Новые медицинские приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
11-20 из 1731
Иконка для 酒方大全 2.3

酒方大全 (v. 2.3)

iFashion опубликовал приложение 2013-01-22
(обновлено 2013-01-22)


Иконка для 中草药大全 2.4

中草药大全 (v. 2.4)

iFashion опубликовал приложение 2013-01-22
(обновлено 2013-01-22)

中国是中草药的发源地古代先贤对中草药和中医药学的深入探索、研究和总结,使得中草药得到了最广泛的认同与应用。  中草药是中医所使用的独特药物,也是中医区别于其他医学的重要标志。  中国人民对中草药的探索经历了几千年的历史。相传,神农尝百草,首创医药,神农被尊为“药皇”。  本应用堪称电子版的本草纲目,将李时珍几十年的心血结晶浓缩为一体,呵护您的健康。

Иконка для Anaesthesia Logbook-Log4AS 1.25

Anaesthesia Logbook-Log4AS (v. 1.25)

m-pax опубликовал приложение 2013-01-21
(обновлено 2013-01-21)

The Log4AS App has been designed to produce the reports required by the Royal College of Anaesthetists for those training in anaesthetics and consultant anaesthetists. The App allows you to collect operation, resuscitation, and procedural data on your Android mobile device and to print the required reports.  The App has been tested by consultant and trainee anaesthetics in several hospitals in the UK.

f you use Playbook, you can find the ported version in App world.

For doctors training  for Intensive Care Units (ICU), please check our LogICU app: https://market.android.com/details?id=tk.m_pax.logicu

Key features:
• Intuitive data entry. Each time you add a record it is added to the existing set of records. It is possible to delete records, duplicate existing records, update and amend existing records at any time.
• Access to the data held on the Android device can be password protected in case of loss or theft.
• Data can be imported from other systems, e.g. iGas on the iPhone
• No need for WiFi or GSM/3G access when entering and editing data or generating reports.
• No need for a WiFi or GSM/3G connection in order to enter and save data or generate the reports. Data entered on each operation is saved in your mobile phone memory (security protected). You can also backup your operation data on the SD card on your phone.
o Once you have entered data you can create a backup at any time on your SD card. When you are in range of a WiFi access point (or a GSM/3G base station if you are paying for data transmission) for which you have access you can simply use the Log4AS App to email yourself another backup file that can be held on your mail system.
• Backup has an easy to read and understand Excel spreadsheet format.
o The backup files can be displayed on your PC or Mac as an Excel spreadsheet and imported back on your phone if needed.
• Reports are generated without the need for WiFi communication and can be viewed on your Android device screen for instant checking and reviewing.
o The report is stored in the mobile phone.
• You can email to yourself all the reports you have generated in one easy command so that they can be printed.
o The only times you need access to WiFi or a GSM/3G network is when you want to email another computer for backup and printing.
• The reports generated are:
• Speciality report
• Procedure report
• General Anaesthetic report
• Regional Anaesthetic report
• RSI experience report
• Obstetrics report
• Supervision report
• ASA report
• Case priority report
• Incident report (for events or incidents noted)
• Case urgency report
• Paediatrics report
• Comments report (for additional remarks noted)
• Easy to use screen locking device to prevent accidental modification of data when using the Log4AS App.
• Simple search capability so as you can find particular records for review or editing.
• Operation keyword suggestions: when you input the operation name in the record, you do not need to input the whole word, the App will give suggestions based on input letters. If you input a new operation, the App will remember the operation name and give the suggestion next time when you want to input it.

Иконка для Landmark Trials in Cardiology 3.0.1

Landmark Trials in Cardiology (v. 3.0.1)

Skyscape опубликовал приложение 2013-01-21
(обновлено 2013-01-21)

The authors have selected 25 trials that changed Cardiology and also put them into perspective, explaining why these studies were so important and how they influenced practice in cardiology. This latest update is based on 3rd edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates.
In today's evidence-based Medicine an intimate knowledge of the trials is mandatory. However, the sheer number of studies, especially in Cardiology makes the orientation very difficult for the non-cardiologist. Therefore, this reference will be very useful for residents of all disciplines, family doctors as well as for any other interested health professionals. The selected 25 trials changed practice in Cardiology and the authors also put them into perspective, explaining why these studies were so important and how they influenced current practice.
- Get 'just the important trials' or 'just the trials that changed practice'
- Newly added sections - Chronic Stable Angina and Epidemiology
- A user-friendly quick-reference guide of the '25 trials' that had the biggest impact on clinical practice across the breadth of cardiovascular medicine
- The most critical trials that residents and non-cardiologists need to know about
- Each trial is in context and emphasizes important strengths or limitations in the interpretation of trial results.

