Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
8421-8430 из 17250
Иконка для Jo-Ann 1.0.6

Jo-Ann (v. 1.0.6)

5th International US, Inc опубликовал приложение 2012-07-01
(обновлено 2012-07-01)

Your favorite fabric and craft store is now available in the Android Market. The Jo-Ann app is stocked with features to make your Jo-Ann shopping experience that much easier.

Stop clipping coupons! Add and save coupons directly to your in-app coupon wallet. Get access to exclusive mobile coupons for app and mobile site users.

Browse the product catalog to find just what you're looking for. Catch up on customer reviews on individual products and share products via email, Facebook and Twitter.

Search for stores by address or your current location plus get directions, call the store and look up class schedules*

*Class schedules not available for all stores

About Jo-Ann:

First in Fabric and the Best Craft Choices — these words express the core of what makes Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores® so exciting. Why is Jo-Ann the unique resource that it is? It starts with the great product selection in our stores and on Joann.com® and only gets better with knowledgeable customer service, a clear focus on value, and an unmatched opportunity to connect with a vital creative community.

Иконка для La Cucina Italiana 1.0.2

La Cucina Italiana (v. 1.0.2)

Editrice Quadratum SpA опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
(обновлено 2012-06-30)

La tradizione gastronomica della famosa rivista La Cucina Italiana sbarca su Android con un'applicazione innovativa che coniuga le ricette, tutte sperimentate nella cucina della Redazione, con una grafica piacevole e gli efficaci strumenti tipici del tuo device Android.
Con La Cucina Italiana per Android hai la comodità di avere sempre con te - anche in mobilità - le ricette della prestigiosa rivista e anche menu, consigli e molto altro...
Ecco tutti i plus dell'applicazione:
- 500 RICETTE - a marchio La Cucina Italiana, complete di FOTO, CALORIE, ABBINAMENTO VINO, CONSIGLI DEGLI CHEF
- 60 RICETTE STEP BY STEP, da realizzare seguendo i passaggi ciascuno dei quali è documentato da una foto
- RICERCA RICETTE per parola chiave oppure scorrendo le categorie: portata, tempo di realizzazione, tipo di cottura e stagionalità
- WIDGET per avere le ricette sempre a portata di... dito
- LISTA DELLA SPESA automatica per tutte le ricette selezionate
- GLOSSARIO tematico all'interno delle preparazioni: un elenco dettagliato con i termini e gli ingredienti più usati in cucina spiegati in dettaglio
- RICETTE PREFERITE: un luogo virtuale dove riunire e conservare le ricette preferite, cui è possibile anche aggiungere le proprie note
- I MIEI MENU: possibilità di creare i propri menu con le ricette trovate e di generare con un solo click la relativa lista della spesa
- MENU CONSIGLIATI: attraverso la funzione "Scuotimi"  l'applicazione crea automaticamente un menu completo pronto da provare. Anche i Menu Consigliati possono essere salvati ne "I Miei Menu".
- TIMER: una utile e simpatica funzionalità per aiutarti a controllare i tempi di cottura

=================== AGGIORNAMENTI SETTIMANALI ===================
Per scaricare gli aggiornamenti settimanali, dalla home page dell'applicazione clicca sulla voce "Aggiornamento e Info" e poi su "Aggiorna Ricette".
Si consiglia di utilizzare una connessione WI-FI o ad alta velocità.
Se non hai avuto tempo o hai dimenticato di aggiornare tutte le settimane, non ti preoccupare!
La prima volta che ti connetti per l'aggiornamento, l'applicazione scaricherà tutte le ricette rilasciate in precedenza.

Иконка для Pilsner Urquell Navigator 2.0

Pilsner Urquell Navigator (v. 2.0)

ComGate Interactive, s.r.o. опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
(обновлено 2012-06-30)

Najděte svou oblíbenou hospodu na mapě, nejbližší hospodu ve Vašem okolí, nebo si nechte nějakou doporučit. Pilsner Urquell Navigátor je přehledem 378 míst, kde se vyplatí zastavit a kde najdete nejlépe ošetřovaný Pilsner Urquell.

Aplikace obsahuje pouze restaurace, které odpovídají nejnáročnějším standardům na kvalitu a podávání piva Pilsner Urquell z pohledu odborníků Plzeňského Prazdroje. Každý host hledá v hospůdce něco jiného - někdo zábavnou společnost a příjemné prostředí, jiný hlavně báječné jídlo a kvalitní obsluhu. Všichni ale zcela jistě spoléhají na to, že pokaždé
dostanou bezvadně ošetřený Pilsner Urquell, který chutná již bezmála 170 let stále stejně dokonale. Pilsner Urquell Navigátor Vás zavede na místa v České republice, kde se skutečně vyplatí zastavit - a kde zjistíte, jaká je
"správná česká hospoda".

Иконка для Instant Insight 1.13

Instant Insight (v. 1.13)

AstroVed опубликовал приложение 2012-06-28
(обновлено 2012-06-28)

Get your questions or concerns answered in 5 minutes with instant insight.

This amazing application by AstroVed will throw more light and clarity on your concern based on the time of your asked question. An expert and experienced Astrologer will study all the planetary indicators and answer your question in near real time.

Does he/she love me sincerely?
Will I go abroad this year?
Will there be any career benefits for me?

You can also view your free personalized reports and the influence of planets on you by visiting AstroVed. Before you go, we also request you to Rate our App and to share it with your friends. Have a nice day!

