Angels Gallery 1 Live Wallpaper features a Gallery of Angels that switches to whatever time you specify. The default time is 30 seconds. So every 30 seconds you will get another angel picture on your home screen. These are beautiful images of angels.
app2sd card support
Settings to specify the time to switch to another background image. This live wallpaper has the following times.
*30 seconds
*45 seconds
*1 minute
*2 minutes
*3 minutes
*4 minutes
*5 minutes
*10 minutes
*15 Minutes
*20 minutes
*30 minutes
It will also load and switch to a new image each time you turn off your screen's display and turn it back on.
This gallery LWP has a total of 14 different backgrounds.
angel, angels, fantasy,
please checkout my other apps and live wallpapers.