Последние обновлённые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
8041-8050 из 17250
Иконка для India And Japan 1.0

India And Japan (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

India And Japan

The present monograph deals with cultural interaction between India and Japan during 5th-14th cent. A.D. in the field of religion, languages and literature, art and painting. The story of the spread and dissemination of Buddhism and Brahmanism in the countries of Asia is really a thrilling story of Indian missionaries whose brilliant exploits in those far-off lands constitute a fascinating chapter in the cultural history of the world. Unfortunately the early Indian records have nothing to say about the activities of these noble sons of India. It is from the Chinese annals that we know how their selfless work had built up a common civilization for nearly three quarters of the Asiatic continent.

It was in the beginning of the fourth century A.D. that Buddhism entered Korea from northern Chinese countries and Korea's close contact with Japan paved the way for the spread of this religion in that country also. Although the substance of Japanese Buddhism was based on Chinese Buddhism it was always known that Buddhism was originally an Indian religion. However, it has been only in recent times that direct relations with India have been established. In this connection it is interesting to note that in the early periods when successive attempts of the Japanese monks to come to India to learn the language and the teaching of the Buddha failed, they devised another method to achieve their objective. They visited china one after another and made thorough and extensive study of the Sanskrit and Chinese languages to have a deep knowledge of the philosophy and teachings of Buddhism which were preserved in their languages in China. The history of the adventures of these Japanese and Indian monks is "a saga of extreme fortitude and endurance and of braving tremendous perils for the sake of religion". the dissemination of a synthesized variety of the Buddhist faith and ideology by the Japanese and the Indian monks and a study of language-manuals, art-objects, folklore and formal texts clearly reveals India's contribution to and transformation of the two heritages.

Иконка для EaveSpot OCPJP 1.1.1

EaveSpot OCPJP (v. 1.1.1)

Kurt Mbanje опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

EaveSpot (OCPJP) is an exam simulator for people preparing for the Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Exam (CX-310-065) offered by Oracle.
Test Prep is offered via a vast array of question covering the whole Exam objectives.

Иконка для APRS Viewer 0.2.1 (FC

APRS Viewer (v. 0.2.1 (FC )

Goddchen опубликовал приложение 2010-11-05
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

This is the first APRS app in the Android Market.
It's very early beta, so feel free to send feature requests and bug reports via mail :)

Иконка для TheDirty.com 1.1

TheDirty.com (v. 1.1)

AppCookr.co.uk опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

This is the first Android app for TheDirty.com.  The app includes a feed of TheDirty.com post, tweets from Nik Richie's on Twitter and watch TheDirty.com's videos on YouTube.  You can even buy your Dirty Gear.  If you're Dirty Army strong, this is the app for you.

Иконка для Tully's Coffee 2.0910

Tully's Coffee (v. 2.0910)

splick•it опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

Enjoy the world’s ultimate coffee shop experience right from your Droid phone.  Download the Tully's mobile ordering app. Our app lets you order and pay quickly from your phone. Just place your order, pay with a credit card and walk into Tully's and grab your order and go.

• Simple and speedy ordering right on your phone.
• Pay with your credit card so you can walk into a coffee shop and just grab your order and go.
• Stores your account information so you can place subsequent orders with a few quick taps.
• Causes grinning and quite possibly some level of smugness as you walk on by a waiting line of people.

Иконка для 한글/영문주소 우편번호 검색 1.6.3

한글/영문주소 우편번호 검색 (v. 1.6.3)

DongJin опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

한글/주소 우편번호 검색.
검색 주소 복사하기, 메일보내기

이 어플은 안드로이드2.1 이하 버전은 지원하지 않습니다.

우편번호DB를 포함하여 배포됩니다.
우편번호DB는 우정사업본부에서 제공하는
2011/03/10자 DB입니다.

최근 패치 내역
v1.5.5 - DB파일이 정상적인 파일인지 체크 추가.
v1.5.4 - DB파일에 저장 위치 변경.
v1.5.3 - 발견 된 오류 수정.

