搜狐视频-电影电视剧播放器,中国好声音独家开播 (v. 3.2.2) Разработано 搜狐视频 |
中国第一美剧播放平台,全球热播 103部最新美剧
100,000,000手机用户的忠实选择,手机看视频,装搜狐视频!《2013 中国好声音》全球独播,每周五晚相约搜狐视频手机端!随时随地免费观看中国好声音。
6、多屏互动:支持Apple TV、安卓盒子的AirPlay、DLNA协议,多屏互动,您已拥有!
搜狐、视频播放器、播放器、搜狐新闻、搜狐微博、搜狗、搜狗地图、搜狗输入法、优酷、youku、优酷视频、优酷HD、优酷拍客、爱奇艺、奇艺、奇艺、qiyi、奇艺影视、奇艺高清、奇艺音乐、PPTV、PPTV网络电视、PPS、PPS影视、PPS影音、乐视、letv、乐视视频、乐视影视、快播、QVOD、快播视频、开讯、KASCEND、开讯视频、土豆、tudou、土豆视频、美剧、高清、高清视频、高清影视、高清影院、无线电、电台、电视、网络电视、手机电视、播放器、收音机、radio、video、movie、MUSIC、FM、MV、音乐、音乐录像、PLAYER、MX PLAYER、MOBO PLAYER、YOUTUBE、百度、baidu、百度视频、百度音乐、腾讯、腾讯视频、腾讯音乐、QQ影音、搜狗、淘宝、360、手机卫士、杀毒、芒果、芒果TV、UC、UC影音、UCWEB、豆瓣、douban、豆瓣电影、豆瓣音乐、豆瓣FM、千寻、千寻影视、达龙影音、56视频、CNTV、暴风影音、迅雷、迅雷看看、100TV、酷狗、酷狗音乐、QQ音乐、天天、天天动听、千千、千千静听、酷我、酷我音乐、soundhound、poweramp、多米、多米音乐、tuneln、音悦台、音乐台、快手、网易、网易视频、网易新闻、新浪、新浪视频、人人、开心、58同城、赶集、唱吧、KTV、视频、电视剧、动漫、新闻、娱乐、八卦、热点、资讯、片花、新番、人文、纪实、军事、快乐大本营、我爱记歌词、天天向上、中国好声音、中国达人秀、我要上春晚、非诚勿扰、康熙来了、郭德纲、韩剧、台湾综艺、日本新番、女人我最大、百变大咖秀、湖南卫视、江苏卫视、公开课、火花电视剧、大太监、火花电影、微看电视、魔力视频
搜狐、搜狐视频、搜狐新闻、搜狐微博、搜狗、搜狗地图、搜狗输入法、优酷、youku、优酷视频、优酷HD、优酷拍客、爱奇艺、奇艺、奇艺、qiyi、奇艺影视、奇艺高清、奇艺音乐、PPTV、PPTV网络电视、PPS、PPS影视、PPS影音、乐视、letv、乐视视频、乐视影视、快播、QVOD、快播视频、开讯、KASCEND、开讯视频、土豆、tudou、土豆视频、美剧、高清、高清视频、高清影视、高清影院、无线电、电台、电视、网络电视、手机电视、播放器、收音机、radio、video、movie、MUSIC、FM、MV、音乐、音乐录像、PLAYER、MX PLAYER、MOBO PLAYER、YOUTUBE、百度、baidu、百度视频、百度音乐、腾讯、腾讯视频、腾讯音乐、QQ影音、搜狗、淘宝、360、手机卫士、杀毒、芒果、芒果TV、UC、UC影音、UCWEB、豆瓣、douban、豆瓣电影、豆瓣音乐、豆瓣FM、千寻、千寻影视、达龙影音、56视频、CNTV、暴风影音、迅雷、迅雷看看、100TV、酷狗、酷狗音乐、QQ音乐、天天、天天动听、千千、千千静听、酷我、酷我音乐、soundhound、poweramp、多米、多米音乐、tuneln、音悦台、音乐台、快手、网易、网易视频、网易新闻、新浪、新浪视频、人人、开心、58同城、赶集、唱吧、KTV、视频、电视剧、动漫、新闻、娱乐、八卦、热点、资讯、片花、新番、人文、纪实、军事、快乐大本营、我爱记歌词、天天向上、中国好声音、中国达人秀、我要上春晚、非诚勿扰、康熙来了、郭德纲、韩剧、台湾综艺、日本新番、女人我最大、百变大咖秀、湖南卫视、江苏卫视、公开课、火花电视剧、大太监、火花电影、微看电视、魔力视频、
[2013-08-03] A Google User: 半天时间给我耗了75M流量!!! 出离愤怒了!今天出门前缓存好了一部电视剧,在外面的时候一直是看的缓存,结果半天时间后收到流量报警短信,一查发现搜狐视频给我消耗了75M流量,正好是一集电视剧的大小。怎么看缓存还耗流量啊!!! 中途的时候我查看了一下流量情况,当时发现搜狐视频已经耗了9M流量,于是我在个人空间的设置里把“开启3G/2G网络”关掉了。最让人愤怒的也就是这一点,为什么关掉了还在耗我的流量!!! |
[2013-08-02] A Google User: 还不赖嘛 !!!!!☆ε★ |
[2013-08-02] A Google User: 耗电,耗流量 偷跑流量,禁后耗电。 |
[2013-07-30] A Google User: DLNA用不了 给点诚意解决一下dlna问题吧 |
[2013-07-30] A Google User: sneaky use up my data without noticefying me . wtf |
[2013-07-29] A Google User: Crash Crash on startup. |
[2013-07-26] A Google User: auckland very good. |
[2013-07-05] A Google User: Super G00D |
[2013-07-05] A Google User: Problems After update cannot open already....please fix.... |
[2013-07-02] A Google User: Blocked for non-china user Usefuless |
[2013-07-02] A Google User: Getting worse Going downhill, movies not as updated and popular shows being things a decade old? Restrictions of access if IP is recognised as out of PRC |
[2013-06-30] A Google User: 可以说是全部中国软件中最正 如果可以直接下载火影忍者就给5星 |