Иконка для 医療求人紹介 ForDoctor 1.1

医療求人紹介 ForDoctor (v. 1.1)

LIFE PLUS опубликовал приложение 2013-01-20
(обновлено 2013-01-20)

『医療求人紹介 ForDoctor』ならあなたにぴったりの転職先がきっと見つかります。

『医療求人紹介 ForDoctor』は医師、看護師、介護師、薬剤師など医療求人情報を掲載しているAndroidアプリとなっています。

『求人サイトって一体ドコを選べばいいのかわからない…』という方は数多くいると思います。『医療求人紹介 ForDoctor』はそういった方のためのAndroidアプリです。


就職、転職、比較、求人、仕事、日勤、夜勤、当直、交代勤務、短期、単発、長期、駅近、未経験、ブランク、残業、寮、住宅手当、履歴書、職務経歴書、送付状、添え状、募集、口コミ、ランキング、無料、新卒、第二新卒、再就職、育休、産休、スキルアップ、ブランク、キャリア、ベテラン、新人、素人、ステップアップ、海外、首都圏、全国、就職活動、就活、看護、介護、医療、厚生労働省、労災病院、クリニック、日本赤十字社、医療法人、社団法人、財団法人、医師、ドクター、院長、副院長、部長、医長、医院、診療所、看護大学、ナイチンゲール、白衣の天使、ナース、看護婦、看護士、看護師、准看護師、看護学部、医学部、看護師国家試験、認定医、専門医、指導医、標榜医、指定医、薬剤師、看護師免許、国家資格、医療資格、保健師、女性医師、助産師、コ・メディカル、常勤、正職員、正社員、非常勤、派遣社員、契約社員、紹介予定派遣、研修生、パート、アルバイト、スポット病院、療養、精神、診療所、調剤薬局、ドラッグストア、漢方薬局、製薬会社医薬品卸、CRO、SMO、老人施設、訪問看護、保育施設、健診機関、学校、臨床開発、企業、内科、外科、耳鼻咽喉科、美容、心療内科、心療内科、産婦人科、産科、婦人科、免疫療法、老人内科、呼吸外科、放射線科、人工透析、神経科、神経内科、腎臓内科、呼吸器内科、気管食道科、心臓外科、心臓血管外科、皮膚科、精神科、内分泌・代謝内科、血液内科、消化器外科、理学療法科、麻酔科、老健施設、眼科、消化器内科、脳神経外科、泌尿器科、性病科、こう門科、乳腺外科、小児科、小児外科、健診、検診、人間ドック、ペインクリニック、循環器内科、整形外科、形成外科、透析科、アレルギー科、リウマチ科、リハビリテーション科、救命外来、内分泌内科、緩和ケア、訪問診療、介護サービス、病理、救命救急(ER)、ICU、NICU、CCU、ホスピス、産業医、在宅診療、治験CRC、治験CRA、製薬、クリニック、老人ホーム、特養ホーム、MR、管理薬剤師、薬剤師、薬剤師助手・販売員、研究開発、学術、マーケティング、DM、調剤、服薬指導、薬歴管理、在庫管理、OTC、レセプト業務、教育・指導、DI業務、注射薬調剤、化学療法調剤、NST、管理薬剤師、マネージャー職、在宅、漢方、 薬局製剤、QC・QA

Иконка для 現役看護師の求人研究所 1.2

現役看護師の求人研究所 (v. 1.2)

LIFE PLUS опубликовал приложение 2013-01-20
(обновлено 2013-01-20)





