Последние обновлённые медицинские приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1361-1370 из 1731
Иконка для Pain Scale 1.0.1

Pain Scale (v. 1.0.1)

Guo Jhong-Yi опубликовал приложение 2011-08-22
(обновлено 2011-08-22)

It is a simple version of Pain scale which combines visual analogue scale(VAS) and Face Rating Scale. A pain scale measures a patient's pain intensity or other features. Pain scales are based on self-report, observational (behavioral), or physiological data. Self-report is considered primary and should be obtained if possible. Pain scales are available for neonates, infants, children, adolescents, adults, seniors, and persons whose communication is impaired. Pain scores are sometimes regarded as "the Fifth Vital Sign."

Иконка для CPM continuous passive motion 1.0

CPM continuous passive motion (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-21
(обновлено 2011-08-21)

A continuous passive motion machine for knee joint recoveryContinuous passive motion (CPM) devices are used during the first phase of rehabilitation following a soft tissue surgical procedure or trauma. The goals of phase 1 rehabilitation are Control post-operative pain, Reduce inflammation, Provide passive motion in a specific plane of movement , and Protect the healing repair or tissue. CPM is carried out by a CPM device, which constantly moves the joint through a controlled range of motion, the exact range is dependent upon the joint, but in most cases the range of motion is increased over time.

CPM is used following various types of reconstructive joint surgery such as knee replacement and ACL reconstruction. Its mechanisms of action for aiding joint recovery are dependent upon what surgery is performed. One mechanism is the movement of synovial fluid to allow for better diffusion of nutrients into damaged cartilage (which would be unimportant in the event of joint replacement), and diffusion of other materials out; such as blood and metabolic waste products. Another mechanism is the prevention of fibrous scar tissue formation in the joint, which tends to decrease the range of motion for a joint. The concept was created by Robert B. Salter M.D in 1970 and, along with help from engineer John Saringer, a device was created in 1978. CPM's reduce swelling, reduce pain, abd help patients maintain and increase range in motion. There are CPMs available for the knee, shoulder, elbow, hand, ankle and wrist.

Иконка для Experience Peace Brain Massage 1.0

Experience Peace Brain Massage (v. 1.0)

Moz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-21
(обновлено 2011-08-21)

Supports External SD

-This App Works Best Only with Headphone
*To start sound set the arrow timer-
-The best naturally relaxing sound!
-Truly miraculous relaxation that will keep you feeling rejuvenated once more.
-Close your eyes, put on a headphone , touch this application, put the device to sleep, and let your relaxation be at ease.
-Absolute pure relaxation from authentic sounds, not artificial but real sounds.
-These sounds do not loop back and forth, it's 100% real.
*24 hour Timer
*Automatic slideshow
*Beautiful Wallpaper

Brain massage will massage all your daily stress and improve:

•Creativity and inspiration
•Expanded awareness
•Mood enhancement
•Absorb, retain, and recall information
•Expand awareness and increase creativity
•Reach the deepest levels of meditation
•Obtain greater clarity and insight
•Reduce stress and anxiety
•Slow down mental activity
•Retrain your brain to sleep better
•Rest and sleep more deeply
•Replenish your energy
•Increase Creativity
•Increase your attracting force
•Gain clarity of intention
•Accelerate manifestation
•Generate states of joy and well-being
•Accelerate and support healing
•Generate nourishing states of well-being
•Enhance immune function
•Quiet mental chatter
•Relax mind and body
•Drift into high quality sleep
•Experience more joy and freedom
•Forgive yourself and others
•Discover newfound energy
•Increase Optimism and Confidence
Use this app while you sleep, read, study, work, or exercise! Doctor's #1 recommendation for mental illness treatment!

Иконка для Astral Serenity Brain Massage 1.0

Astral Serenity Brain Massage (v. 1.0)

Moz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-21
(обновлено 2011-08-21)

Supports External SD

*To start sound set the arrow timer-
-This App Works Best Only with Headphone

-The best naturally relaxing sound!
-Truly miraculous relaxation that will keep you feeling rejuvenated once more.
-Close your eyes, put on a headphone , touch this application, put the device to sleep, and let your relaxation be at ease.
-Absolute pure relaxation from authentic sounds, not artificial but real sounds.
-These sounds do not loop back and forth, it's 100% real.
*24 hour Timer
*Automatic slideshow
*Beautiful Wallpaper

Brain massage will massage all your daily stress and improve:

