Butterfly Theme 2 в Android Market

Icon for Butterfly Theme 2 1.0.1 Butterfly Theme 2 (v. 1.0.1)
Разработано Guerrilla Developers

Must have one of the following applicaitons to run the theme
crazy home pro
crazy home lite
live home
openhome 6

Has been tested for all phones and does work. Please contact us before rating down. If you need help opening the theme or with any of the wallpapers or widgets please write us to let us know.

All of our themes are custom made and contain custom clock/clocks widget/widgets wallpapers/backgrounds and icons/dock.

IMPORTANT no theme can run by its own. It can not be launched, you must have a home replacement listed above to open the theme.

Contains 4 wallpapers. If you need help getting extra wallpapers please email us.

If you like this theme please check out more of our work by clicking view more applications below. We intend on branching out and adding live wallpapers, clock packs, and icon packs as well as more themes. If you would like to see a custom theme made please email us with any suggestions.

this beautiful theme was made with one of natures most gorgeous graceful creatures in mind! the butterfly has inspired billions of tattoos t shirts necklaces and pretty much everything else you can think of and now it can grace your android phone! we found some of the most beautiful butterflys in the world and put them as icons in this theme. it is sure to brighten even the worst of days! i made this for all the girls woman children and anyone else who loves the insects as much as i do! we also have another butterfly theme so if you dont like this one than check out the other one by clicking "view more applications" below! make your phone different from your friends with this amazing theme! thank you so much for all your support! it took awhile to make this in photoshop so i hope you like it so take a break from your facebook or myspace or whatever social site your using get this theme as a great conversation starter or chat piece for you and your friends!


Категория: Персонализация
Закачек: <50
Размер: 1.6 MB
Опубликовано: 2012-02-09
Обновлено: 2012-02-09

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Системное имя пакета: mobi.guerrilladevs.butterfly2theme

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