Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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13121-13130 из 17250
Иконка для Bibel 365 HD 2.1

Bibel 365 HD (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

“Bible Verse 365” in German (Deutsch) version, collects 365 bible verses and lists one verse and one photo for each day; let’s read it daily so that the word of God could encourage us anytime and anywhere.

We have incorporated the following features onto German version “Bible Verse 365”:

1. Record your thoughts
While reading a bible verse, there may be associations, thoughts, appreciation, feeling…rapture in your mind, just one click away to jot down this previous moment; in addition, another click will list all input comment for your review.

2. Share it by email
With one click, your thought and the verse being read will be automatically become the content of an email; you could share your mind with others immediately.

3. Get your target searched
“Bible Verse 365”will find the verses embedded with your target phrase or words input; the searching boundary includes those input comment.

4. Font size & background
Select your desired font size from 10 to 40; background of different colors, scenery and texture are also available for choosing.

5. Communication
Share your ideas with us by either Facebook, Twitter, Micro Blog (「微博」) or eMail.

Иконка для Biblia 365 HD 2.1

Biblia 365 HD (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

"Bible Verse 365" en la versión española (español), recoge 365 versículos de la Biblia y las listas de un verso y una foto de cada día, vamos a leer todos los días para que la palabra de Dios nos puede animar a cualquier hora y en cualquier lugar.

Hemos incorporado las siguientes características en la versión española "Bible Verse 365":

1. Anota tus pensamientos
Mientras lee un versículo de la Biblia, no pueden ser asociaciones, pensamientos, reconocimiento, sensación de éxtasis ... en su mente, a sólo un clic de distancia para anotar este momento anterior y, además, otro clic aparecerá una lista de todos los comentarios de entrada para su revisión.

2. Comparte por correo electrónico
Con un clic, el pensamiento y el verso que se lee se convierte automáticamente en el contenido de un correo electrónico, usted puede compartir su cuenta con otros inmediatamente.

3. Consigue tu objetivo buscado
"Bible Verse 365" encontrará integrados los versos con su frase de destino o de entrada de palabras, el límite búsqueda incluye los comentarios de entrada.

4. Tamaño de la fuente y el fondo
Seleccione el tamaño de la fuente deseada de 10 a 40, de fondo de diferentes colores, paisajes y texturas también están disponibles para elegir.

5. comunicación
Comparta sus ideas con nosotros, ya sea Facebook, Twitter, Micro Blog (「微 博」) o por correo electrónico.

Иконка для Bíblia Verso 365 HD 2.1

Bíblia Verso 365 HD (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

"Verso da Bíblia 365" na versão Português (português), recolhe 365 versículos da Bíblia e listas de um verso e uma foto para cada dia, vamos lê-la diariamente a fim de que a palavra de Deus pode nos encorajar a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.

Nós incorporamos as seguintes características na versão em Português "Verso da Bíblia 365":

1. Registrar seus pensamentos
Durante a leitura de um versículo da Bíblia, pode haver associações, pensamentos, apreciação, sentindo ... êxtase em sua mente, apenas um clique de distância para anotar neste momento anterior e, além disso, um outro clique irá listar todos os comentário de entrada para sua revisão.

2. Compartilhe por e-mail
Com um clique, o seu pensamento e versículo a ser lido será automaticamente se o conteúdo de um email, você poderia compartilhar sua mente com os outros imediatamente.

3. Obtenha seu alvo pesquisado
"Verso da Bíblia 365" vai encontrar os versos incorporado com sua frase-alvo ou entrada de palavras, a fronteira em busca inclui aqueles comentário entrada.

4. Tamanho da fonte e fundo
Selecione o tamanho da fonte desejado de 10 a 40; fundo de cores diferentes, cenários e texturas também estão disponíveis para escolher.

5. comunicação
Partilhe as suas ideias com a gente por qualquer Facebook, Twitter, Micro Blog (「微 博」) ou e-mail.

Иконка для Raamattu 365 HD 2.1

Raamattu 365 HD (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

“Bible Verse 365” in Finnish (suomalaisia) version, collects 365 bible verses and lists one verse and one photo for each day; let’s read it daily so that the word of God could encourage us anytime and anywhere.

We have incorporated the following features onto Finnish version “Bible Verse 365”:

1. Record your thoughts
While reading a bible verse, there may be associations, thoughts, appreciation, feeling…rapture in your mind, just one click away to jot down this previous moment; in addition, another click will list all input comment for your review.

2. Share it by email
With one click, your thought and the verse being read will be automatically become the content of an email; you could share your mind with others immediately.

3. Get your target searched
“Bible Verse 365”will find the verses embedded with your target phrase or words input; the searching boundary includes those input comment.

4. Font size & background
Select your desired font size from 10 to 40; background of different colors, scenery and texture are also available for choosing.