•Creativity and inspiration
•Expanded awareness
•Mood enhancement
•Absorb, retain, and recall information
•Expand awareness and increase creativity
•Reach the deepest levels of meditation
•Obtain greater clarity and insight
•Reduce stress and anxiety
•Slow down mental activity
•Retrain your brain to sleep better
•Rest and sleep more deeply
•Replenish your energy
•Increase Creativity
•Increase your attracting force
•Gain clarity of intention
•Accelerate manifestation
•Generate states of joy and well-being
•Accelerate and support healing
•Generate nourishing states of well-being
•Enhance immune function
•Quiet mental chatter
•Relax mind and body
•Drift into high quality sleep
•Experience more joy and freedom
•Forgive yourself and others
•Discover newfound energy
•Increase Optimism and Confidence
Use this app while you sleep, read, study, work, or exercise! Doctor's #1 recommendation for mental illness treatment!

Иконка для Ascend Higher Brain Massage 1.0

Ascend Higher Brain Massage (v. 1.0)

Moz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-21
(обновлено 2011-08-21)

Support External SD

*To start sound set the arrow timer-

This App Works Best Only with Headphone

-The best naturally relaxing sound!
-Truly miraculous relaxation that will keep you feeling rejuvenated once more.
-Close your eyes, put on a headphone , touch this application, put the device to sleep, and let your relaxation be at ease.
-Absolute pure relaxation from authentic sounds, not artificial but real sounds.
-These sounds do not loop back and forth, it's 100% real.
*24 hour Timer
*Automatic slideshow
*Beautiful Wallpaper

Brain massage will massage all your daily stress and improve:

•Creativity and inspiration
•Expanded awareness
•Mood enhancement
•Absorb, retain, and recall information
•Expand awareness and increase creativity
•Reach the deepest levels of meditation
•Obtain greater clarity and insight
•Reduce stress and anxiety
•Slow down mental activity
•Retrain your brain to sleep better
•Rest and sleep more deeply
•Replenish your energy
•Increase Creativity
•Increase your attracting force
•Gain clarity of intention
•Accelerate manifestation
•Generate states of joy and well-being
•Accelerate and support healing
•Generate nourishing states of well-being
•Enhance immune function
•Quiet mental chatter
•Relax mind and body
•Drift into high quality sleep
•Experience more joy and freedom
•Forgive yourself and others
•Discover newfound energy
•Increase Optimism and Confidence
Use this app while you sleep, read, study, work, or exercise! Doctor's #1 recommendation for mental illness treatment!

Иконка для Control Your Mind BrainMassage 1.0

Control Your Mind BrainMassage (v. 1.0)

Moz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-21
(обновлено 2011-08-21)

Supports External SD

-This App Works Best Only with Headphone
*To start sound set the arrow timer-
-The best naturally relaxing sound!
-Truly miraculous relaxation that will keep you feeling rejuvenated once more.
-Close your eyes, put on a headphone , touch this application, put the device to sleep, and let your relaxation be at ease.
-Absolute pure relaxation from authentic sounds, not artificial but real sounds.
-These sounds do not loop back and forth, it's 100% real.
*24 hour Timer
*Automatic slideshow
*Beautiful Wallpaper

Brain massage will massage all your daily stress and improve:

•Creativity and inspiration
•Expanded awareness
•Mood enhancement
•Absorb, retain, and recall information
•Expand awareness and increase creativity
•Reach the deepest levels of meditation
•Obtain greater clarity and insight
•Reduce stress and anxiety
•Slow down mental activity
•Retrain your brain to sleep better
•Rest and sleep more deeply
•Replenish your energy
•Increase Creativity
•Increase your attracting force
•Gain clarity of intention
•Accelerate manifestation
•Generate states of joy and well-being
•Accelerate and support healing
•Generate nourishing states of well-being
•Enhance immune function
•Quiet mental chatter
•Relax mind and body
•Drift into high quality sleep
•Experience more joy and freedom
•Forgive yourself and others
•Discover newfound energy
•Increase Optimism and Confidence
Use this app while you sleep, read, study, work, or exercise! Doctor's #1 recommendation for mental illness treatment!

Иконка для Stutter Rater 1.0.3

Stutter Rater (v. 1.0.3)

Michael Oates опубликовал приложение 2011-08-21
(обновлено 2011-08-21)

Stutter Rater is a simple stutter counter for use when diagnosing and treating clients.

