Magzter - Magazine Store в Android Market

Icon for Magzter - Magazine Store 2.0.9 Magzter - Magazine Store (v. 2.0.9)
Разработано Magzter Inc.

Magzter - The Global Mobile Magazine Store is an innovative product of the digital era which offers an interactive new age touch to magazines without losing the lustrous reading experience that most magazine lovers cherish.

Magzter caters to a global audience with a wide range of magazines, from entertainment to news. On Magzter, readers can browse through magazines, choose articles and read them like they would do in real life! Some of the popular titles include Harper's Bazaar, Hong Kong Tatler, Cosmopolitan India, India Today, Outlook, FilmFare, Femina, Men's Health, Good Housekeeping etc.

Readers can buy any single issue of the magazine or can opt-in for subscription model and also add favourite magazines to a customized shelf for quick access to magazines.

Readers can flip through the pages and preview magazines before buying/subscribing to them. No hassle of creating new user account, just login with your Facebook account and start downloading the magazines.

Download the app today and enjoy these features:

** 100s of Paid and Free Magazines will be added and you can choose your favorite magazine and spend your time reading it.

** Save up to 90% when you do buy annual subscriptions, single issues or back issues of your favourite magazines.

** Read whether you are online or offline – on the go!


-Customizable shelf view
-In-Apppurchase/subscription through PayPal for easy buying
-Pinch-zoom feature to read even the smallest text fonts
-Magazine quick search
-Buy single issues
-Subscribe to Magazines and avoid all hassles of remembering to download and read your favourite mags
-Facebook login access
-Offline Reading even after you download magazine pages

We will be adding more free and paid magazines to the store. So please keep checking Magzter for your favourite magazines. If your favourite magazine is not available on Magzter, kindly drop us an email to


Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 4.5 MB
Опубликовано: 2012-10-04
Обновлено: 2012-10-04

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Права доступа: 9 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.dci.magzter

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Magzter - Magazine Store

[2012-06-12] Gulfam:
Bad zoom Please add extra zoom as currently it is very difficult to read the mags
[2012-06-05] Clarence:
Really use full and worthy app Here u will get the latest magazines at massively reduced prices. I can now drop my physical subscriptions and go digital.
[2012-06-04] Chavalier Bayard:
Hudroid Works wonderfully, good app.
[2012-05-30] sujay:
-5 Unable to read magazines I psid for. L
[2012-05-28] Mahalakshmi:
Pretty good Very good app
[2012-05-28] Thilo:
Have to agree App looks great and works fine
[2012-05-28] ganesh:
Love the new update
[2012-05-28] anil:
Amazing very good to read magazines on my phone..pls add more magazines
[2012-05-28] venki:
Great app.... Good the app really rocks.
[2012-05-28] Joleen:
Its amazing I love this app so much! Amazing stuff. Comparing to magzter 1.0, 2.0 series is great... can get my favorite magazine femina here, no where else.. Country store is also a new useful option... offline reading is quite impressive...
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