(App in English / Français / Deutsch)
If you like wine, you might also want to describe your tasting experience with the appropriate words. However, it is not that easy to find the suitable terms to characterize a wine. In his book “Weine degustieren – leicht und spielend”, Kurt Gibel put an end to this lack for words (the book has sold about 85,000 copies until 2010).
This best-selling work is now available as an Android App.
- A guided, systematic sequence of all wine tasting steps, with additional tips for proper tasting.
- Explanations to the 120 essential tasting terms, and over 120 fragrances.
- Indications as to which characteristics or fragrances are typical for which wines.
You will learn the tasting terms in a playful way; soon you will be able to say off the top of your head which wines smell of, e.g., raspberries or honey.
Different Apps are available in the VinoMobile® series. No frills, just the essential facts on wine.