Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
8551-8560 из 17250
Иконка для Ramen Navi 1.0.3

Ramen Navi (v. 1.0.3)

Edia Co.,Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)

Ramen(Japanese Ramen noodle) has become the boom all over the world!!
This App. is a search site for Ramen shops in Japan.
This includes information of more than 20,000 Japanese Ramen shops in the whole country.
Check out the popular Ramen shops here with plenty of information based on users' real comments!

[Contents]Japanese Version
■Shop search function
-Search by name
-Search by area
-Search by address
-Search by station/interchange
-Search by users' comments
-Search by ranking

■Bulletin board
■Newly-updated shops
■Special menu for membership
■My page

[Fee/Charge]JPY960.-, Include Tax *valid for 1 Year

Иконка для Alkoměr 1.0.2

Alkoměr (v. 1.0.2)

Tomas Vitek опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)

Rádi si s přáteli dáte skleničku, či dvě? Chtěli byste vědět, kolik máte promile alkoholu v krvi? Zajímá Vás, kolik jste vypili čistého alkoholu? Nepamatujete si, co jste včera pili? Máte rádi grafy? Na tyto i mnohé další otázky Vám odpoví Alkoměr.

Alkoměr je aplikace, do které přidáváte alkoholické nápoje tak, jak je pijete. Alkoměr Vám poté vypočítává v reálném čase kolik máte promile, a za jak dlouho budete střízliví. Ale umí toho mnohem více. K dispozici jsou přehledné statistiky, i s grafy.

Pijte s rozumem!

Иконка для Gay Pink Pages 0.9.13057.

Gay Pink Pages (v. 0.9.13057.)

Gay Pink Pages опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Search lgbt owned and community friendly  businesses and services such as bars, auto, movers, legal, counselors, community groups. Support these people who openly welcome our community.  Made by the community for the community.

Иконка для STOP BARKING 1.4.lite

STOP BARKING (v. 1.4.lite)

nedna опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)


Иконка для Porn’s Stars 1.0

Porn’s Stars (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-01-26
(обновлено 2012-01-26)

Porn’s Stars

Porn’s in hospital after a minor motorcycle accident; with time to kill, she and Chris sit and recount and regale each other with almost a dozen new stories about people they’ve known down the years; people of a certain persuasion, people who don’t quite fit into any particular sexual ‘compartment’—Ladyboys, Ladygirls, cross dressers, transvestites, bi-men, bi-girls and so on—just some of the eclectic inhabitants of ‘Transgenderland’—her ‘Stars’ as she so aptly calls them. With Porn’s long history of being involved with the TG world, she certainly has enough stories to fill several books and her stories contain more than few surprises; needless to say, Chris finds himself surprised, maybe at times astonished, at the depth of Porn’s knowledge about her ‘Stars’ ‘sexploits’ and ‘sexperiences’. In any event, telling Chris about her ‘Stars’ seems to be good therapy for Porn and, by the end of the night, she’s ready to slip into sleep, leaving Chris horny and expectant, looking at his notes and wondering, amongst other things: ‘Who did what to whom? Where did they do it? Do such people really exist? Why do they enjoy ‘unorthodox’ sexual encounters so much? Am I really like that?’ Eleven new stories all faithfully related by Porn and Chris, together in one new book; ‘Porn’s Stars’ completes the first quintet of stories from Transgenderland by Chris Burrows…

Иконка для Go Naked In The Software 1.0

Go Naked In The Software (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-01-26
(обновлено 2012-01-26)

