3D Live Wallpaper 52 Card Pick (v. 1.0)
Разработано EpicAndroid
52 Card Pickup is a livewallpaper in 3D. Cards are tossed towards the center of the table. How fun! Lots of options such as Speed, Color, Freeze, Zoom Distance and number of cards. Most of our wallpapers have two versions, free and small fee. Please consider buying the small donation version so that you can play with the settings and to help us make more apps. Check out all our Live Wallpapers for even more beautiful art! Just search for EpicAndroid or Epic Android in the market to find us.
Please keep in mind this is using OpenGL and if your phone does not support 3D please do not purchase. If you are unsure feel free to download the free version first! Live Wallpapers were added at Android OS version 2.1 (Eclair) older versions will not run most of our Live Wallpapers.