Maxwell may ride in a soccer-mom mini van, but his cousin Leroy is living the big city life in a fast shiny Porsche! This Little Piggy is sure to put a smile on you and your friend's faces. It can be used as entertainment as well as an alarm that will wake you up to the sounds of Leroy squealing at a specified time. You'll come out of a slumber surprised and amused!
Set the alarm, put it on a co-worker's desk and watch his surprise turn into laughter! Wake up those sleepy kids with the weee, weeeee, weeeee, weee of Leroy! Having a hard long day at work? Watch Leroy and he will have you quickly chuckling! Leroy will ease your stress and put a smile on your face!
Join Leroy as he weeeee, weeeee, weeeees all the way home!