Época NEGÓCIOS Mobile (v. 1.10)
Editora Globo опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
Assim como a edição impressa e o site, a versão móvel de Época NEGÓCIOS tem a pretensão de servir como Inspiração para Inovar. Aqui você acessa artigos, reportagens especiais, além das notícias mais importantes do dia para o mundo dos negócios. Todos os blogs também podem ser acessados por aqui. Neles, especialistas falam de Carreira, Sustentabilidade, Tecnologia, Finanças Pessoais e Cultura. |
La Jornada (v. 4.8.96)
DEMOS, Desarrollo de Medios опубликовал приложение 2011-03-13
Diario mexicano de circulación nacional en versión móvil. |
What's HOT Widget (v. 1.6)
Pure Force опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
The What's HOT Widget is a simple app that helps keep you up to date on the latest trending topics. When you add this widget to your home screen you will see the top four Google search terms along with arrows that show if the topic is gaining or losing popularity. You can also select the MORE option to see the full list of the most popular Google search terms. Selecting a topic will send you to the Google News search results for that term so you can quickly find out why that topic is interesting. |
Tibetan News & Music (v.
Digital Vajra опубликовал приложение 2012-07-12
This “Tibetan News & Music” app will keep you up to date with the news of the Tibetan world and the music that keeps its culture dancing! The VOA, Radio Free Asia,Lhasa Tibetan News, and Qinghai Tibetan News broadcasts will update automatically for your convenience. As an extra surprise, you will be invited into the presence of H. H. the 14th Dalai Lama via his many recorded teachings and interviews! |
The Dallas Morning News (v. 3.1)
The Dallas Morning News опубликовал приложение 2012-07-11
From Breaking News and Things to Do to Weather and Entertainment, The Dallas Morning News Android app gives you local news and information that slides right into your world. This is the next generation of The Dallas Morning News you’ve been waiting for! |
东方早报-dfdaily News Reader (v. 2.0.1224)
DFdaily опубликовал приложение 2012-07-09
《东方早报》2003年7月7日创刊于上海,由上海文汇新民联合报业集团主办,是一份综合性政经日报,它立足上海,辐射长三角地区,上海、浙江、江苏三地同步发行。 |
汽车之家 (v. 2.5.0)
autohome.com.cn опубликовал приложение 2011-03-07
全球访问量最大的汽车网站,汽车之家(www.autohome.com.cn)为广大汽车消费者提供买车、用车、养车及与汽车生活相关的全程服务。手机客户端的推出,致力于第一时间提供最全面、专业、可信赖、高互动性的内容,用户手指轻点屏幕即可尽情浏览丰富内容,各种汽车资讯,轻松找车选车,随时参与论坛互动,一切尽在汽车之家客户端! |
Νέα Υγρού Στίβου (v. 0.6)
Androidifing Life опубликовал приложение 2012-07-04
... by multiPROJECT and Water POLO Scout |
Het Parool Mobile (v. 2.9)
De Persgroep Publishing опубликовал приложение 2012-07-03
Download nu de nieuwe Android-app van Parool.nl, de site van de Amsterdamse krant Het Parool. |
Trouw.nl Mobile (v. 2.9)
De Persgroep Publishing опубликовал приложение 2012-07-03
Download gratis Trouw.nl Mobile en blijf ook onderweg op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws. Alle artikelen van Trouw.nl nu ook op je Android phone! |