Go Naked In The Software

Go Naked In The Software, examines a situation where six girls and six boys decide to stay in an abandoned (but upscale) mining camp in order to have the complete secrecy that they need to develop a software application that will make them all rich. The girls’ mothers won't let them stay in the mining camp unless they're married. The boys won't stay unless they have a girl. Thus, there are six more or less forced marriages that turn out to be something of a mistake. The marriages don't work out all that well. The partners are thrown together as more of a business arrangement, rather than a romantic arrangement. The marriage situation and the isolation of the remote mining camp leads to one of the girls starting a sort of nude revolt. The girl is the prettiest girl of the bunch and, freed of parental control, she's a raging exhibitionist. The nude revolt leads to a lot of socially forced public nudism. The girls (and even the boys) find themselves in a situation where they're forced to show themselves nude and even socially forced into partner swapping. The abandoned mining camp is totally isolated and the nudity extends to walking around the 'town' naked. The nude revolt eventually leads to the annulment of most of the marriages and Jason, the leader of the software effort finds himself switched from Jill, the prettiest girl in the group, to Eve, a sort of wallflower with a lot of potential. Jason uses the fact that Eve is pretty much destroyed by the reshuffling of partners to establish control over Eve. Jason begins by telling Eve that she's not going to walk naked through the town. Eve is distraught! She tries to tell Jason that she has to walk naked through the town, because all of the other girls do. Jason calmly explains that naked is okay for the rest of the women, however, Eve will be nude. Jason the dom then 'forces' Eve the sub to get (via the Internet) any number of fancy fetish type items of the French bra, lace garter belt, lace top nylons, etc. style. Eve suddenly finds herself the style leader among the girls and also something of a social leader, since she's now living with the guy who runs the business end of the software effort. It takes a while, but Eve gradually sorts out her new status. She has to be Jason's sub, but she can use the power of her new style and position to enforce better treatment of the girls, starting with herself. Jason and Eve are still forced by social pressure to partner swap, but Eve enforces quite a bit of courtesy from her partners. Eve may be Jason's well treated sub, but she's a dom with the others! Over the course of time, Eve builds herself into the kind of woman that Jason wants. It turns out that she also builds herself into the kind of woman that Eve wants. There's a lot of sex in Go Naked In The Software, but there's also a lot of romance. Normal social conventions aren't in force here, as the scene is a remote mining camp. However, the software developers finally manage to sell their software application to a major software developer and they'll now return to civilization. Eve has developed into a very attractive woman, who could have any number of men. However, she finds that she wants to remain as Jason's well treated sub, perhaps mainly due to some very romantic scheming by Jason.

Иконка для DBS Shopper 1.0

DBS Shopper (v. 1.0)

DBS Bank Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-01-26
(обновлено 2012-01-26)

DBS Shopper is every self-respecting shopper's new best friend! It assembles irresistable deals and special discounts that you can enjoy in shops all over Singapore only with your DBS/POSB Credit or Debit cards. Enjoy its cool and intuitive features - find deals neatly categorized by Fashion, IT gadgets, etc; download exclusive e-Coupons only found in here, then simply flash and redeem. Find the deals closest to you with the awesome 'Camera View' function that lets you scan your surroundings and your nearest privileges will pop up immediately. So get this ultimate tool for the smart Shopper, and have Singapore's best deals all at your fingertips!

Иконка для ELLE占い 3.1.2

ELLE占い (v. 3.1.2)

ハースト婦人画報社 опубликовал приложение 2012-01-26
(обновлено 2012-01-26)

「Sayaの星占い」 10月後半の占いデータが更新されないという不具合が発覚しました。
「設定」→「アプリケーション」-「アプリケーションの管理」から、「ELLE Astro」を開いて、「データを消去」を実行



株式会社ハースト婦人画報社が配信する、女性誌『エル』連携のウェブ・マガ ジン「エル・オンライン」より、占いアプリが登場!
ウェブサイト「エル・オンライン」で人気の「今日の占い」、「恋愛タロット占 い」、「Sayaの星占い」、「ユミリーの風水占い」、「セレブ占い」、「セック ス占い」、「心理テスト」ほか、アプリ限定の「花びら占い」などエルがセ レクトした無料占いが充実。FacebookやTwitterへの投稿機能のほか、友達の誕 生日も記録できるので、仲間と一緒に楽しんで!

Иконка для Recargalo 1.0

Recargalo (v. 1.0)

Jose Carlos Reyes опубликовал приложение 2012-01-25
(обновлено 2012-01-25)

"Recargalo" es una aplicación gratuita que te ayuda a Recargar el Saldo de tu móvil o módem 3G Prepago, o a solicitar un Anticipo de Saldo una vez te quedes con tu tarjeta vacía.

Se requiere una conexión a Internet y una tarjeta de crédito para poder realizar la recarga.
Los servicios de pago son proporcionados por las webs oficiales de las operadoras (Vodafone, Orange, Movistar).

Sigue las instrucciones en pantalla para cada una.

Иконка для Fly Buys NZ 1

Fly Buys NZ (v. 1)

Loyalty NZ опубликовал приложение 2012-01-25
(обновлено 2012-01-25)

Fly Buys for Android gives you access to key Fly Buys information on the go!

• Check your Points Balance - so you can work out how many points you need to get your dream reward
• See your latest Points Collection Transactions - keep on top of all the places you collect points
• Access current Bonus Point Offers - make the most out of Fly Buys by keeping up-to-date with the latest Bonus Point offers
• Access your virtual card - see a virtual version of your very own card... just in case your forget the real thing
• Access Fly Buys websites - get quick access to all the Fly Buys websites including Fly Buys Music, Fly Buys Communities, Fly Buys TXT, Fly Buys Visa and Fly Buys e-stores
• Contact us

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