## 추천 어플 키워드 ##
필수 앱, 달력, 시험날짜, 시험접수, 점수확인, 합격, 자격증, CGV 영화 예매, 완전정복 자격증, 한자능력검정 급수별, 앱순이의 앱순위, 성격 유형 테스트, 물병편지, 자명종 프로, 나도, 핸드폰 분실보험 & 위치추적, 두근두근, 한국 프로 야구, 남자 아이돌, 11번가, 최저가 쇼핑, 계획 도우미, 워드업 무료 단어암기, 즐거운 사자성어, 각종 시험 일정 정보, 후토스, 세계의 국기, 한방에 메모장 스마트DMB, 아이들을 위한 ABC, EBS 온에어, 필기 재미, 글로리 코레일, 영어단어학습앱, 다음 팟, 보카로이드, 수학, 영어, 워크넷, 한자의 훈음, 2011 토정비결S, 네이버북스, 뒷담화, 정신연령 테스트, 롯데시네마, 날씨위젯, 코코몽시즌2 틀린그림 찾기, 터치, 환율조회, 책꽂이, t cash, 배경화면, 모자이크, 스마트빌, 시계 랙션, 혈액형, 아이유, 소녀시대, 슈퍼쥬니어, 동방신기, 빅뱅, 무한도전, 배달통, 맥스무비, DIGITAL CLOCK, 티켓링크, , 예스24eBook, 스마트 갈아타기, 도서관 좌석, 은어사전, TV맛집 제사의 달인, 바코드 스캐너, 블럭퍼즐 2, 배터리 정보, 실시간 검색어 , 코코몽, 틀린그림찾기, Bike Track, 자전거 여행, 여자어 사전, 캠핑장 정보, 잘 먹는 법 - 음식상식백과, 폰을 흔들어, 아임IN, 연봉계산기, 사람인, 다음 마이피플 무료통화, 기념일 관리, 세계의 수도, 뭉글 도난 경보기, 알람+, 날씬쟁이가 될꺼야, KBS 뉴스, 멜론, 전국버스, 지식맘, 프리리슨-무료음악 방송, 정신 연령 테스트, 드로우메모, 포도 리모콘, Talking Tom Cat, 프로 경찰청 교통안내, 랙션, CGV 영화 예매, 니 몸무게를 봐라, 열린약국찾기, 심리 테스트, 카카오톡, 트위터 , 티티톡, 오브제, BathingCat, TiKL, 튜브메이트, 여자 아이돌 월드컵, 함은정, 설리, 이상형 , 일본어 단어, 곰 전지, 무료 배경화면, 네이트온, MSN 톡, 페이스북, 전자신문, SBS 뉴스, 사진 다이어트, 리디북스, 고속도로 교통 정보, 서울 버스, 지하철 노선도, 2세 사진보기, 딩굴 한글 입력기, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이, 어플 제거, Daum 쇼핑하우, 롯데닷컴, 쇼핑랭킹베스트, 쇼핑카트 , 회화 번역기, 11번가, 하루 한 단어, 실시간 동영상 순위, 신세계백화점, 다음 지도, Google maps, 바코드 스캐너, 짠돌이 가계부, 카톡, 여행 통역사, 호핀, 컬러노트 Shazam, 알약, 사진 퍼즐 게임, 유박스, Kakao Talk, 배달의민족, 모두의 웹툰, 데몬헌터, 구하라, 산다락박, 현빈, 컬러라이트, 스마트 롯데, 가위바위보 게임, 지컷, 브라우저, 쿠폰모아, 멜론, fx, tving, 살랑살랑 돛단배, kb 뱅킹, 단위변환기, 학교 시험, 이미지패러디, Angry bird, 신한s뱅크, 네이버 웹툰, 소비자신문고, n드라이브, 네이트 만화, 티스토리 , 맛클 테마스토어, 하나SK카드 , 터치좀비, 푸딩, 싸이월드, 당신의 몸값이 궁금함, 대지마, ucloud, 