就職、転職、比較、求人、仕事、日勤、夜勤、当直、交代勤務、短期、単発、長期、駅近、未経験、ブランク、残業、寮、住宅手当、履歴書、職務経歴書、送付状、添え状、募集、口コミ、ランキング、無料、新卒、第二新卒、再就職、育休、産休、スキルアップ、ブランク、キャリア、ベテラン、新人、素人、ステップアップ、海外、首都圏、全国、就職活動、就活、看護、介護、医療、厚生労働省、労災病院、クリニック、日本赤十字社、医療法人、社団法人、財団法人、医師、ドクター、院長、副院長、部長、医長、医院、診療所、看護大学、ナイチンゲール、白衣の天使、ナース、看護婦、看護士、看護師、准看護師、看護学部、医学部、看護師国家試験、認定医、専門医、指導医、標榜医、指定医、薬剤師、看護師免許、国家資格、医療資格、保健師、女性医師、助産師、コ・メディカル、常勤、正職員、正社員、非常勤、派遣社員、契約社員、紹介予定派遣、研修生、パート、アルバイト、スポット病院、療養、精神、診療所、調剤薬局、ドラッグストア、漢方薬局、製薬会社医薬品卸、CRO、SMO、老人施設、訪問看護、保育施設、健診機関、学校、臨床開発、企業、内科、外科、耳鼻咽喉科、美容、心療内科、心療内科、産婦人科、産科、婦人科、免疫療法、老人内科、呼吸外科、放射線科、人工透析、神経科、神経内科、腎臓内科、呼吸器内科、気管食道科、心臓外科、心臓血管外科、皮膚科、精神科、内分泌・代謝内科、血液内科、消化器外科、理学療法科、麻酔科、老健施設、眼科、消化器内科、脳神経外科、泌尿器科、性病科、こう門科、乳腺外科、小児科、小児外科、健診、検診、人間ドック、ペインクリニック、循環器内科、整形外科、形成外科、透析科、アレルギー科、リウマチ科、リハビリテーション科、救命外来、内分泌内科、緩和ケア、訪問診療、介護サービス、病理、救命救急(ER)、ICU、NICU、CCU、ホスピス、産業医、在宅診療、治験CRC、治験CRA、製薬、クリニック、老人ホーム、特養ホーム、MR、管理薬剤師、薬剤師、薬剤師助手・販売員、研究開発、学術、マーケティング、DM、調剤、服薬指導、薬歴管理、在庫管理、OTC、レセプト業務、教育・指導、DI業務、注射薬調剤、化学療法調剤、NST、管理薬剤師、マネージャー職、在宅、漢方、 薬局製剤、QC・QA

Иконка для MCAT 1.2

MCAT (v. 1.2)

Sprockit, Inc опубликовал приложение 2013-01-20
(обновлено 2013-01-20)

The top selling iPhone app for the MCAT is now available on Android!

Don't know where to begin studying for the MCAT? Tired of carrying books everywhere you go? The MCAT is a flashcard review app for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) - with over 2,000 detailed flashcards to help you prepare. Study on the train, on the bus, anywhere you want - as long as you have your Android enabled device.

"I use this app to help me study for the MCATs whenever I have free time. It covers all the major test topics."
- Jennifer Su


* Developed by experienced medical experts
* Comprehensive review covering every subject you need to pass the exam
* Allows students to study on the go
* Create and store your own personalized flashcards
* Elegant and intuitive interface
* Supports portrait and landscape mode
* Easy to navigate buttons

Included Content

* Organic Chemistry
* General Chemistry
* Polyatomic Ions
* General Biology
* Molecular Genetics
* Cell Metabolism
* Nervous System
* Embryology
* Physics
* Root Words
* Skeletal System
* and much more!

Download the MCAT app and get ready to score high on the Medical College Admission Test today!

Get free updates by liking us on Facebook!

Keywords: mcat, medical, medicine, biology, chemistry, prep, practice, exam, study, test, vocab, vocabulary, review,

Иконка для OD Excellence 2.6

OD Excellence (v. 2.6)

Local Free Apps опубликовал приложение 2013-01-20
(обновлено 2013-01-20)

We are committed to helping optometrists maximize the efficiency and profitability of their practices and evolve toward the 'medical model,' which includes diagnosing and treating ocular diseases they see every day in their practices.

The team of experts at ODX will teach and reinforce the clinical skills necessary to instill the confidence that will allow members to practice full scope Optometry and attain superior management skills for all phases of the optometric practice.

Иконка для Breastmilk Counts 2

Breastmilk Counts (v. 2)

Sherry Matthews Advocacy Marketing опубликовал приложение 2013-01-20
(обновлено 2013-01-20)

Congratulations on your new baby! Whether you're sure you want to breastfeed or you're still deciding, know that breastmilk is one of the most important gifts you can give your growing baby.

This App features:

- Teaches how breastfeeding is good for moms and babies
- 10 Tips for breast feeding success
- Breastfeeding Positions Chart
- How to Latch
- Find Lactation Help
- Free License and Breastfeeding Laws

Иконка для 프라이덴치과 1.6

프라이덴치과 (v. 1.6)

SK M&C опубликовал приложение 2013-01-19
(обновлено 2013-01-19)

저희 치과에서는 여러분의 미소를 찾아 드리고 있습니다.
항상 어느 곳에서나 활짝 웃을 수 있는 밝은 모습을 만들어 드리기 위해 최선을 다하여 진료하고 있으며,
좋은환경과 최첨단 의료 장비를 완벽하게 갖추고 있을뿐 아니라, 그동안 꾸준히 연구 노력한 경험과 노하우로 환자 여러분께 양질의 진료를 시행하고 있습니다.

건강하고 아름다운 치아는 마음까지 아름답게 합니다.
그 건강하고 아름다운 치아를 저희가 만들어 드리겠습니다.
그리고 최고의 기술과 장비로 수준 놓은 서비르를 제공하여, 저희 치과에서 치료를 받는 분들을 가족이란 생각으로 최선을 다해 치료하겠습니다.

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