Популярные в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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Иконка для 주님의교회 1.3

주님의교회 (v. 1.3)

Nuricommunication опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
(обновлено 2011-08-31)

-어플소개 : 주님의교회에 대한 소개와 박원호 목사님의 설교 및 12단계 성경공부를 볼 수 있는 안드로이드폰 어플리케이션 입니다.
    1.설교방송 / 주일설교 , 12단계성경공부
    3.검색 / 교인검색 , 차량검색
    4.교회안내 / 예배시간,교회위치,주보안내,섬기는사람들,교회일정
   -주님의교회 소개
     교단: 대한 예수교 장로회
     위치: 서울시 송파구 잠실동 50-4 정신여고내
     교회설립: 1988년 6월26일
     홈페이지: http://www.pcltv.org
     전화: 02-416-5181
     팩스: 02-416-5180

Иконка для 漢検2級ドロイド 1.0

漢検2級ドロイド (v. 1.0)

ロウキル опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)




OS Android1.5以上


Иконка для Eavesdropper 1.3

Eavesdropper (v. 1.3)

Ying Wen Technologies опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

Eavesdropper is an app that can turn your Android phone into an eavesdropping device, and a useful tool to pick-up the phone for you when your hands are busy, i.e. when you are driving.

There is no user interface for this app other than the setting screen. To get started, just choose one of the two modes. You will see an icon at the notification status bar (can be hidden in the settings). After you adjust the settings to the way you prefer, just press back or home key. The app will run in background and will be triggered automatically when a call is coming.

Auto Answer Mode

In this mode, the phone will ring as normal but it will pick-up the phone automatically for you according to the settings. You can choose to auto-answer all calls, just calls from contracts or favorites, or just a few phone numbers. You can also choose how many seconds to wait before answering the phone. For safe driving purpose, you should also choose to auto answer the phone only when a bluetooth device (such as headset or car hand-free system) is connected, or at least enable the speakerphone.

Eavesdrop Mode

You need two phones in this mode - the eavesdrop phone and the dial-in phone. The eavesdrop phone must be an Android phone that has this app installed. You leave it at a place you want to eavesdrop then call it from another phone (any type of phones, doesn't need to be an Android phone or a cell phone). The Android phone ringer is turned off in this mode so it will not ring when it receives a call. For security consideration, you should only enable eavesdrop mode when calling from a particular phone number that also belongs to you. The app will pick-up the phone based on the calling number and enter the eavesdropping mode automatically.

There are many ways to use this app in eavesdrop mode. For example, in eavesdrop mode, if you leave your phone a few feet from a baby, baby cries will be transmitted to the phone you are dialing from. Better than any other commercial baby monitoring systems which only transmits within certain distance, this app works from anywhere as long as there is a phone available. Here is another way to use it. You leave your eavesdrop phone at home in U.S., travel to Europe, call it from a hotel phone and listen to what is happening at your home. You might be surprised to hear all the noises, which could turn out to be your son is hosting a huge party when you guys are not home.


1. It will use your cell phone plan's talk minutes when your phone is picked up automatically in either mode, so please consider taking advantage of free mobile to mobile calls and unlimited night and weekend minutes, especially using the app in the eavesdrop mode.

2. Even though we named the app a little evil, please respect local laws and use the app in legitimate and ethical ways, i.e. baby monitor, your own house audio monitor etc. I made this app mainly because I want to make sure my pre-teen son is indeed playing piano when we are not at home.


I would like to say thanks to Every soft for their Auto Answer open source project. It helps us a lot when writing this app.

Иконка для RZIM 1.1

RZIM (v. 1.1)

Abiah опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

The RZIM Android App allows you to have on-demand access to the latest and best RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries) content directly from your Android Device.