세컨드라이브, bizhard, 소셜 매칭 게임 , 달력 위젯, 안드로이드용, 브레이커스, 자가진단 마이닥터, 무료국제전화, 파우더룸 , 칼로리 코디, 테그라크, Google 번역, 이마트 투데이, 신문, 음성검색, 네이버 뮤직, 카라, 비스트, 아스트로 파일 관리자, 살랑살랑 돛단배, 섹시, 영어, 화보, 갤럭시, 도돌, 인간관계, 오빠이거, 타자연습, 미디블 캐슬 디펜스, 맞고, 고스톱, 네이버톡, 연합뉴스, 미니, 티플, 문자, 국민은행, 미래에셋, 키움, 월급, 영어, 보카, 디씨 인사이드, 모두의 쇼핑, 라이프스타일, 생활백서, 고민그만, 카카오, 14일 이내, 잘 자는 법, 콜택시, 아스팔트, 알바, 구글, 안드로이드, 벨소리 메이커, 말하는 산타, 잘 자는 법 - 수면상식백과, 주변 음식점, CJONE 카드, 영화순위 - 무비차트, SKYPE, 사다리 게임, 컬러라이트, MP3, 좋은집구하기, 필수어플가이드, 뱅킹, 멜론, 고스톱, talking tom cat 강원랜드, 코코펀 쿠폰, 잘 입는 법 - 패션상식백과, 룰렛 게임, kb 스타, ShakeCall 흔들어, 지진계, 프로야구 2011, 에어 혼, 코레일, t world, 티아라 은정, 수애, 네이버, 다음, 싸이월드, 병원, 국세청, 식물잘키우기, 플래너, 말하는 요정, 디씨인사이드, 뽐뿌, 114, 장바구니, 씨스타, 보라, 효린, 수진, 아트데이, 우리은행, 리듬, 명언, 교보문고, 패션, 영화예매, 시간능력자, mbc mini, 수면관리, 웨더볼, 라스트서버, mnet, 완전정복 자격증, 버즈니, 영화 예매, 심리 테스트, 소셜커머스 모음 - 티켓초이스, 마이앱, 홈플러스, 끌량 클리앙, 싸이카메라, 스왑 모음 키보드 한글 키보드, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이, 한자학습, 전자신문, SBS 뉴스, 섹시, 영어, 화보, 갤럭시, 카카오, 잘 자는 법, 콜택시, 알바, 구글, 안드로이드, CGV, 두뇌건강 패턴암기, 컬러라이트, 필수어플, 뱅킹, 그루폰, 슈퍼스타, 낯선 사람과의 대화 (랜덤 채팅), 나가수, Voca , 위대한 탄생, 현대카드, LG전자, 음악, 대학, 대학교, 강원대학교, 강원대, 한림대, 고려대, 연세대, 성균관대, 중앙대, 서울대, 서강대, 외국어대, 외대, 인하대, 강릉대, 상지대, 세종대, 목원대, 국민대, 부산대, 충남대, 서원대, 충북대, 대전대, 안양대, 원광대, 전주대, 용인대, 전문대, 이화여대, 홍대, 덕성여대, 성신대, 경기대, 동아대, 경북대, 대진대, 카이스트, 포항공대, 한양대, 성결대, 서울시립대, 명지대, 경희대, 아주대, 건국대, 동국대, 홍익대, 전남대, 교원대, 교대, 숙명여대, 숭실대, 단국대, 항공대, 광운대, 대구카톨릭대, 명지대, 배재대, 강남대, 상명대, 한동대, 산업대, 예술대, 울산대, 해양대, 부경대, 영남대, 대구대, 동의대, 인제대, 안동대, 제주대, 경상대, 조선대, 동아대, 공주대, 한밭대, 대림대, 기술교육대, 경기대, 경원대, 한경대, 경주대, 신라대, 서경대, 전북대, 사이버교육, 계명대, 카카오, toeic, 토익

