Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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13281-13290 из 17250
Иконка для La curación 100 HD 1.3

La curación 100 HD (v. 1.3)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-06-07
(обновлено 2012-06-07)

“La curación 100 HD” collects 100 bible verses in spanish version, aiming to present how GOD

shows His sympathy for us
inspire us, and
heals us
when we are sick.

You must aware that right after Adam and Eve sinned, sickness has become our source of painless and always weaken our flesh.  However, we should not be depressed, the help from our heavenly Father always accompany us.  Going through every page of the Bible, we could see how our seniors experienced the gracefulness and righteousness of our Lord when their bodies were weak.

To help you to be inspired by the scripture, we have incorporated one picture to every verse.

“La curación 100” has incorporated the following features:

Record your thoughts
While reading a bible verse, there may be associations, thoughts, appreciation, feeling…rapture in your mind, just one click away to jot down this previous moment.

Share your thoughts
With one click, your thought or the verse being read will be automatically become the content of an email, blog and facebook; you could share your mind with others immediately.

Get your target searched
“La curación 100” will find the verses as well as your written thoughts embedded with your target phrase or words input.

Иконка для Wright Pages 1.3

Wright Pages (v. 1.3)

Dirxion, LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-06-06
(обновлено 2012-06-06)

The Wright Pages mobile app is your source for local services in Kentucky Lakes & River Counties area.  You can search the entire area for local listings. Websites, addresses, and ads are also instantly available for your shopping needs. It's easy to contact any business in the directory, just touch the number listed to call.

Иконка для Baseball Superstars Trivia 1.2

Baseball Superstars Trivia (v. 1.2)

Mobifusion, Inc опубликовал приложение 2012-06-06
(обновлено 2012-06-06)

The Baseball Superstars Trivia app includes over 700 questions about the most legendary players of all time, like Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Jackie Robinson, and Joe DiMaggio. Test your knowledge of hitting and pitching stats, home records, and interesting facts about the amazing careers of baseball’s superstars. Questions range from easy, medium, and hard. Save your score, post your best score on Facebook, and challenge a friend to play!

Иконка для Best Vegetarian Recipes 3.0

Best Vegetarian Recipes (v. 3.0)

Mobifusion, Inc опубликовал приложение 2012-06-06
(обновлено 2012-06-06)

Research shows that appropriately planned vegetarian diets provide many health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. This app is filled with hundreds of delicious and easy-to-prepare vegetarian meals, perfect for a busy family. From grilled veggie sandwiches to Paneer Jalfrazie, expand your recipe repertoire and fill your kitchen with the amazing aromas of the Best Vegetarian dishes from around the world! Search by ingredient or category. Save your favorites, and share your recommendations and tips with friends via email or Facebook..

Иконка для Baseball Ultimate Trivia 2.0

Baseball Ultimate Trivia (v. 2.0)

Mobifusion, Inc опубликовал приложение 2012-06-06
(обновлено 2012-06-06)

What was the latest score between the Phillie's and the Giants? Who are the MVPs of 2010? What are the high/low stats and records for the teams at the top of the MLB Power Rankings? Ultimate Baseball Trivia Challenge app is perfect for aficionados that are addicted to the world of baseball. Save your scores, post on Facebook, and challenge a friend to the game. Brush up on your stats and impress your buddies!

Иконка для Career Planning Made Easy 1.2

Career Planning Made Easy (v. 1.2)

aFun Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

Career goal setting can be the difference between an ordinary life and an extraordinary life.

Goals and objectives in all aspects of your life must be established and your career is no exception.

Иконка для Famous Make Up Secrets 1.2

Famous Make Up Secrets (v. 1.2)

aFun Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

Make-up can cleverly be used to achieve near perfect features, without making it apparent that you actually have a layer of foundation, powder, lipstick , eye shadow and blush on your face. Invisible make-up is the latest trick that experts are using to highlight the facial features (un)naturally.

Does your makeup never come out looking as even and properly applied as you'd like? Maybe you need to look deeper—literally. If you keep your skin looking hydrated and supple it will make a huge difference in the way your makeup looks.

Иконка для Get Rid of Gambling 1.0

Get Rid of Gambling (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

Discover How to Get Rid of Gambling!

We all dream about winning the lottery so that all our financial concerns may be solved in one fell swoop. All the same for most of the population that's where it remains - as a dream.

Then along come the problem gamblers and they attempt to make that dream into a reality by actively pursing those long odds.

Rather simply they're chasing a dream that may never become a reality and that's why you'll perpetually find them trying gambling to get out of debt.

It does not matter whether the debt you discover yourself in is 1000, or 1,000,000, your journey is more or less the same - you have to change.

Here is what you will discover inside...

★ Gambling Won't Fix Debt!
★ Why We Get Into Bad Gambling Habits
★ What Occurs
★ Abstention Or Command And The Journey
★ Steps To Overcome The Habit!
★ and much more!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $9.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для genezing 100 HD 1.4

genezing 100 HD (v. 1.4)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

"genezing 100 HD" verzamelt 100 Bijbelverzen gericht op het presenteren hoe God

toont Zijn sympathie voor ons
inspireren ons, en
geneest ons
als we ziek zijn.

U moet zich ervan bewust dat direct na Adam en Eva zondigden, ziekte is geworden onze bron van pijnloos en altijd verzwakken ons vlees. Echter, we niet moeten worden ingedrukt, de hulp van onze hemelse Vader altijd met ons mee. Going through every page of the Bible, we could see how our seniors experienced the gracefulness and righteousness of our Lord when their bodies were weak. Het doorlopen van elke pagina van de Bijbel, konden we zien hoe onze senioren de gratie en de gerechtigheid van onze Heer ervaren toen hun lichamen werden zwak.

Om u te helpen te laten inspireren door de Schrift, hebben wij opgenomen de ene foto naar elk vers.

"genezing 100 HD" heeft opgenomen de volgende kenmerken:

Neem je gedachten
Tijdens het lezen van een bijbel vers, kunnen er associaties, gedachten, waardering, gevoel ... vervoering in je geest, maar een klik verwijderd te noteren dit vorige moment.
Deel het via e-mail
Met een klik, wordt uw gedachte of het vers gelezen worden automatisch de inhoud van een e-mail, je kon je geest onmiddellijk te delen met anderen.
Bookmark uw passie
Met een klik, bladwijzer uw gunstige vers om zo het terughalen daarvan te vergemakkelijken in de toekomst voor de revitalisering van je geest.
Haal uw doelgroep gezocht
"genezing 100 HD" vindt u de verzen ingesloten met uw doelgroep zin of woorden invoeren en krijgen ze aandacht

Иконка для Asian Pretty Girls 11

Asian Pretty Girls (v. 11)

waptech опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

Asian Most Pretty, Beautiful and Cute Girls and Models are all in one application - which link you to east asia (China, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore) beauty blog site.
Free download for limited time.

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