Популярные в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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5151-5160 из 17250
Иконка для Everyday Check Free(TODO) 1.0.3

Everyday Check Free(TODO) (v. 1.0.3)

GalleryApp опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2013-08-08)

This application is for making a list you do it everyday and check it when it is done.
For example, we can save on electricity everyday for saving energy and resources.
You can make a list anything that you do it everyday.
※Paid-for version has no ad.

Иконка для BoggleBoggle(보글보글) 1.2

BoggleBoggle(보글보글) (v. 1.2)

jazylife опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

This application is for "Ramen" cooking.(Korea Ramen Products)

It provides Ramen's cooking time, include boiling time.

Also, You can adjust your own cooking time, and boiling time.

Have nice meal!

Иконка для Рыбалка 1.5

Рыбалка (v. 1.5)

INEL, CJSC опубликовал приложение 2011-10-01
(обновлено 2013-08-07)

Данный справочник предназначен для рыболовов всех категорий от новичка до профессионала.

Содержит в себе информацию о местах Москвы и Подмосковья где можно порыбачить, да и просто отдохнуть душой. Также мы включили в него информацию о большинстве рыб, которых можно поймать на этих водоемах.

Помните, что время, проведённое на рыбалке, в счёт жизни не засчитывается.

Иконка для AQHA Rules 2.0.4

AQHA Rules (v. 2.0.4)

AQHA опубликовал приложение 2011-10-01
(обновлено 2013-08-06)

The current rules and regulations of the American Quarter Horse Association.

AQHA is the world's largest breed registry and equine recreational organization,  with more than 5 million American Quarter Horses registered worldwide and AQHA membership in excess of 300,000. AQHA international headquarters in Amarillo, Texas, issues and maintains the pedigrees and registration records of all American Quarter Horses, and oversees various programs and incentives - including races, shows, recreational activities and supporting sponsorships - that promote America's oldest distinct breed of horse.

Now you can have all the rules governing shows, racing, membership, and registration right at your fingertips.  

Go straight to the section you need with the easy-to-navigate menus.

Jump quickly to related rules by tapping the links embedded in the rules.

Visit your local affiliate's site right from the app (internet connection required).

Иконка для HelperOfTheBride Wedding 0.9.10

HelperOfTheBride Wedding (v. 0.9.10)

HelperOfTheBride Team опубликовал приложение 2011-10-01
(обновлено 2011-10-01)

Etsy Wedding Planning
** Beta release (Please send feedbacks using "Contact Us" from app menu **

HelperOfTheBride comes to Android! Stay connected with other brides.

** New **
Wedding dress section added.

Wedding invitation section added.

Find wedding inspirations on-the-go with large full size pictures.

Read and comment on the latest real bride wedding planning advice and discussions on-the-go formatted to fit your Android phone.

Browse wedding blog posts by popular wedding topics from our network of real blogger brides.

Preview wedding pictures and title of blog posts to quickly see what interests you.  Bookmark and share interesting posts via Twitter, Facebook, or email right from the app.

Wedding blog post categories available on HelperOfTheBride:

Wedding websites available:

Wedding websites coming soon:

Visit us at http://www.helperofthebride.com

Иконка для Information related to East Ja 1.0

Information related to East Ja (v. 1.0)

osd опубликовал приложение 2011-09-30
(обновлено 2011-09-30)

Information related to East Japan great earthquake
I sincerely visit it in everybody to whom damage is received by this earthquake and the tsunami hazard of which it originates them.
It admires an all-out effort in the disaster recovery activity, and I pray for the quick restoration of everybody.
It wanted to be able to help you even a little and this application program was made.
Three are in the function now.

