Популярные медицинские приложения в Android Market

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Иконка для Urgence Scores 1.0

Urgence Scores (v. 1.0)

MEDICAPP опубликовал приложение 2013-01-08
(обновлено 2013-01-08)

"Urgence Score" est un outil extrêmement utile, performant et particulièrement intuitif qui s'adresse essentiellement aux personnels médicaux, paramédicaux ainsi qu'aux sauveteurs (Pompiers, Croix-rouge, protection civile etc.).

Vous retrouverez les "6 scores essentiels" les plus couramment utilisés dans le monde de l'urgence pré-hospitalière (3 adultes et 3 enfants) avec la conduite à tenir en fonction du score calculé:

Brulé Adulte
Brulé Enfant

Ces scores permettront à tout ces acteurs de santé de pratiquer une évaluation très rapide et pertinente afin d'adapter plus finement la prise en charge de leurs patients et de passer un bilan encore plus précis lors de l'appel vers les services de secours.

Иконка для Urología Práctica 2.0

Urología Práctica (v. 2.0)

UPCB Apps опубликовал приложение 2013-01-06
(обновлено 2013-01-06)

Urología Práctica es un libro de consulta pensado para Urólogos, Médicos de Atención Primaria, Médicos de Urgencias, Nefrólogos, Ginecólogos y especialistas en Medicina Interna que quieran actualizar sus conocimientos sobre un tema concreto mediante una lectura rápida. Además, su carácter práctico con innumerables flow-charts y tablas de fármacos de muy fácil visualización, lo hace ideal para ser consultado rápidamente incluso mientras se está viendo a un paciente en la consulta, en urgencias o al pie de la cama en pacientes ingresados. Cada tabla de fármacos incluye el principio activo, la dosis, la duración del tratamiento y el nombre comercial en España. Fuera de España las pautas de tratamiento son igualmente válidas, pero pueden variar los nombres comerciales.

Para Atención Primaria, Médicos de Urgencias, Nefrólogos, Ginecólogos y Medicina Interna resultará especialmente útil el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de las urgencias urológicas (cólico nefrítico, hematuria, priapismo, escroto agudo, etc), la hiperplasia benigna de próstata, las infecciones urinarias (cistitis, prostatitis, balanitis, orquiepididimitis, enfermedades de transmisión sexual, pielonefritis, etc), la Incontinencia Urinaria (de esfuerzo y de urgencia), pautas en andrología básica (infertilidad masculina, disfunción eréctil, eyaculación precoz,  etc), el atlas de imágenes de lesiones urológicas cutáneas o el Urovademcum, por poner algunos ejemplos.

Para Urólogos, destacamos el acceso rápido a las pautas de actuación en urgencias (priapismo, sepsis, gangrena de Fournier, etc), litiasis,  tratamientos de patologías poco habituales (TBC urogenital, dermatosis peneanas, erecciones nocturnas recurrentes, ascitis quilosa postquirúrgica, etc), manejo del paciente urológico ingresado (preparación intestinal, profilaxis tromboembólica y antibiótica, alteraciones hidro-electrolíticas y metabólicas, anticoagulación y antiagregación, etc), enfoque práctico y conciso de la patología oncológica, aspectos legales en Urología, consulta de cifras normales de laboratorio, etc.

Dadas las posibles variaciones en las indicaciones de los fármacos, información de las dosis, toxicidad recientemente descrita, interacciones medicamentosas y otros asuntos de importancia, se recomienda al lector comprobar dichas informaciones. Pese a todos los esfuerzos realizados en la consecución de un texto sin errores, los autores declinan cualquier responsabilidad ante la inexactitud de cualquiera de los datos publicados.