[2013-06-30] A Google User: 不错 很不错用! |
[2013-06-29] A Google User: Cannot search |
[2013-06-27] A Google User: 太垃圾了! 看不到戏的垃圾! |
[2013-06-26] A Google User: 勿更新3.1.2 軟體爛的一逼,手賤更新新版十五秒廣告,要不是有海賊王才不會下載這爛貨 |
[2013-06-23] A Google User: Everything also restricted Blocked for non-china use |
[2013-06-22] A Google User: 很烂 不能看 |
[2013-06-21] A Google User: Stupid App only can watch movies in China! outside China can't play at all. |
[2013-06-20] A Google User: 开不了! 这个软件开不了啊!麻烦尽快处理吧 |
[2013-06-20] A Google User: 多增加动漫和一些台湾剧 |
[2013-06-18] A Google User: 海外的看不了 |
[2013-06-17] A Google User: Now gd Why many time updates ? Why america drama cannot see & download ?! |
[2013-06-17] A Google User: nexus 10,打开时是竖版,只有点到所选视频后才能横版看。 |
[2013-06-16] A Google User: htc one 不能用高清播放器 直接退出 |
[2013-06-15] A Google User: 什麼都開不到 一個字形容~爛 |
[2013-06-14] A Google User: 海外的注意了,很多电视剧播不了,不要下 说由于版权原因,尼玛看个新闻还版权,直接上网看反而能看到。 |
[2013-06-09] A Google User: 改善謝謝。 為什麽 有的不能看 說是版權問題。 |
[2013-06-04] A Google User: Poor Unable to download |
[2013-05-31] A Google User: 不能用! 限制地区,几次了哦? |
[2013-05-27] A Google User: Nexus 4 Nexus 4 无法忍受的烫,youku tudou等等都没有问题,只有sohu视频,无法忍受的烫手。 联通包月没看到该选项,虚假功能。 --------------------------------- 3.1.1版本更新后使用高级播放器效果非常不错,手机烫的问题解决了. 希望添加功能: 1,横屏自动全屏. 2,虚拟键全屏自动隐藏 BUG: 1,视频清晰度选择的地方有问题,希望添加偏向性选择. 比如"使用更清晰的画质","使用更流畅的画质" 2, 高级播放器和兼容播放器,有时播放以后需要手动设置一选择一下高级播放器. 希望选择一次后就不要更改设置了. |
[2013-05-26] A Google User: 很多功能都没有完善 美剧资源完备,很赞。嗯,没其它优点了。 |
[2013-05-25] A Google User: Becoz of one piece Just rate it becoz it is the only app i can find to watch the all episodes of one piece:) |
[2013-05-23] A Google User: Rubbish Rubbish ,suck! |
[2013-05-18] A Google User: 每次开启弹窗更新,烦死 就不能搞个设置???开机自启,后台 常驻问题 |
[2013-05-13] A Google User: Time Common |
[2013-05-12] A Google User: Cannot open This app cannot open also, how to try use ? |
[2013-05-10] A Google User: Nexus4狂费电烫得烧手 看个超清费老鼻子电了,偶尔还略卡,手机烫得要命…搜狐视频你整个客户端难不成还是软解视频的吗?还有Nexus系列机型一直不解决全屏播放隐藏虚拟键的问题,都这么久了!! |
[2013-05-06] A Google User: Allan Ood |
[2013-05-06] A Google User: Cant open Cannot open. |
[2013-05-05] A Google User: so poor very poor, i cant watch videos in HK? HK isnt a part of China... ok u win |
[2013-04-29] A Google User: English language Is it possible to have English language translation for this? |
[2013-04-27] A Google User: Improvements upon updating:) Doesn't crash anymore and permits the downloading of hk dramas, but doesn't allow me to watch then directly without download simply because I'm not a PRC Chinese. Downloading process pauses once screen display is off, which slows down the process of file download. |
[2013-04-27] A Google User: dlna now works |