1:It is a function that volunteers of the GoogleMap community were made to show the place etc. where the distribute the boiled rice execution place, the emergency evacuation place, the water supply place, and the cellular phone can be charged on the map and to do the navigation to the place.
This displays the icon from information on the community by using standard GoogleMap of Android.
The center of the map is matched near the stricken area, and when Meal Supply & Evacuation places (East Japan) is done in the double tap, the icon .."Distribute the boiled rice [mappu] and emergency evacuation place (East Japan).. is displayed by the layer. When being not able to use the navigation function does the upgrade of the Google map, the navigation function such as refuges can be used.
2: It is a function that the victim information on the page related to the earthquake of Google is displayed on a browser.
3: Information related to the earthquake of Yahoo Japan is displayed on a browser.

- It is asking to download.
It survives very much if the comment such as becoming convenience or more can be gotten if this information is added.

I sincerely visit in victims, and I pray for the revival of the stricken area where the moment is early.
It sincerely wishes to become a help for that.

Иконка для Snapshots 1.2

Snapshots (v. 1.2)

Phoceis опубликовал приложение 2011-09-30
(обновлено 2011-09-30)

Experience the FARAWAY effect, taken from the movie dedicated to the new Longchamp’s collection, designed by Kate Moss. Apply the super 8 effect on your own pictures, et share them easily. © Longchamp 2011
Longchamp, FARAWAY, photo, vintage, Luxury

Иконка для 파워기업검색2 1.0

파워기업검색2 (v. 1.0)

KISLINE опубликовал приложение 2011-09-29
(обновлено 2011-09-29)

2010 코리아모바일어워드(KMA) 비즈니스 부문 베스트앱으로 선정된 파워기업검색의 업그레이드 버전인 파워기업검색2가 출시되었습니다

파워기업검색은 국내 최대의 개인 및 기업정보 서비스회사인 NICE 신용평가정보에서 제공하는 위치서비스(LBS) 및 증강현실(AR) 기반의 기업/인물정보 조회용 모바일 어플리케이션입니다.

회사가 보유하고 있는 180만사가 넘는 기업 및 40만명의 인물정보를 편리하게 스마트폰상에서 조회할 수 있으며, 특히 작년 11월에 출시된 최초 버전은 금융권 종사자들을 중심으로 3만여명이 넘는 회원이 등록하면서 대표적인 비즈니스앱으로 언론에 소개된 바 있습니다.

이제 한층 업그레이드된 파워기업검색2를 통해 여러분의 비즈니스 경쟁력을 한 단계 업그레이드 하세요!

*** 이런분들께 유용해요 ***
- 영업/마케팅활동에 종사하는 비즈니스 프로페셔널
- 가치 투자를 지향하는 전문 투자자
- CEO 등 경영자
- 취업준비생 등 구직/이직 희망자  

*** 주요 특징 ***
A. 심층기업정보 제공
- 기업개요, 재무분석, 신용등급 및 조기경보, 보험관련정보(퇴직연금, 화재보험 등)
- 마케팅 및 취업목적의 타겟리스트 선정을 위한 파워풀한 검색기능 제공

B. 심층인물정보 제공
- 경영진 인물정보 제공 및 연관인물 찾기를 통한 인적네트워크 확대 지원
- BNS 플랫폼 제공을 통한 실무진 정보 제공
- 경영진 및 실무진 상세 검색기능 제공

C. 신설법인정보 제공
- 일별로 설립되는 신설법인 및 경영진 구성정보 제공
- 설립조건별 검색기능 제공
- 위치기반 신설법인 검색기능 제공(설립일 및 반경옵션 제공)

D. 특수부가정보 제공
- 취업준비생을 위한 기업매력도 지수 및 채용정보 실시간 제공
- 본인 적성에 맞는 최적의 기업 찾기 : Job Matching Model
- 대한민국 100대 기업/ 외투 100대 기업 등 최신 시사정보 제공

*** 파워기업검색2 출시에 따른 이용관련 공지 ***
기존의 파워기업검색1에서 사용했던 아이디/패스워드를 파워기업검색2에서도 구입 후 동일하게 사용 가능하며, 이전 버전에서 유료 구매한 이용권이 있으실 경우 잔여기간동안 제한없이 사용 가능합니다.