Иконка для kgb deals 1.4

kgb deals (v. 1.4)

kgb опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

kgb deals offers you up to 90% savings on your favorite products and services. From unbeatable deals on spas, salons and fitness to restaurants, travel, and must-see events, as well as products for the whole family. Our dealmakers tirelessly research each and every deal to ensure that you enjoy both significant savings and great experiences – and the vouchers are delivered immediately so you can book or share the deals with your friends right away. And kgbdeals offers a “no quibble” customer service promise. kgbdeals is one of the fastest growing daily deal destinations on the Web and is currently available in over 100 cities in the U.S., U.K., France and Italy. With our free Android app, you can browse and purchase kgbdeals anytime. Join the kgbdeals community today!

kgbdeals is now available in an expanding list of U.S. cities, including New York, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Orange County-Inland Empire (CA), Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco-East Bay, San Jose and Washington DC. To receive kgbdeals' daily free emails for the best deals in your local city and nationally, sign up at www.kgbdeals.com.

Иконка для Taste of Chicago 2011 1.0

Taste of Chicago 2011 (v. 1.0)

applitite опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

Chicago’s tremendous array of culinary delights are located in one place at the ten-day lakefront festival where food choices range from ethnic to exotic to Chicago specialties.

This is the *official* Android app of the 2011 Taste of Chicago. This celebration of Food and Music occurs June 24th - July 3rd , 2011

This app Features:

- Food and Menu Items
- Live schedule updates (We will be updating the schedule every day, each time you launch the app you may see new information)
- Chef presentation schedules
- Artist and Chef descriptions
- The latest festival news and tweets
- Color coded map to help you find your way

Applitite extends its special thanks to its technical partner and friend, Anil Saldhana for the programming.

Иконка для The Official Gay Calendar 1.1

The Official Gay Calendar (v. 1.1)

MEDL Mobile опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

The Official Gay Calendar!
Why settle for that same old boring Android calendar? Try the only calendar designed for us. The Official Gay Calendar.
We took the Android calendar, wrapped it in a sleek layout, boosted it with productivity tools, and made it way more fun to look at with professional photos and famous/inspiring quotes for men and the men who love them.
The calendar is fully functional and syncs with your Google accounts. It also comes pre-populated with national holidays and dates important to the Gay community.
Every calendar is good through 2012, so you can enjoy your themes for a long time to come!
• Fully functional calendar: events, invites, schedule appointments, set alerts/reminders, etc
• Syncs with Google Calendar
• Pre-populated with national holidays & important dates
• High-res, professionally taken photos for every month
• Daily famous & inspiring quotes
• The Official Cat Calendar
• The Official Vampire Calendar
• The Official Lesbian Calendar
• The Official Faith Calendar
• More in the works!
We are proud to call the Official Gay Calendar a Shiny MEDL Object. You can see all of them at www.medlmobile.com.

Иконка для HarvestMark Food Traceability 1.3

HarvestMark Food Traceability (v. 1.3)

YottaMark, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

Named a Top 5 Food App by Over 100 Independent Bloggers. Featured in The Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, NPR, NBC, ABC, FOX News, and many other outlets.

Whether you’ve vowed to eat local, organic, or simply more fruit and vegetables, the HarvestMark app lets you follow your food back to the farm to learn where, when, and how it was grown.

Where you see the HarvestMark logo on fresh fruit, vegetables, and even chicken that means you can scan it to get inside information on your food. It’s the only app that delivers information specifically about the food you’re about to buy or have purchased.

HarvestMark codes can be found on over 50 fresh fruit and vegetable brands throughout North America including Driscoll’s® Only The Finest Berries™, Fresh Selections and Private Selection by Kroger brands (available at Ralphs, Fred Meyer, Kroger and throughout the Kroger family of stores). Grapes from Grupo Alta and SunWorld, Microbaker potatoes from Progressive Produce, Melons from Borders Melon and Melon 1, asparagus from Alpine Fresh, and tomatoes from Del Campo.

Иконка для 같이타요 [카풀] 1.981

같이타요 [카풀] (v. 1.981)

Liansoft опубликовал приложение 2012-06-26
(обновлено 2012-06-26)

※ 업데이트 버전에서는 택시, KTX 까지 카풀이 가능합니다.
   업데이트 하시고 많은 이용 바랍니다.

고유가 시대에 당신의 기름값을 절약해줄 획기적인 어플입니다.
같이타요는 위치기반 카풀 매니저 서비스 어플리케이션입니다.

카풀을 희망하는 운전자와 사용자를 이어줍니다.
혼자서 운전하느라 기름값이 부담되었던 운전자님들,
어디 가고는 싶은데 대중교통이 불편해 편한 차편이 필요한 일반 사용자님들.

이젠 카풀 찾느라고 여기저기 가지 마세요.
이 어플 하나면 주변 카풀 이용자를 찾을 수 있습니다.

자기 주변에 어떤 사용자들이 있는 지금 확인해보세요
가고 싶은 목적지를 검색하여 선택할 수도 있습니다

기능 : 1. 목적지 검색, 내 주변 사용자 검색
         2. 탑승자와 사용자 간 대화 기능
         3. 탑승자와 사용자 카풀 매니저
         4. 목적지와의 거리 계산

Иконка для Good Night Moon 1.2

Good Night Moon (v. 1.2)

SpecSoft опубликовал приложение 2012-06-25
(обновлено 2014-05-31)

Hello, I am the good night moon! Just activate me when you're going to sleep and I will charm you with my calm lullaby song until you fall asleep.

Great to use for all: Your (girl-)friend, your children, your baby or just everyone else who wants to fall nicely asleep :)

Once you tried me, you'll never stop.

Have a nice sleep!

Note: If you don't hear my nice lullaby after tapping the button please check your devices volume setting.

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