Majorca Magazine (v. 1.1.8)
Majoobi AS опубликовал приложение 2012-05-22
The official Majorca Magazine app is here! A monthly on line magazine featuring the latest news about the Island of Majorca, people, events and local business. |
Smoking Barrel (v. 1.0.2)
Levanchuk опубликовал приложение 2012-05-20
Smoking Barrel Production Blog |
Pays Montbéliard Agglomération (v. 1.2.1)
D-klik опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
Toute l'info de Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération |
Mixed Book Bag (v. 2) опубликовал приложение 2012-05-16
A great companion for your e-reader. Book reviews (Historical, Sci Fi, Romance, Mystery) and author interviews as well as a recommended reading list. |
iTech Report (v.
iTech Network Australia опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
Get all the latest content from across the iTech Network on your Android device today with the new and revamped application. |
中国人的一天 (v. 1.1) опубликовал приложение 2012-04-21
中国人的一天是没有阶级之分,每一位中国人,只要会拍照,会写字,无论专业或业余, |
AsianGeo (v. 1.0)
Smoov Pte Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-01-30
Asian Geographic has been in circulation since 1999 and seeks to reveal the cultural riches and diversity of Asia. Our magazine is the only regional magazine that covers cultural, social and geographical issues in a comprehensive, high-quality format. With every issue, we bring you thought-provoking stories by award-winning writers and field researchers, larger-than-life photographs from our many professional photographers, and unparalleled coverage on environmental concerns. Our editorial identity is trusted by thousands across the globe. |
清月記 - 訃報 (v. 1.0)
SEIGETSUKI Co., Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
「清月記 - 訃報」は、Android搭載端末で、訃報を閲覧できるアプリです。 |
G-TechNews (v. 3)
waptech опубликовал приложение 2012-01-25
G-TechNews contains all the latest gadget news you need. It mashup all the web news feeds about gadget right into one application in your phone. |
第64届戛纳快报 (v. 3.3.032_14)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-01-14
戛纳(Cannes)是法国东南部城市,欧洲有名的旅游胜地和国际名流社交集会场所,因国际电影节而闻名于世。位于尼斯西南约26千米,濒地中海,是阿尔卑斯滨海省政府省政府会。人口7.1万(1975)。这里海水蔚蓝、棕榈葱翠,气候温和,风光明媚,与尼斯和蒙特卡洛并称为南欧三大游览中心。戛纳拥有世界上最洁白漂亮的海滩,海滨建有游泳场。是度假的好场所。棕榈树海滨大道沿海岸伸展,道旁多豪华旅馆。戛纳国际电影节所在地。为旅游地。戛纳主要景点有:海滨大道、老城区、11世纪城堡等。 |