*** 고객지원 안내 ***
아래 연락처로 파워기업검색 사용에 대한 문의를 남겨주시면 최대한 빠르게 답변드리도록 하겠습니다.
E-mail : mobile@kisline.com
Twitter : @Power_Company
Tel : 02-3771-1515

Иконка для Golden Tarot FREE 1.2.4

Golden Tarot FREE (v. 1.2.4)

CandyHouse опубликовал приложение 2011-09-29
(обновлено 2013-08-02)

This tarot card.

Kind of divination,

One. Act ancient Celtic Cross
Answer me any problems.
I am suitable for divine love.

2. Surirottsu law
I'm good for three things when choosing.
I will start in front of divination divination, left, middle, and imagine in your head right and three divine items.

3. Alternative method
I'm good for two things when you choose.
I will start in front of divination divination, imagine in your head from the two left, right and divine items.

4. Horoscope law
I read the tea leaves are suitable for general.
Predict various items at a time.

5. One Card Spread
I have adapted to sense divine fortune, the fortune of the day.

6. Three Card Reading
I'm suitable to predict the outcome of interest.

7. Three pairs Cover & Cross Reading
I'm suitable to predict the outcome of interest.
(Past, present and future of the flow of time than three-card reading, has been subdivided.)

8. Reading pyramid
I is suitable to solve the current problems.

9. Crescent Moon Spread
I'm good (tomorrow), to predict any change in circumstances in the near future.

10. Lovers bridge law
Predict the fate of the love of two people.
Only love fortune-telling.

Other deployment methods:
11. I know thyself
12. Reach the goal
13. (The turning point of the man) Tropic of Capricorn
14. (The turning point of the woman) Tropic of Cancer
15. (Aid to deliberate) self-improvement
16. Take the obstacle
17. (Recognition of the problem) to travel outside the area
18. (How do you follow) trip to the region in the
19. Tree of Life (about 7 levels)
20. (My health) chakra
21. Chakra (body)
22. Matching human spirit

--- 8 <------ 8 <------ 8 <------ 8 <------ 8 <------ 8 <---

For CandyHouse:
I'm making a game for Android mainly.
Translated using the translation Google.

Apps for Android lists almost made CandyHouse.

★ Cards & Casino
Ace collection of 100 different card games
Play alone (Card Game)
Candy Chuang sparrow CandyHouse
MedalMania medal mania
Daughter Bakuretsu medal Medals game mania ★
Medal Mania 2 MedalMania 2
Monday Mania MedalMania Breed
Medal Bingo Mania
Pinball Mania Medal
Nurse panic NursePanic
JackPot Poker poker jackpot
BIG and SMALL sizes
Airplane Airplane Pachinko Pachinko
Sparrow ball Jan9
Golden GoldenSlot slot
Last one LastOne
Poker Dice Poker Dice ★ ki!

★ sports games
MedalBowl bowling game
Hockey Pool (PoolHockey)
TapTap basketball

★ Arcade & Action
Battle SushiBattle sushi
Monkey banana
Geisha Geisha Game play
Panda ball PandaBall

★ puzzle
Cheese Mania

★ Lifestyle
Golden Tarot Golden Tarot

★ Customizable (Live Wallpaper)
Mr. Golden Golden3
Mr. Goldfish Kingyo3
MedalKingyo goldfish medal
Mower Mower

--- 8 <------ 8 <------ 8 <------ 8 <------ 8 <------ 8 <---

Иконка для Women's Quotes 1.03

Women's Quotes (v. 1.03)

houseofunexpected опубликовал приложение 2011-09-29
(обновлено 2011-09-29)

Learn the shocking truth about the half of human race! Things you would not suspect are at your fingertips. Girls, women, ladies... they are around us. But do you know their nature, dreams, fears and desires? Don't wait and find out. All the wisdom gathered in one place.

KW: wisdom, best women's quotes, women, girl, timekiller, time killer, freetime, waiting, mother, lady, daughter, happiness, success, famous quotes, way of life, peace, harmony, motivation, inspiration, leadership, hard work, knowledge, sentences, attitude, boss, management, lifestyle, fun

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