Silence When Docked в Android Market

Icon for Silence When Docked 1.31 Silence When Docked (v. 1.31)
Разработано linuxwarrior

Don't like being woken up by a spam email at 3 am?
If you keep your phone on your night table ...
this app is for you!

- Silence/Restore ringer mode
- Based on dock, power and time
- Configurable "night" hours
- Allowed Numbers while silent for Calls & SMS
- Only uses resources while (un)/docking
- Supports docks without magnets

Permissions are for getting notified of calls, sms and to allow you to pick up numbers from the contacts list to add to the Allowed list.

Note: the Allowed Numbers feature WORKS on the HTC Incredible as well as on any other android phone, but keep in mind you should not  have more that one call-filtering app installed.

Troubleshooting: if the time range feature stops working just open the app and re-check the "... only between ..." checkbox.


Категория: Стиль жизни
Закачек: 50-100
Размер: 22.9 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-01-26
Обновлено: 2011-01-26

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Silence When Docked
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Права доступа: 3 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета:

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана silence-when-docked
Снимок экрана silence-when-docked

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Silence When Docked

[2011-07-14] Jesse:
Works great for silencing at night but doesnt work great for unsilencing during the day! It often stays silent past morning. = Samsung Epic on 2.2
[2011-04-21] Maggie:
When set to ring & not docked, WILL NOT ring for whitelist, just everyone else, during dock hours. HTC Incredible
[2010-12-20] Harrison:
Simple and straight forward.
[2010-12-02] Krista:
Works like a charm on Droid Pro, thanks
[2010-11-13] Johan:
At first didn't work on my HTC Desire dock. Asked developer to fix it, and he did the next day! Works fantastic now!
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