This application will allow you to turn your phone into a Dynamic Playlist DJ!
Have your friends text you with "dj Vibesquad custom stuff" (dj artist song) and DJSMS will queue their request into the playlist.
If you encounter any problems or difficulty using this application, or are otherwise unsure of anything, do not hesitate to email me at and I will do my best to resolve your issue.
Thanks for trying my application!
Paid version with many more features to come soon including:
*Bluetooth support for additional app DJSMSBuddy allowing android users to view the DJSMS library remotely and request songs, without having to text you
*Blacklist spam voters
*Cleaner, intuitive UI
*Sort/Filter Add Songs library
*Sort/Filter playlist
*Remove songs from playlist
*Save, recall playlists
*Additional SMS commands
*more (what would you like to see?)