5. Communication
Share your ideas with us by either Facebook, Twitter, Micro Blog (「微博」) or eMail.

Иконка для 圣经金句 365 HD 2.1

圣经金句 365 HD (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

「圣经金句 365」罗列了365节经文,每天一节并配上照片,呈现在大家眼前,好让 神的话语成为彼此随时的帮助。

「圣经金句 365」加进下面功能:

1. 记录感想

2. 电邮分享

3. 搜寻串联

4. 繁简互换

5. 字号底图

6. 交流分享
大家可利用facebook, twitter, 「微博」及电邮,跟我们沟通

Иконка для Библия 365 HD 2.1

Библия 365 HD (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

"Библейский стих 365" на русском языке (Россию) версии, собирает 365 стихов из Библии и списки одного стиха и по одной фотографии на каждый день, давайте читать его ежедневно, так что слово Божье может способствовать нам в любое время и в любом месте.

Мы включили следующие особенности на русскую версию "Библейский стих 365":

1. Запишите свои мысли
Во время чтения стихов Библии, могут быть ассоциации, мысли, оценки, чувства восторга ... в своем уме, только один щелчок далеко, чтобы записать эту предыдущий момент, кроме того, повторный щелчок будут перечислены все входные комментарии для вашего рассмотрения.

2. Отправить его по электронной почте
С помощью одного клика, ваши мысли и стихи читают, будут автоматически становятся содержание электронной почты, вы могли бы поделиться своим умом с другими немедленно.

3. Получите ваш целевой поиск
"Библейский стих 365" найдет стихи с встроенной ваша фраза цель или входных слов, поиск границ включает в себя те входные комментарий.

4. Размер шрифта и фона
Выберите нужный размер шрифта от 10 до 40; фон разных цветов, пейзажей и текстур, также доступны для выбора.

5. связь
Поделитесь своими идеями с нами любым Facebook, Twitter, микро-блоге ("微 博") или электронной почте.

Иконка для Kinh Thánh 365 HD 2.2

Kinh Thánh 365 HD (v. 2.2)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

“Bible Verse 365” in Vietnamese (Việt) version, collects 365 bible verses and lists one verse and one photo for each day; let’s read it daily so that the word of God could encourage us anytime and anywhere.

We have incorporated the following features onto Vietnamese version “Bible Verse 365”:

1. Record your thoughts
While reading a bible verse, there may be associations, thoughts, appreciation, feeling…rapture in your mind, just one click away to jot down this previous moment; in addition, another click will list all input comment for your review.

2. Share it by email
With one click, your thought and the verse being read will be automatically become the content of an email; you could share your mind with others immediately.

3. Get your target searched
“Bible Verse 365”will find the verses embedded with your target phrase or words input; the searching boundary includes those input comment.

4. Font size & background
Select your desired font size from 10 to 40; background of different colors, scenery and texture are also available for choosing.

5. Communication
Share your ideas with us by either Facebook, Twitter, Micro Blog (「微博」) or eMail.

Иконка для 聖書の詩365 HD 2.1

聖書の詩365 HD (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

“Bible Verse 365” in Japanese (日本) version, collects 365 bible verses and lists one verse and one photo for each day; let’s read it daily so that the word of God could encourage us anytime and anywhere.

We have incorporated the following features onto Japanese version “Bible Verse 365”:

1. Record your thoughts
While reading a bible verse, there may be associations, thoughts, appreciation, feeling…rapture in your mind, just one click away to jot down this previous moment; in addition, another click will list all input comment for your review.

2. Share it by email
With one click, your thought and the verse being read will be automatically become the content of an email; you could share your mind with others immediately.

3. Get your target searched
“Bible Verse 365”will find the verses embedded with your target phrase or words input; the searching boundary includes those input comment.

4. Font size & background
Select your desired font size from 10 to 40; background of different colors, scenery and texture are also available for choosing.

5. Communication
Share your ideas with us by either Facebook, Twitter, Micro Blog (「微博」) or eMail.

Иконка для 聖經金句365 HD 2.1

聖經金句365 HD (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

「聖經金句365」羅列了365節經文,每天一節並配上照片,呈現在大家眼前,好讓 神的話語成為彼此隨時的幫助。


1. 記錄感想

2. 電郵分享

3. 搜尋串聯

4. 繁簡互換

5. 字號底圖

6. 交流分享
大家可利用facebook, twitter, 「微博」及電郵,跟我們溝通

Иконка для Career Planning Guide 2.0

Career Planning Guide (v. 2.0)

Figspops опубликовал приложение 2012-07-14
(обновлено 2012-07-14)

In our app you will learn more about:

Assessment Test
Career Assessment Test
Career Development
Career Planning
Free Online Career Counseling
Help in Choosing a Career
Networking Career Planning Center
Aptitude Test for Choosing a Career
A Career In Fashion Photography
Accounting Career Guide
Career Development in Home Child Care
Career Planning for the Music Industry
Careers in Beauty You May Want to Learn More About
Choosing Dental Hygiene as a Career
Choosing Your Career in High School
Mental Health Career Counseling
Nursing Career Guides
Planning a Career in Accounting
Planning a Career in Information Technology
Teaching Career Planning Across the Curriculum

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