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Insulin Bolus Calculator is a medical mobile application that calculates an estimated insulin bolus with active insulin to support your food intake or to correct a high blood glucose (BG). It is very necessarily for diabetic patient (with diabetes mellitus) on insulin therapy.
Insulin Bolus Calculator is similar to "Bolus Wiard" in Medtronic Paradigm insulin pump, "Bolus Advice Calculator" in Accu-Chek Combo insulin pump, "Insulin Calculator" in OmniPod, Animas, One Touch Ping and Dana Diabecare insulin pump.
• User-friendly interface
You do not have to aim in the input field and gain values on the keyboard. Maximum large buttons help you quickly dial your blood glusoce and carbohydrates.
• Active insulin (insulin on board)
Active insulin is the bolus insulin that has already been delivered to your body, but has not yet been used. The “Insulin Bolus Calculator” considers your active insulin time setting in determining any active insulin still in your body from prior boluses. This may help prevent hypoglycemia caused by over-correcting for high blood glucose. The “Insulin Bolus Calculator” automatically tracks active insulin for you.
• Different combination
Various systems of accounting carbohydrates. Various systems of measurement of blood glucose. Different combination.
• Configuration profiles
For example you can now make a profile on sports and then just switch it on.
• Saving all data
• Fine-tuning coefficients
You can specify the individual value of each factor (eg Meal Factor) and target blood glucose values for each hour. Twenty-four interval in the day. This will allow flexibility to accommodate all the features of your treatment of diabetes.
• A full report about calculated dose
If necessary, you can view a full report on the calculation of the recommended dose of insulin. Used in calculating the you entered coefficients, and the level of active insulin and much more.
• Full freedom
The calculated insulin dose is only recommended. If this dose does not suit you, you can specify a dose of insulin. And out of this dose will be calculated active insulin.
To use this Insulin Bolus Calculator, you need the following information:
Carbohydrate counting (in grams or exchanges): you need to know which foods contain carbohydrates and how to count these.
Your blood glucose: you need to know your blood glucose (BG) from blood
glucose meter.
In addition to your blood glucose and/or your food entry, the Insulin Bolus Calculator uses personal settings:
• carb units (grams or exchanges)
• meal factor (in carbohydrate grams/unit of insulin or insulin units/carb exchanges)
• BG units (mmol/L or mg/dL)
• correction factor (insulin sensitivity)
• target blood glucose range
• active insulin time (hours) (aka insulin on board)
Get this information from your healthcare professional, and, for best results, talk to your healthcare professional before making any changes.
How "Insulin Bolus Calculator" works.
After the "Insulin Bolus Calculator" is programmed, it can calculate an estimate of insulin you need for your correction bolus and/or your food bolus. You have the option of using the estimate or changing it as necessary.
On the main screen, select your current level of glucose in the blood. (The measurement you have to get on the meter.).
Then specify the amount of carbohydrates.
The program automatically calculates the recommended dose of insulin, with active insulin.
That would keep the calculated insulin dose and take it into consideration in calculating the active insulin following bolus, click "Accept"
To see the details of the bolus calculation , click "Detalis". On this screen you can specify your insulin dose. This dose will be considered when calculating the active insulin in the future.
Need more information - visit our site www.FelixSoftware.org