El libro está distribuido en secciones a las que se accede desde un Indice en la página principal de la aplicación. Cada sección contiene un listado de capítulos, que se pueden abrir individualmente. Al final del índice de secciones, existe un índice de palabras clave, un índice de capítulos y un índice de las abreviaturas utilizadas en el texto. Otras funcionalidades de la aplicación son:

- Páginas web de interés en Urología: vínculos a calendarios de eventos, revistas urológicas, nomogramas prostáticos, vesicales y renales, calculadora de testosterona libre, cuestionarios validados, consentimientos informados, portales urológicos, y mucho más.

- Sitio para anotaciones: en cada sección hay una página de notas para que añadas toda la información que desees.

- Notas de voz: graba una conferencia o toma tus propias notas de voz.

- Dibujos para pacientes: usa nuestras plantillas para crear dibujos con los que dar explicaciones a tus pacientes.

- Sugerencias: envía tus comentarios, correcciones o sugerencias para mejorar la aplicación. Envía tus vínculos favoritos a páginas web o tus plantillas para crear dibujos. Los incluiremos en próximas actualizaciones con la referencia de la persona o grupo que ha aportado la idea.

El equipo de Urología Práctica.

Иконка для 한신메디피아 2.2

한신메디피아 (v. 2.2)

SK M&C опубликовал приложение 2013-01-05
(обновлено 2013-01-05)

한신메디피아는 최고수준의 장비와 의료진을 바탕으로 최상의 서비스를 제공합니다.
삶의 건강과 행복을 기원하는 저희 한신메디피아는 차별화된 장비와 노하우로 편안하고 질좋은 검사 환경을 위해 고객님께 항상 최선을 다하겠습니다.
종합검진 후 편한하고 안락한 휴식공간을 제공합니다.
*검진후 조리장님이 매일 직접 만들어 주시는 신선한 죽을 제공해 드립니다.

Иконка для 코리아안과 2.4

코리아안과 (v. 2.4)

SK M&C опубликовал приложение 2013-01-05
(обновлено 2013-01-05)

대한민국 의료 중심 강남 압구정에 위치한 코리아안과는 대학교수 출신의 국내 최고 의료진과 최첨단 장비로 시력교정수술 (웨이브프론트 라식/라섹/M라섹, 웨이브커스텀Q 라식/라섹/M라섹)과 안내렌즈삽입수술(알티산/베리시스/ICL), 노안교정수술 및 초음파백내장수술 등을 시행하는 안과수술전문병원으로 "환자를 내 가족 같이"라는 모토아래 최상의 결과를 위하여 최고의 의료서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

Иконка для DEMO - NJ BLS Protocols 1.1

DEMO - NJ BLS Protocols (v. 1.1)

EMS Protocols опубликовал приложение 2013-01-05
(обновлено 2013-01-05)

Not all links work in this version. This is a free version for evaluation. The full version is available.

New Jersey ALS Standing Orders & Regulations.
Keep your protocols in your pocket.

There is a search feature to search for protocol titles. This feature is located in the options menu.

Communication Failure Protocols are not part of the state regulations. If you would like a version of the regulations that include your project's communication failure protocols send a copy of your protocols to emsprotocols911@gmail.com.

You are able to enter 2 phone numbers into the application. These numbers are meant to be for your medical command and dispatch numbers. You are able to call these numbers from inside this application.

This app allows you to locate the nearest hospital using your phone's GPS.

No personal information is requested or used.


*This application is not meant as medical advice.*

The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS), any affiliates of or with, any federal, state, or local governmental agencies or any other organization has not provided funds for this application.  The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS), any affiliates of or with, any federal, state, or local governmental agencies or any other organization does NOT endorse this application nor is the application, and/or its creator/developer affiliated with the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.

The creator/developer of this application, The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS), any affiliates of or with, any federal, state, or local governmental agencies or any other organization does not accept any liability for any injury, loss, damage  or costs incurred, or any consequences resulting directly or indirectly by use of or  reliance on the information inferred via use of this application.

Although this application is based on widely-accepted published standards, the creator/developer of this application is not responsible for the results (or lack thereof) of using this application. The developer is also not responsible for any injury related to the use of this application.

