“Twelve-Tone Matrix Generator” by Appademia
iPad | iPhone | iPod Touch | Android
An incredible tool for both music analysis and composition!
Designed for students, teachers, and composers. Search for tones within your matrix!
Enter a twelve-tone row using the scroll wheel (or any number of pitches between 2 – 12 tones).
Enter pitches and view them on the matrix as pitch names or numbers.
View pitch names using either sharps or flats.
View the matrix using either traditional or absolute value labeling.
Highlight portions of rows by tapping on a name (e.g. P1): tap once for trichords, twice for tetrachords, three times for hexachords, and four times to highlight the entire row.
Highlight multiple rows simultaneously.
Name and Save your rows. Return to them at any time using the Load button.
Email your row (highlighted or un-highlighted) right from the app.
Print your row.
Your current matrix is automatically saved between launches.
A legend provides quick information on pitch name/number equivalencies.
*iPhone version note: first use two fingers to zoom and in and out on the matrix; then use one finger to drag it left and right.
MUSIC ANALYSIS: this app allows you to Search a twelve-tone matrix for any sequence of pitches (1 – 12 tones).
While analyzing music: build your matrix and simply search for any tone successions you see on the score. Successions of tones will automatically highlight within the matrix. This is a “find” feature for the matrix.
No more row hunting: just search for the notes you see in the score!
Teachers: when projected for a class, this app makes an incredible tool for teaching twelve-tone music. Save all of your rows and highlight portions of rows to demonstrate properties found within them.
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