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[2012-08-10] A Google User: Cai |
[2010-12-31] A Google User: Fast response, neat interface |
[2010-12-31] duoduo's daddy: Fast response, neat interface |
[2010-12-30] A Google User: Terrific |
[2010-12-30] Wyatt: Terrific |
[2010-12-02] A Google User: 很好用,希望新版能增加直接在程序内打开新闻的功能,而不需要调用浏览器。 |
[2010-12-02] freehunter: 很好用,希望新版能增加直接在程序内打开新闻的功能,而不需要调用浏览器。 |
[2010-09-26] A Google User: Good tool, worth to download !!! |
[2010-09-26] qianwen: Good tool, worth to download !!! |
[2010-08-05] A Google User: 不错,很好! |
[2010-08-05] 企鹅: 不错,很好! |
[2010-06-16] A Google User: A lot of info. I like it. |
[2010-06-16] droid8: A lot of info. I like it. |
[2010-05-30] A Google User: Good Chinese app. Thx. |
[2010-05-30] store: Good Chinese app. Thx. |
[2010-05-24] A Google User: 非常方便,十分好用。 |
[2010-05-24] Global: 非常方便,十分好用。 |
[2010-05-21] A Google User: Very good. |
[2010-05-21] wheaton: Very good. |
[2010-04-17] A Google User: Tons of features. |
[2010-04-17] Verizon: Tons of features. |
[2010-02-07] A Google User: 对2.01版不夠穩定 |
[2010-02-07] A Google User: very easy to use and wonderful content, I like it so much! |
[2010-02-07] Lai: 对2.01版不夠穩定 |
[2010-02-07] Lawrence: very easy to use and wonderful content, I like it so much! |
[2009-12-05] A Google User: simple to use and navigate. |
[2009-12-05] tmobile: simple to use and navigate. |
[2009-12-04] A Google User: Great app. I like it. |
[2009-12-04] tmoboepgdenn: Great app. I like it. |
[2009-12-01] A Google User: Best Chinese app on the market. |