[2013-04-22] A Google User: chanaye1982 HomeWork |
[2013-04-19] A Google User: 鸡蛋糕!!!!!! Keep on force close after i have updated it /. |
[2013-04-18] A Google User: 播放界面不好!! 用galaxy nexus 和nexus 4虚拟按键不会自动消失!也也不能调屏幕亮度,建议学习一下Dice player |
[2013-04-15] A Google User: very poor cannot watch Korea drama |
[2013-04-10] A Google User: 看了一半没法继续 如果下载一半停了,继续下载后发现文件的size加大了许多,这样的视频看一半就死了。删掉重新下载过才可看。 |
[2013-04-07] A Google User: 版權問題 好失望,影片因版權問題不能收看,為何香港不能觀看?求解決此問題,謝謝 |
[2013-04-01] A Google User: 不给选清晰度 烂烂烂 |
[2013-03-21] A Google User: 常驻内存 |
[2013-03-20] A Google User: 令人惊讶的! 很好非常性感的App。The picture is clearer than YouTube or Youku♥. It'd be perfect if the file size was smaller (and it didn't take up as much space...) |
[2013-03-20] A Google User: 下载 下载完才发现因为版权问题儿不能收看。为什么? |
[2013-03-14] A Google User: Bad. Can't watch any of it!!!! It always force stop |
[2013-03-14] A Google User: Crashes Whats with all the crashing when I try to open |
[2013-03-13] A Google User: lòusy Can't watch any show hk show oso can't . |
[2013-03-09] A Google User: Force closed App can you please fix that? I cant watch my shows cos theyre always freeezing up. |
[2013-03-09] A Google User: just terrible this app stops every other ten sec...!!! |
[2013-03-06] A Google User: 銝 黨 |
[2013-03-05] A Google User: Samsung Note Cannot load. Always force closes. Please improve. |
[2013-03-02] A Google User: 超差 完全睇唔到video,一按播放冇幾耐就彈出一個窗口話出現錯誤。 試過好多次都係咁,一個字--廢!! |
[2013-03-01] A Google User: 怎么越来越烂了? 为什么一直强制关闭啊?前一秒还好好的~怎么下一秒就关闭了?????!!!!! |
[2013-02-27] A Google User: 坏了 以前超级好用,过了年,这个软件就完全用不了了。。。哭。。。以前所有视频都可以看的啊,现在都打不开了!求你们修好吧。。。 |
[2013-02-27] A Google User: Crashes |
[2013-02-24] A Google User: Slow Very slow |
[2013-02-23] A Google User: I miss the old version Always force stop., can't watch or download any movie ... PLS FIX IT UNINSTALL =< |
[2013-02-21] A Google User: 真遗憾! 搜狐那么大公司,居然能推出这么臭的软件,显然连基本测试都没做。找个像样的android程序员那么难?ios上的应用不是挺好的吗?! |
[2013-02-19] A Google User: App always forced to close Pls fix this problem! |
[2013-02-17] A Google User: xperie neo l always force stop download not stable pls fix it tq;) |
[2013-02-17] A Google User: 很烂 开不了,出现这个问题 Unfortunately, Sohu tv has stopped |
[2013-02-12] A Google User: Crap! Most of the dramas can't watch due to region issues and crashed! Crap! |
[2013-02-12] A Google User: Recently Cant watch any movie this few day... At 1st can watch all the movie but recently always force to close ..what happen to this apps? Please fix it... Anyone know what apps can watch more hongkong drama? |
[2013-02-10] A Google User: upgrade it how |
[2013-02-09] A Google User: Forced close reliably Most reliable application on forced closing. |