The information provided within this Application is not a substitute for professional medical  advice, diagnosis or treatment; it is for informational purposes only. Talk with your  healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you  think there is a medical emergency, call the doctor or 911 immediately!

Nothing contained in this application, or the data presented, is intended to be used as a  substitute for a health professional's advice. This application uses data retrieved from public sources managed by third parties. This data may not always be available, accurate and up-to-date.

While the creator/developer of this application/software has made every effort to ensure the information contained in this application is correct, it may be out-of-date. You should never base an important medical decision on this application, but should rather consult with your primary healthcare provide, a doctor or contact 911.

*Your jurisdiction may have variations of these protocols*

By downloading and accepting the disclaimer  you agree to such terms.

*This application is intended for educational purposes only*

Иконка для Diafocus 1.3

Diafocus (v. 1.3)

DIGITHEALTH опубликовал приложение 2013-01-04
(обновлено 2013-01-04)

DiaFocus is a weekly online journal dedicated to diabetes news.

Every Tuesday, DiaFocus delivers:

- Podcast: the major scientific news in diabetes of the last days reported by medical journalist in a 3- to 5-min audio file.

- Article: recent topics in diabetes prepared by international opinion leaders, members of an expert board.

- Slide narration: expert explains key findings on pathophysiology, complications, and mode of action… These slides are freely downloadable for presentations.

- Interview: leaders’ points of view about the latest hot topics in type 2 diabetes.

Иконка для ポケット柔整 1.0.0

ポケット柔整 (v. 1.0.0)

black-rabbit опубликовал приложение 2012-12-30
(обновлено 2012-12-30)










Иконка для Intimity-Tracking my own cycle 1.4

Intimity-Tracking my own cycle (v. 1.4)

Twinbo опубликовал приложение 2012-12-29
(обновлено 2012-12-29)

Tracking my own cycle and predicts the fertile and ovulation phase.

Intimity can help you to:

. Understand immediately your daily status, using several status avatar colors
. Plane your next holiday or weekend with future menstruation, ovulation, fertility not fertility days predicted.
. Tag your days with sex, note, pill, weight, mood
. Use scale tools
. Statistics about your cycles
. Play with calendar flower petals, and monitor each day of your cycle
. Pregnant / not pregnant mode setting
. Auto and manual set period days
. Notification pill time and cycles
. Choose your theme avatar prefered

Should you have any further questions, suggestions and/or feedback, please do not hesitate to send an email to intimity.android@tweenhorns.com.

Иконка для CPR Rhythm Tool 1.3

CPR Rhythm Tool (v. 1.3)

Tech-Tact опубликовал приложение 2012-12-28
(обновлено 2012-12-28)

The CPR Rhythm tool shows the rhythm of the chest compression and breathing in CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) with a sound and animation.
It is useful as a supplementary tool in the CPR educational area.

< Function of CPR simulation >
It shows the compression rate with playing a sound 100(or 110,120)/min and animation.
You can start and Stop the chest compression rhythm by the shake gesture.
Please select a favorite animation from 4 patterns.
You can do the simulation by following settings;

*Simulation of CPR with C-A-B.
- You can select a compression-to-ventilation ratio, 30:2 or 15:2.
- It shows a interruption time with a picture that prompts to start breathing when you need a breathing. Then it sounds every 1 second and automatically restarts a chest compression after 10 seconds.

*Simulation of Hands-only CPR

*Compression - ventilation time recording
- You can record to compression and ventilation time. And save to SD card.

< Function of Timer >
Count-down Timer : if you want to lesson CPR at a given time.
Count-up Timer : if you want to check a elapsed time by CPR.

Opt. Alarm at a set time - you may use it for medication support at the situation of ACLS.

Иконка для Facility GIS 1.8.4

Facility GIS (v. 1.8.4)

JSI Ethiopia опубликовал приложение 2012-12-27
(обновлено 2012-12-27)

Health Facility GPS Marker.

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