Pro
Crazy Home Lite
ADW Launcher
LauncherPro Plus 0.8.6+
Since it was created specifically for Crazy Home, I cannot guarantee the exact same results will apply amongst the others.
More information about the Crazy Home themes & application can be found here:
For your convenience, I've included a list of awesome recent updates/changes to Crazy Home (quoted directly from it's website below)...
"FEATURES: Version 2.15/6+
Desktops & Screens:
- Up to 3 separate desktops each with up to 5 screens
- Easily scroll through your desktops by swiping up and down
- Dynamically add/remove screens or desktops, no restarting needed
Themes & Icons
- Each desktop can be set with its own unique theme, so you can have 3 themes set at once!
- Supports the majority of the themes in the market (Crazy Home, ADW, aHome, 3rd party OpenHome)
- Full icon customization with the Icon Configurator tool that allows skinning of any or all icons in your app drawer
- Mix and match your themes with the Theme Wallpaper chooser and appying icon sets from any theme
Hide apps from your app drawer
Change app titles
Change icon text color
Change icon text font*
Hide/Unhide the notification bar at the top of your phone
Scrollable widget support*
Widget resizing*
Analog Crazy Clocks - with Clock Packs
Customizable app dock
Backup/Restore settings
Screen previews
Supports live wallpapers"
My personal theme features:
-Skinned over 300 app icons in this theme
-included a custom designed Giant (resizable) Crazy Home Analog clock widget to match the theme
-included 6 wallpapers to choose from
-as always, custom & authentic design
-lots of pastels and bright colors to brighten your phone & your day! :)
Tags: ADW.Launcher, ADW Launcher, ADWLauncher theme, LauncherPro, LauncherPro Plus, Crazy Home, docks, dock pack, custom dock, GO Launcher, GO Launcher theme, Themes, Theme, GOLauncher, pink, pretty, cute, flowers, retro, girly, pastel, Clock Widget, analog clock, Droid X, EVO, Icons, Icon Pack, Wallpapers, Android, Custom, Skin, Skins, Android theme, minimal, Launcher, Wallpaper, GO SMS theme, ADDesigns