Thai Vegetarian Cookery
In Thailand, food is a celebration. For a Thai, cooking is a source of pride. Thai food is a combination of delicious aroma, brilliant colours and exotic spices. Thai cooking is simple, quick and healthy. It is particularly appealing because of its healthy, low fat method of cooking.
Thai cuisine is a confluence of Chinese, Malaya and Indian influence, which the Thai have skilfully adapted as distinctly their own. Try a traditional satay with peanut sauce, followed by red Thai curry and crispy vegetables with a tangy dipping sauce. Accompany these with Masaman Curried Rice or with Glass Noodles in sesame paste. Finish the meal with a wonderful dessert- Crispy Fried Ice-Cream ball.
All the ingredients used in the recipes are easily available although their substitutes have been given in case of non-availability.
Discover the secrets of Thai cooking with this beautiful illustrated book. Follow the step by step instruction to make classic Thai meals in your own home. Happy cooking! We have not left out on the chocolate decorations like flakes and scrolls or chocolate leaves to add that extra touch!