Иконка для Pharmacy News 1.0

Pharmacy News (v. 1.0)

JKDApps.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-21
(обновлено 2011-08-21)

A regularly updated listing of current news articles concerning Pharmacy matters.

Individual articles are retrieved when the related Headline/Title is clicked. The listing is refreshed each time the App is launched, and the underlying database is systematically updated as new articles become available.

Articles generally address related subjects.  Some articles may contain more general or less directly related content.  Additionally, the listing may also include articles related to available and emerging products and services.

If you like this app, rate it highly. High rated apps get new features. Low rated apps get killed. If you have suggestions please send them to me via email and not in the comments.

Иконка для Børn & Helbred 1.6

Børn & Helbred (v. 1.6)

Mentor Instituttet опубликовал приложение 2011-08-18
(обновлено 2011-08-18)

Applikationen Børn & Helbred er en nyttig guide til at hjælpe dit barn ved sygdom og skader samt et værktøj med gode råd om helbred, sundhed og trivsel.

Ved at bruge opslaget med almindelige sygdomme kan du selv vurdere dit eget barns tilstand og let hente information om:

- Hvad du selv kan gøre
- Hvornår du skal kontakte en læge næste dag
- Hvornår du skal kontakte en læge med det samme

Desuden kan du finde oplysninger om relevant medicin du kan bruge og om særlige smitteforhold. Den pædagogiske opbygning er også brugt til håndfaste artikler om førstehjælp til børn.

Følg derudover dit barns udvikling med statistik om normal højde og vægt, og udregn BMI for at vurdere sund vægt ved hjælp at kurver for drenge og piger.

Find rådgivning om forholdsregler du bør tage når du skal på rejse  med dit barn, en generel medicinvejledning og en oversigt over det danske vaccinationsprogram.

Applikationen indeholder kort sagt alle de uundværlige råd til forældre.


astma, bidsår,blindtatmsbetændelse, børneeksem, børneorm, børnesår, diaré og opkastning, falsk, strubehoste, feber, feberkramper, fnat, fodsvamp, forhudsforsnævring, forkølelse, forkølelsessår, forstoppelse, hæshed, halsbetændelse, halten, hånd-, fod- og mundsygdom, hjernerystelse, høfeber, hoste, hovedpine, influenza, instekstik, kighoste, knæsmerter, kold lungebetændelse, kolik, kønsvorter, køresyge/transportsyge, kyssesyge, lungebetændelse, mæslinger, manglende testikel i pungen, mellemørebetændelse, meningitis, mundbetændelse, nældefeber, ringorm, rød numse, RS-virus, sengevædning, skarlagensfeber, skelen, skoldkopper, skovflåtbid, smerter, søsyge, stammen, tænder i frembrud, tandskader, tåreflåd, tredagesfeber, trøske, udslæt, urinvejsbetændelse, vandvorter, vokseværk,vorter, øjenbetændelse

bidsår, brandmand, faldskader, fjæsingstik, forbrændinger, forgiftninger, fremmedlegmer i næsen, hjernerystelse, insektstik, næseblod, sår, søsyge, tandskader, øjenskader

Se også hjemmesiden: www.sygebørn.dk

Udgivet af:
Mentor Instituttet

Andreas Rudolph

Introduktionsvideo findes også på youtube, søg på "Børn & Helbred" eller brug linket: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3oVpb2hNFPM

ekstra søgeord:
Sundhed, Sygdom, Syge Børn, baby, babyer, børnesygdomme, Lægevagten, BMI kurver, BMI udregner, kost, kost vejledning, vækst, pasning, institution, ferie, vejledning, doktor, netdoktor, smitte og institution, mor, far, teenager, pleje, Børn og Helbred, helse, børnehave, unge, nød, nødsituation, akut,ferie

Иконка для STERRAD® Sterility Guide 1.1

STERRAD® Sterility Guide (v. 1.1)

Advanced Sterilization Products опубликовал приложение 2011-08-18
(обновлено 2011-08-18)

The convenience of the STERRAD® Sterility Guide (SSG) in the palm of your hands! When you need it, where you need it.

The STERRAD® Sterility Guide mobile app offers the following notable features:

• One source for up-to-date sterilization information
• Conveniently available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
• Provides information specific to all STERRAD® Systems
• Device listings are medical-device-manufacturer specific
• Notification via e-mail of when devices are added

The STERRAD® Sterility Guide is the first of its kind in the industry, and is one more example that demonstrates ASP’s leadership and continued commitment to our customers.  For more information, please visit us on the Web at www.aspjj.com

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