This music player is not fully functional! It is simply a Prototype and its purpose is to assure complete compatibility with all devices. This player does not (at this point in time) actually read music from the device! This Prototype supports both portrait and landscape screen orientations.
I will be constantly updating this app as I find bugs and from user-requested features or visuals. If there are any problems, please let me know what device you are on and which version of android you are running (including ROMs) and what the problem really is. If the app is not functioning for you, for example, a force close problem not allowing you to access the app at all, don't claim it is a faulty app as a whole. Send an error report so that I can fix what ever the problem may be and promptly release an update. I will be making a video of the Music Player showcasing what it currently has to offer.
For more information, please visit my website or email me :)