Smiles Of Deceit
Set before a backdrop in Southeast Asia, the story unfolds with the adventure of an international courier. His first courier duties send him to the exotic land of Siam. In the "Land of Smiles", Mike becomes romantically involved with not one, but two beautiful Thai women. Romance however, is not the only thing he finds. The first night in Bangkok, Mike encounters thieves, mercenaries, murders and prostitutes. Within forty-eight hours, he becomes a party to smuggling, prostitution and murder. The story moves rapidly filled with danger, suspense and romance. The reader will travel with the courier through the back streets of Bangkok, the sex parlors of Patpong, the Bridge on the River Kwai, Angeles City (in the Philippines) and culminating on the "Over Night Express" from Bangkok to Hat Yai in the south of Thailand. Moving at a rapid pace, the reader will find around every corner sex, murder and surprises. It is a yarn with such a surprise and shocking ending. Smiles of Deceit will be a book long remembered.