HAR Album (v. 2.2)
appsbar johnl опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
Pokud vám Noseyho jméno příliš neříká, tak vězte že jde o talentovaného producenta, jehož beaty jste mohly zaregistrovat na nedávném EPíčku Pana Radu, či narozeninovém mixtapeu konkurečního slovenského webu 90bpm.sk, jenž namíchal dohromady DJ Spank z Trnavy. A jestli jste vám přecejenom náhodou Noseyho práce doposud unikala, tak není nic lepšího, než to napravit poslechem jeho nejčerstvějších instrumentálek vycházejících pod názvem High Absentee Rates, který jednoduše vystihuje aktuální Noseyho postoj k povinné školní docházce. Enjoy. |
Omas Zwerge (v. 1.1.0)
Powerplay Media опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
Deutschsprachige Songs über Partys, die Gesellschaft, das Leben und die Liebe sowie zahlreiche Live-Auftritte stehen bei Omas Zwergen auf dem Programm. Sei es als Support für die Beatsteaks oder Montreal, auf Stadionbühnen, Festivals oder in Clubs, Omas Zwerge reißen mit – bei ihren Live-Konzerten bebt das Publikum. Durch stetige Bühnenpräsenz sammelten „die Zwerge“ wertvolle Erfahrungen und haben ihr erstes Studioalbum veröffentlicht. Eine kleine Ode an den deutschen Pop-Punkrock liefert die Band mit „Stereopunk“ – eine facettenreiche Songsammlung mit sympathisch-vielschichtigen Zügen. Hier könnt ihr euch kostenlos die APP dazu herunterladen. |
LENZ (v. 1.1.1)
Powerplay Media опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
LENZ bestechen durch melodienreiches Songwriting und erschaffen ganz nebenbei tanzbare Poesie. Schon auf Ihrem Debut Album "Augen Auf Und Durch" zeigten die Berliner Pop-Poeten 2009 was in Ihnen steckt, eine bundesweite Clubtour & zahlreiche Airplay- Rotationen später präsentiert sich die Band als Hoffnungsträger am deutschen Pophimmel. |
Daxton (v. 1.0)
Aus App Academy опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
Southern blues sound. Daxton Monaghan "lives to write”. His familiarity with blues and country has shown punters there is more to him than just a song. Daxton can be best described as a prolific writer and stage performer his character bellows confidence and shines in personality. |
SRAOSS Radio Streamer (v. 1.0.0)
SRA OSS India Pvt ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
This application is capable of playing all the Radio Channels of Shuotcast Genres. And it is design to avoid the complexity about the flow to the user. It is a simple one screen application with more radio streaming stations. |
tamaGtCode (v. 1.0)
tamtam опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
ギターのコードを確認するためだけのアプリです。 |
Radio Capri / Radio Yacht (v.
Giuseppe Sorce опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
Radio Capri - Radio Yacht LA SPIAGGIA RIPARATA VISTA DAL MARE E VICEVERSA. Il racconto emozionale di un magico confine profanato dal solo ritmo della musica protagonista dei più suggestivi locali del mondo “vista mare” così come il vento caldo, sotto un cielo di sogni, porta il suono dalle barche in rada sulle coste più buie e inesplorate. È l’espressione di esperienze maturate in anni di ascolti, confronti, valutazioni, navigazioni ed esplorazioni emotive che ora trovano uno spazio definito ma fluttuante: la costa della musica. È il luogo di culto e di grande fede per tutti coloro che si orientano nella vita attraverso la musica, tra design, bellezza e natura, remixati e shakerati da una consolle con tanto di salsedine, da cui tutto parte. Do you want a drink? VI FAREMO SENTIRE LE STELLE. |
Sonora (v.
Terra опубликовал приложение 2011-04-10
Sonora is an Android App for those who want to listen to millions of free music tracks on their Android Smartphones or Android Tablets. And it comes totally integrated with Sonora in your computer. |
QSC DCP Connect (v. 6)
QSC Audio, LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
The Android connects to the DCP’s via Ethernet and standard wi-fi routers. Password protection ensures control is limited to authorized devices. The system is ideally suited to “boothless” theatres since theatre personnel do not need to physically access the equipment for daily operation and for troubleshooting in case of problems. |
Sher-E-Punjab (v. 1.03.01)
StreamTheWorld Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
The SHER-E-PUNJAB RADIO AM 1550 app provides direct access to interactive talk shows, local and Indian news, sports, traffic, entertainment, live audio, podcasts and our social media feeds. Since 2002, our station has been committed to covering the issues that matter most to South Asians and has now become a cornerstone in the community. Join in the conversation on air and online. Sher-E-Punjab Radio is Your #1 South Asian Voice! Download from the Android Market Place or www.sherepunjabradio.ca. It's free! |