Simple Daily Horoscope (beta) (v. 1.0.14 bet)
Разработано Woytek
A simple Daily Horoscope (Beta Version) reader. Please read the information below.
This application allows you to get your daily horoscope in English, in French and in Spanish (it's not the same provider so they are different).
• Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian
• Data are compressed for reducing internet traffic weight
• Sober and nice design
• Back arrow to close popup
The horoscope is updated at midday in general, but it all depends on your time zone. In all cases, the goal will display the daily horoscope without delay.
If this app crashes on your (non modified) Nexus One, please contact me and tell me when this happens. Thanks :)
/! This is a beta version, please return me the problems you might encounter, thank you.