Alphabet Letter C Sticker в Android Market

Icon for Alphabet Letter C Sticker 1.4 Alphabet Letter C Sticker (v. 1.4)
Разработано ID-Tech

"C" Letter is a cool Decoration Widget for your Device
Search in the market for IDTECH for more cool apps!!!

1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 different size option!

Decorate your screen with delicious little Sticky Widget.
You can decorate your screen with the initial of your name.

Sticky Widget purpose is to decorate your screen without having to change your background or theme.

It's simple to use and won't drain the battery.
I have downloaded and installed it. How do I set it up as a Sticky Widget?
- go to your home screen;
- long press to blank area on screen ;
- select "Widgets";
- search and select for " Widgets".

This Decoration Widget is supported almost all the screen resolutions and all the Android versions from 1.6 to latest.

"Note that the Android system allow maximum 4 letters in horizontal and 4 in vertical, so if you needs to make a name with more than 4 letters, write us by email and we will make a dedicaded sticker even with longer names, this will save also in the total amount!"

Ckeckout my other applications (search Personalization idtech Sticker Widget).

System Requirement:

There are two requirements to use live wallpapers:
1) compatible hardware;
2) compatible OS.

1) compatible hardware -- any phone that came with Android OS 1.6 or later should work fine.
2) compatible OS -- Android OS 1.6  or later can use these widgets

Developed by ID-TECH

‹C› comes from the same letter as ‹g›. The Semites named it gimel. The sign is possibly adapted from an Egyptian hieroglyph for a staff sling, which may have been the meaning of the name gimel. Another possibility is that it depicted a camel, the Semitic name for which was gamal.
In the Etruscan language, plosive consonants had no contrastive voicing, so the Greek ‹Γ› (Gamma) was adopted into the Etruscan alphabet to represent /k/. Already in the Western Greek alphabet, Gamma first took a ‹› form in Early Etruscan, then ‹› in Classical Etruscan. In Latin it eventually took the ‹c› form in Classical Latin. In the earliest Latin inscriptions, the letters ‹c k q› were used to represent the sounds /k/ and /ɡ/ (which were not differentiated in writing). Of these, ‹q› was used to represent /k/ or /ɡ/ before a rounded vowel, ‹k› before ‹a›, and ‹c› elsewhere.[2] During the 3rd century BC, a modified character was introduced for /ɡ/, and ‹c› itself was retained for /k/. The use of ‹c› (and its variant ‹g›) replaced most usages of ‹k› and ‹q›. Hence, in the classical period and after, ‹g› was treated as the equivalent of Greek gamma, and ‹c› as the equivalent of kappa; this shows in the romanization of Greek words, as in ‹KA∆MOΣ›, ‹KYPOΣ›, and ‹ΦΩKIΣ› came into Latin as ‹cadmvs›, ‹cyrvs›, and ‹phocis›, respectively.
Other alphabets have letters identical to ‹c› in form but not in use and derivation, in particular the Cyrillic letter Es which derives from one form of the Greek letter sigma, known as the "lunate sigma" due to its resemblance to the crescent moon.

ID-TECH is a leader in developing apps for android devices like widget , live wallpapers and apps to play mp3 and midi music and other stuff.
We can develope flash any kind of of app for Android, and some of them needs root access.
You can personalize your device with cool animation and video effects, improve your mobile phone and launcher these apps.
Check for other apps in the market like  clock, weather forecast, battery monitor, health etc...
Relax and feel free to contact us for any issue or suggestion by e-mail : or over skype : idtech2012
You will never get angry with these apps!

Tags: decoration fantasy fun widget classic  funny cool photo personalize design personal drive original fashion alphabet name letters C

decorazione adesivo fantasia divertente classico foto personalizza alfabeto nome lettere composizione C


Категория: Персонализация
Закачек: <50
Размер: 810.0 KB
Опубликовано: 2012-01-18
Обновлено: 2012-01-18

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Системное имя пакета: com.idtech.stickers.alphabetc

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана alphabet-letter-c-sticker

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Alphabet Letter C Sticker

[2011-07-14] Cherrisa:
Its what i was looking for but not cheap....cindy....long press on desktop and select widget..letter C.
[2011-07-07] Cindy:
It does not work for me
[2011-07-02] Carmen:
Does it come in other forms? Where is the letter "U"? Cannot find,,, HTC inspire it!
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