- Read blog posts!
- Listen to the RZIM audio.
- View videos from RZIM YouTube feed.
- Follow RZIM on Twitter and connect on FaceBook

Иконка для Mastiff Dog 1.0

Mastiff Dog (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

A mastiff is a large breed of dog. They are often used as guard dogs and there are many breeds:

Alpine Mastiff, an extinct breed originating in Switzerland
American Mastiff, a breed of dog originating in the United States
Anatolian Mastiff, an ancient breed of dog originating in Turkey (when it was part of the Persian Empire in 485 AD)—see Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Argentinian Mastiff, or Dogo Argentino a mastiff developed in Argentina for large game-hunting
Bordeaux Mastiff or French Mastiff, two alternative names for the Dogue de Bordeaux, one of the most ancient French breeds
Boxer (dog) or german bullmastiff, bred to be a lighter faster stronger bullmastiff
Brazilian Mastiff, another name for the Fila Brasileiro a breed of dog originating in Brazil
Bullmastiff, said to be a cross between the English Mastiff and the Bulldog
Bully Kutta, Pakistani Bully Kutta
Cane Corso Mastiff, or Italian Mastiff, breed which originated in Italy and best known as the Cane Corso
Cuban Mastiff, an extinct breed resembling a Bullmastiff, originating in Cuba
English Mastiff, a breed of dog in the Molosser group originating in England, usually just called "Mastiff"
German Mastiff, better known as Great Dane, a breed of dog originating in Germany
Japanese Mastiff, also known as Tosa Inu, bred as Japanese fighting dogs
Korean Mastiff, also known as Dosa Inu, a breed of Korea bred from Tosa Inu and European breeds
Neapolitan Mastiff, an ancient breed of dog originating in Italy
Gran Mastín de Borínquen, also known as the Puerto Rican Mastiff, a breed of dog originating in Puerto Rico
Pyrenean Mastiff, a guardian breed of the Spanish Pyrenees
South African Mastiff, also known as Boerboel, a breed of dog originating in South Africa
Spanish Mastiff, an ancient breed of dog originating in Spain
Tibetan Mastiff, an ancient breed of dog originating in Tibet

Иконка для GPS Reporter 1.1

GPS Reporter (v. 1.1)

Practical tools developer опубликовал приложение 2011-08-29
(обновлено 2011-08-29)

A simple and practical GPS reporter to tell your longitude, latitude, accuracy, altitude, bearing and speed.

Иконка для Maserati 2.2.1

Maserati (v. 2.2.1)

Maserati опубликовал приложение 2011-08-28
(обновлено 2011-08-28)

Maserati Android Application

Иконка для 黄大仙灵签 1.1

黄大仙灵签 (v. 1.1)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-08-28
(обновлено 2011-08-28)

    [黄大仙灵签] 采用全真文本,包括签文、典故、解读、每日运程。解读包括自身、家宅、事业、姻缘、财帛、问病六部分;运程包括健康、工作、財運、愛情、仙機等。求签包括手摇和机选两种方式,摇动手机可以启动系统内置的加速度感应器,模拟现场摇动签筒的效果;机选模式可以帮助您挑选一个随机数,效果与手摇相当。如果您已经求得签号,也可以用本软件直接解签。

Иконка для 黄金矿工 1.1

黄金矿工 (v. 1.1)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-08-28
(обновлено 2011-08-28)

现代人越来越多地受到性问题的困扰。据联合国科教文组织有关调查报告披露,80%的家庭不和谐是由性问题引发的。全世界性功能障碍者20~40岁占人口的18.7%,40~60岁占人口的61.9%。美国马萨诸塞州性学研究中心的临床研究报告表明:尽管性功能障碍原因各异,但所有性功能降低或者丧失者都有一个共同的特征,那就是其体内性黄金 (DHEA)水平相当低。
    现代科学研究及临床实践表明,采用双声拍技术(BBT)可以刺激人体分泌内源性DHEA,显著提高体内性黄金水平,改善成年人性生活质量,男女通用。据美国前抗衰老医学会主席、著名抗衰老专家Vincent Giampapa博士研究揭示,在缓慢的α和θ脑电波模式下,"性黄金"的分泌量显著增多。一项研究表明,"性黄金"水平可增加44%,有些甚至可以增加90%。

Иконка для 寿命计算器 1.0

寿命计算器 (v. 1.0)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-08-28
(обновлено 2011-08-28)


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