한국 뉴스 (v. 5.7.3)
Разработано Daingo
한국 뉴스: The easiest way to read Korean (한국어) news on Android. No notification, icon and bookmark ads.
- Provide news from the major news sites from South Korea (한국):
* Google 뉴스 한국 (news.google.co.kr)
* 연합뉴스 (yonhapnews.co.kr)
* Naver 뉴스 (naver.com)
* Daum 뉴스 (daum.net)
* Nate 뉴스 (nate.com)
* 조선일보 (chosun.com)
* 중앙일보 (joinsmsn.com)
* 신문 한국일보 (hankooki.com)
* 동아일보 (donga.com)
* 매일경제신문 (mk.co.kr)
* 매일경제 (hankyung.com)
* 한겨레 (hani.co.kr)
* 아시아경제 (asiae.co.kr)
* 경향닷컴 (khan.co.kr)
* YTN - 와이티엔 (ytn.co.kr)
* 야후! 코리아 (kr.yahoo.com)
- News by site.
- News by category.
- Download news briefs automatically.
- Offline reading.
- Convert webpage to mobile format.
- Remove or sort news sources.
- Edit default news sources
- Add more news sources via RSS
- Import more news sources via OPML
- Option to block images (reduce bandwidth).
- Share news via SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter...
- If any sites are not loaded any more after upgrading, please clear the cache and try again (Open Android Settings > Applications > Manage application > 한국 뉴스 and then Clear cache).
- If the application crashes after upgrading, please uninstall and reinstall it.