An 8 track sample player. Samples are loaded from your SD card. Each track has 8 steps. There is a bpm control. Settings can be saved.
Note: You must have AndExplorer installed to use this app.
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Works best with riffs that are 1-8 seconds long. Best to use 1 sample in each track "i.e. one check mark in each track" so that the processor doesn't become overloaded. Samples in same track won't re-trigger until the sample has "finished playing."
Bug alert: Once you remove an entry it is recommended that you save a blank entry (call it blank or just leave it blank) before you close the program. If you do not save a blank entry, (on the same form screen where you just removed a list item) before you close the program, the data will repopulate as a list item the next time you start the app.
Thanks. God Bless.