Иконка для Blog News 1.0

Blog News (v. 1.0)

HippyApps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

This is a collection of regularly updated news articles and stories about blogging: the latest trends; history;  bloggers; blogs; and more.

Иконка для George Pet Sitting Services 1.4

George Pet Sitting Services (v. 1.4)

App Dezine опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

Welcome to the George Pet Sitting App.  This app was created to make contacting me and getting information about my services easy.

I stay home so you don't have to... is what I am proud to bring you through my service.  With quality care for your pets you can rest assured your loved one is in good hands while you enjoy your time away from home.


north bergen, union city, west new york, edgewater, hudson county, bergen county, pets, dogs, cats, birds, sitting, walking, pet store, pet shopping, puppies, kittens, dog food, cat food, 07047, 07086, 07087, 07093, 07020,Dog Walker, dog, walking, Walkers, Dog, walker, pets, pet, pet sitting, walkers, dog owners, walks, pet sitter, Walking, service, business, City Dog, New York City, neighborhood, pet sitters,dog, Dog, Dog Training, Your Dog, pet, how to, puppy, dog food, training, health, pets, Dog Breed, dog owners, Training, dog training, every dog, health problems, Products, Dog Breeds, Pet,dog, Dog, Kennel, Dog Kennels, Pet, Dog Kennel, pet, kennel, Price, Shipping, Dog Crate, chain link, Dog Crates, Dog Houses, dog kennel, Products, dog kennels, exercise pens, PetSafe, cage,babysitter, Babysitter, baby, dog, The Babysitter, parents, babysitting, sitter, animals, Video Games, babies, game, Search, job, How to, Animals, girl games, girls, hire, TV,Pet Care, pet, dog, pets, pet care, Dog, animals, Pet, how to, veterinarians, cats, pet owners, Cats, nutrition, pet care tips, pet health, pet sitting, veterinarian, Pet Sitting, food,Pet Training, dog, pet, training, Dog, Dog Training, Pet, Training, dog training, train, pet training, products, Pet Products, Pet Trainer, leash, Price, obedience training, behavior, collar, dogs and cats,Concierge, concierge, concierge service, concierge services, hotels, errand service, guests, Concierge Services, hotel, personal assistant, personal concierge, corporate concierge, lifestyle management, Corporate Concierge, shopping, slave, travel, hotel concierge, International Concierge, online dictionary,New York City, New York, NYC, Manhattan, city, Brooklyn, Hotels, the New York, New Yorkers, Queens, United States, hotels, neighborhood, population, reviews, the Bronx, Staten Island, map, nyc, New York City, New York,Pet Lovers, dog, pet, pets, Dog, cats, pet lovers, Pet, dog lovers, Pets, animals, Animal Lovers, Pet Lover, cat lovers, dogs, family, Cats, Pet Community, pet care, pet food,ASPCA, animals, Dog, New York City, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, pets, dog, American Society, shelter, United States, prevention of cruelty to animals, animal cruelty, New York, Search, pet, pet care, adoptable pets, adoption, dogs, Sitecore,New Jersey, United States, Trenton, New York, population, states, Middlesex County, counties, New York City, residents, the nation, Atlantic City, Search, Map, Maps, census, economy, Bergen County, jobs, photos,North Bergen, North Bergen, New Jersey, New Jersey, North Bergen, NJ, Real Estate, the North, Map, North Bergen New Jersey, Hudson County, Search, Hotels, North Bergen NJ, Price, Bergenline Avenue, New York, NY, photos, population, Baths, Beds, search,

Иконка для Gigbox 2.0

Gigbox (v. 2.0)

Gigbox Team опубликовал приложение 2010-05-26
(обновлено 2011-07-31)


Never miss another concert with Gigbox!

Find gigs based on your location, favorite artists, or venues.

Use the watchlist to get notifications when artists play near you.

Easy access to artist biographies, artist pictures and music videos, similar artists and more!

In Gigbox Live, you can chat, rate, and upload photos during a live gig.

+ Find events based on location, venues, and artist
+ Get directions to concerts
+ Bookmark events, venues, or artist to quickly find events
+ Watchlist that automatically finds and notifies you when new concerts are available for your favorite artists.
+ Ticket links to BandsInTown concerts
+ Share concerts with you friends on Facebook and Twitter

Иконка для National Parks News 1.0

National Parks News (v. 1.0)

JKDApps.com опубликовал приложение 2011-07-31
(обновлено 2011-07-31)

A regularly updated listing of current news articles concerning national parks.  

Individual articles are retreived when the related Headline/Title is clicked. The listing is refreshed each time the App is launched, and the underlying database is systematically updated as new articles become available.

Articles generally address related subjects such as campground, outdoors, recreational vehicle, winter sports, state parks, conservation, wilderness, hiking, backpacking, trail bikes, tourism, forest, desert, mountain, lake, river, theme parks, etc.  

Some articles may contain more general or less directly related content.  Additionally, the listing may also include articles related to available and emerging products and services.

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