Promile SMS (v. 1.3)
LifeWeb Interactive опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
PROMILE.INFO je služba pro všechny, kteří chtějí nebo potřebují mít svůj alkohol pod kontrolou - je to služba pro řidiče, cyklisty nebo třeba lékaře a sestřičky. Funguje jednoduše, anonymně, a to kdykoli a kdekoli: pomocí jediné SMS v okamžiku zjistíte, kdy budete zase na nule. Na základě zadaných údajů Vám totiž PROMILE.INFO spočítá, jaká je vaše aktuální hladina alkoholu v krvi a zároveň, kdy budete znovu střízliví. |
Ocean Reef Real Estate (v. 1.0.1)
Appitise Inc опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
This app from Mary Lee Presents Ocean Reef provides valuable tools and information about real estate properties in and around Key Largo, FL. |
BagChal (v. 1.5)
TechnoGuff опубликовал приложение 2011-02-14
Bagchal is one of the traditional board games of Nepal. It consists of 20 goats and 4 tigers.The game starts with 4 tigers placed in 4 corners of the board and goats are mounted on the board one at a time.This game can be played alone against android as well as against another player.For details google Bagchal or Baghchal. |
COPiNOS Classic Car App (v. 1.19)
by опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
Classic Car App 2011/2012 by COPiNOS. The app for easy reference to current prices, specifications and photos of 6,500 classic cars. |
Your Julia (v. 1.0.4)
MissThunborg опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
Conscious Thought Of The Day (v. 2.0.64)
Jackie A. Komar опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
The Conscious Thought of the Day™ (CTOTD) will open your mind to the possibilities. The daily message is an insightful and illuminating thought which includes Spiritual Laws and Principles, Truths, psycho-spiritual lessons and life affirming statements. |
Guru do Amor (v. 1.1)
Frenys опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
Centos de frases em português sobre o amor. Pequenas sugestões úteis para a vida cotidiana. |
Téléthon (v. 3)
OPEN опубликовал приложение 2011-02-14
Avec l’application Téléthon, vivez l’événement Téléthon 2011 les 2 et 3 décembre depuis votre smartphone Android. |
MatchMyGift 2X (v. 1.03)
HEP Development Services опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
Did you know that over 19,500 U.S. and Canadian companies and subsidiaries match their employees’ charitable gifts? That means for every dollar an employee gives to a favorite charity, the company will also donate a dollar – sometimes even more! |
iCocinar Postres (v. 1.1)
Apps of All Nations опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
Explore una variedad única de postres y calme su apetito con iCocinar Postres. La aplicación iCocinar Postres le brinda 58 de las recetas más deliciosas y fáciles de preparar para el deleite de toda su familia. Se le hará agua la boca con cada fotografía que acompaña a estas cuidadosamente seleccionadas recetas. Las instrucciones le guiarán por este viaje culinario, paso a paso, y garantizarán que su experiencia en la cocina sea una brisa. |