Psychological Color Test Plus в Android Market

Icon for Psychological Color Test Plus 3.0 Psychological Color Test Plus (v. 3.0)
Разработано Kwon Ki Lee

This app is optimized with WVGA!!
This app has been implemented by App Inventor.
Psychological Color Test Plus prepares and shows the plausibly virtual scenarios in your mental state from your past, through present, to future in addition to the potential appearance.  Furthermore, it auto-magically suggests the credibly virtual colors that are in harmony with colors in your favorite order. The virtual colors may help you to maintain the balance of your body’s energy if you gaze at them between 4 and 5 minutes twice a day.

When seven kinds of colors appear, you have only to choose four colors in your favorite order among the colors while gazing at them. Then, it auto-magically prepares and shows the virtual scenarios and suggests the virtual colors. You can also store or delete them. Depending on flicking canvas toward left or right side, it turns into the next screen or previous one. But, only left flicking can make the Initial Screen turn into the next screen and either directional flicking can make Color Selection Screen into the previous screen. The last screen has menu that consists of buttons.


Категория: Стиль жизни
Закачек: <50
Размер: 4.0 MB
Опубликовано: 2012-09-08
Обновлено: 2012-09-08

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Системное имя пакета: appinventor.ai_livefriendie.PsychologicalColorTestPlus_en

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