古龙武侠小说集 (v. 1.0)
vPoint опубликовал приложение 2011-01-28
古龙,原名熊耀华,著名武侠小说家,新派武侠小说泰斗和宗师。他在1969年创作了一部先有剧本后有小说的武林奇书《萧十一郎》,赢得读者的广泛赞赏。古龙与金庸、梁羽生并称为中国武侠小说三大宗师。他的武侠小说创作理念是“求新求变”,不受传统拘束,将中外经典镕铸一炉,他为“武侠美学”理念的形成与“武侠文化”的推广作出了巨大贡献。古龙为人豪气干云,侠骨盖世,才华惊人,他以丰富无比的创作力,留下了70多部精彩绝伦、风行天下的武侠巨作,影响巨大,开创了近代武侠小说新纪元,将武侠文学推上了一个新的高峰。 |
卧龙生武侠小说集 (v. 1.0)
vPoint опубликовал приложение 2011-01-28
卧龙生是台湾武侠“四大天王”及“三剑客”之一,在古龙之前被称为“武侠泰斗”。本名牛鹤亭,河南镇庭人,1930年生。幼年从军失学,但自幼喜读武侠小说,颇有才思。他1955年由军中退役,闲来无事,在友人怂恿下开始学写武侠小说。1957年以祖居南阳卧龙岗取笔名《卧龙生》一炮打响。1959年《飞燕惊龙》出世,便奠定了他在台湾的“武侠泰斗”地位。他的作品,早期是取法于旧武侠“北派五大家”而以“通俗趣味”大受欢迎;1965年以后,改走“半传统半新潮”路线,作品却渐不如前。 |
COURTNEY nametone droid (v. 1.27)
berlin name tones ringtones опубликовал приложение 2011-01-28
please type your name the word nametone in the market search, to find your personal DROID nametone. |
My Turkey Recipes (v. 1)
Ololac Interactive опубликовал приложение 2011-01-27
Looking for turkey recipes for your holiday or family gathering? Do you want to know how to cook a turkey in a right way? This app is for you and is a great way to start your holiday season or any other special occasion. Everyday new recipes are added as they are submitted and verified for their accuracy and originality. |
Eraser Stamp for New Year card (v. 1.3.1)
Currach Software опубликовал приложение 2011-01-27
Eraser Stamps for New Year's cards in Japan. Please enjoy Japanese flavor. |
网游三国之城市攻略-精品小说 (v. 1.5)
popbook опубликовал приложение 2011-01-27
战争,就是烧军饷、烧粮食、烧士兵、烧物资,没有一个强悍的后方基地怎么行呢? |
Percenty Calculator (v. 1.0)
SamPraz опубликовал приложение 2011-01-27
4 Easy Calculation Modes |
Working Memory (v. 1.0)
Acts28 опубликовал приложение 2011-01-27
Working memory is the ability to keep things in mind while performing an activity. It helps one to remember while you are in the process of learning. It involves the maintenance of information in mind so that an individual can use it for planning, learning, reasoning, and producing a result. |
Lotto selector (v. 1.0)
Haksoft опубликовал приложение 2011-01-26
For only korean lotto lottery. |
LAURA nametone droid (v. 1.27)
berlin name tones ringtones опубликовал приложение 2011-01-26
please type your name the word nametone in the market search, to find your personal DROID nametone. |