[2013-02-08] A Google User: Force close after latest update This used to be a very good application but after the most recent update it keeps on force closing when I am about to watch a show pls fix |
[2013-02-06] A Google User: Not worth to download Doesn't work at all |
[2013-02-03] A Google User: Apps stopped working after attempting to download After upgrading this apps, it seemed to get hanged or just stopped working |
[2013-02-01] A Google User: 更新后就一直有问题 总是下东西下不到或自动关闭, |
[2013-01-28] A Google User: Always Stopped Unexpectedly Downloads is slow & recently the app always forced close. Such bad & lousy app!! |
[2013-01-27] A Google User: App stop working This app keeps stop working when i want to watch shows by buffering. Please fix it. If not i cant watch shows. When i first used it it wasnt like this. I was very happy until now. Fix it. Thanks |
[2013-01-27] A Google User: Slow and keep force close Hope you all can fix the area problem, those stuff really annoying.. |
[2013-01-26] A Google User: 烂 |
[2013-01-25] A Google User: 無法觀看 能大約了解有什麼戲但要看時就會當機 |
[2013-01-23] A Google User: 通知栏推送广告?有没有搞错…… |
[2013-01-23] A Google User: 垃圾 海量?艹!连海贼王全集都搜索不到还海量?!好意思!真特么骗人不要脸! |
[2013-01-21] A Google User: after the last update the apps just force closed! finally the d/l n watch icon are back in version 2.4. after reading all the feedback i m not going to update to 2.41 version till all issues mentioned by other users are being solve |
[2013-01-20] A Google User: 非常不好 这个软件烂的有水平。赞! |
[2013-01-20] A Google User: Always force close. Older version worked much better. |
[2013-01-19] A Google User: crashes after update can't do anything after updated to v2.7.Uninstalled n reinstalled v2.5.1,didn't help.Whatever previously can download, now can't. Totally useless.If your version is working, DON'T update! |
[2013-01-19] A Google User: Sohu TV Lousy |
[2013-01-17] A Google User: Very poor no good |
[2013-01-16] A Google User: Bad app It never work! |
[2013-01-15] A Google User: Crashed on Nexus 10 Crashed on Nexus 10 when starting to play video. |
[2013-01-15] A Google User: Needs improvement Always crashes when starts to playback |
[2013-01-15] A Google User: Crashes Crashes when loading a video |
[2013-01-13] A Google User: Don't DL. Don't download. It keep crashing and can't download any show at all. |
[2013-01-11] A Google User: 根本看不了电视剧!! 更新之后连电视剧都打不开了,麻烦快点修复!!! |
[2013-01-11] A Google User: Poor, lousy When i load into the shows most of the drama cannot watch so disappointed Cannot download most of the korean drama more more lousy uninstall . |
[2013-01-11] A Google User: 烂泥巴 ! 老是停停停 ! 搞什么烂交 ! |