Популярные в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
12511-12520 из 17250
Иконка для [SSKIN] Liveback_Tomato 2.19

[SSKIN] Liveback_Tomato (v. 2.19)

prompt опубликовал приложение 2012-05-29
(обновлено 2012-05-29)

You can now make your smart phone more stylish with SSKIN Butterfly Theme.
New functions and contents of the SSKIN Butterfly Theme, you can make your smart device a real special.

▶ The SSKIN Butterfly is now Opened!
The SSKIN is proud to present its new service with name of the SSKIN Butterfly in Android Market.
You can add some artistic sensitivity on your smart phones with the help of the SSKIN Butterfly’s new functions and contents
Once you install the SSKIN Theme Shop, you will see all-you-have-to-know about the SSKIN Theme Service.

▶ What is the SSKIN Widget, Liveback Theme (= a Multi wallpaper or a Live wallpaper)?
The SSKIN Widget is a widget that the SSKIN Theme provides. Every theme has its own design that goes with its theme.
In this SSKIN Widget, you have…
A Digital Clock, an Analog Clock, and a Search Bar.

Have you ever wanted to have a wallpaper that changes? Here you can see the SSKIN that has a live wallpaper
In this SSKIN live wallpaper, you have…
A Live wallpaper and a Multi wallpaper

When you set a Live wallpaper, you will have an animated(or moving) image.

▶ New Functions of the SSKIN Butterfly
1. Extended Dock Bar
You can now add up to 9 applications to your Dock Bar.
(Flick your dock bar to see the applications you added)
2. Opacity Level of Widget and icons
You can set the level of opacityof widget clocks and icons as well as live wallpaper at the home screen.
(Scroll up of the home screen dock bar to see the setting window)
3. Advanced Program Manager
You can manage programs that are current running in an application window.
(Application>”Storage” in the bottom)
4. Convenient way to Create Folders
With a “Drag and drop”, you can create a folder. Manage your smart phone applications list smarter.
(Drag an application to another application, and you will create a folder automatically)

▶ How to use the SSKIN Butterfly?
1. Type SSKIN and search it in the Android Market
2. Download the SSKIN Butterfly and install it
3. Press the “Home Button” and set the SSKIN Butterfly as basic value
4. Menu>SSKIN Setting>SSKIN Theme Manager

* Visit SSKIN Theme shop and you can have many SSKIN themes.

▶ Attention
-The SSKIN Butterfly is optimized to the Android Version of 2.3(Ginger Bread) and 2.2(Froyo).
-The devices which have SD card are available SSKIN Theme Service.
-The application needs 10 MB in total to save theme resources. Please make sure to secure enough space before installation.
-Icons that are used in the SSKIN Theme service is those of Android basic icons.

▶ Supported Devices
SHW- M110S(Galaxy S), SHW-M250S(Galaxy S2), SHW- M130K(Galaxy K), SHW-M130L(Galaxy U), Nexus One, SHW- M200S(Nexus S), HTC Desire, HTC Desire HD A9191, SKY IM- A650S(Vega), LG- LU2300(Optimus Q), LG-SU660(Optimus 2x)

Иконка для [SSKIN] Liveback_Paprika 2.10

[SSKIN] Liveback_Paprika (v. 2.10)

prompt опубликовал приложение 2012-05-29
(обновлено 2012-05-29)

You can now make your smart phone more stylish with SSKIN Butterfly Theme.
New functions and contents of the SSKIN Butterfly Theme, you can make your smart device a real special.

▶ The SSKIN Butterfly is now Opened!
The SSKIN is proud to present its new service with name of the SSKIN Butterfly in Android Market.
You can add some artistic sensitivity on your smart phones with the help of the SSKIN Butterfly’s new functions and contents
Once you install the SSKIN Theme Shop, you will see all-you-have-to-know about the SSKIN Theme Service.

▶ What is the SSKIN Widget, Liveback Theme (= a Multi wallpaper or a Live wallpaper)?
The SSKIN Widget is a widget that the SSKIN Theme provides. Every theme has its own design that goes with its theme.
In this SSKIN Widget, you have…
A Digital Clock, an Analog Clock, and a Search Bar.

Have you ever wanted to have a wallpaper that changes? Here you can see the SSKIN that has a live wallpaper
In this SSKIN live wallpaper, you have…
A Live wallpaper and a Multi wallpaper

When you set a Live wallpaper, you will have an animated(or moving) image.

▶ New Functions of the SSKIN Butterfly
1. Extended Dock Bar
You can now add up to 9 applications to your Dock Bar.
(Flick your dock bar to see the applications you added)
2. Opacity Level of Widget and icons
You can set the level of opacityof widget clocks and icons as well as live wallpaper at the home screen.
(Scroll up of the home screen dock bar to see the setting window)
3. Advanced Program Manager
You can manage programs that are current running in an application window.
(Application>”Storage” in the bottom)
4. Convenient way to Create Folders
With a “Drag and drop”, you can create a folder. Manage your smart phone applications list smarter.
(Drag an application to another application, and you will create a folder automatically)

▶ How to use the SSKIN Butterfly?
1. Type SSKIN and search it in the Android Market
2. Download the SSKIN Butterfly and install it
3. Press the “Home Button” and set the SSKIN Butterfly as basic value
4. Menu>SSKIN Setting>SSKIN Theme Manager

* Visit SSKIN Theme shop and you can have many SSKIN themes.

▶ Attention
-The SSKIN Butterfly is optimized to the Android Version of 2.3(Ginger Bread) and 2.2(Froyo).
-The devices which have SD card are available SSKIN Theme Service.
-The application needs 10 MB in total to save theme resources. Please make sure to secure enough space before installation.
-Icons that are used in the SSKIN Theme service is those of Android basic icons.

▶ Supported Devices
SHW- M110S(Galaxy S), SHW-M250S(Galaxy S2), SHW- M130K(Galaxy K), SHW-M130L(Galaxy U), Nexus One, SHW- M200S(Nexus S), HTC Desire, HTC Desire HD A9191, SKY IM- A650S(Vega), LG- LU2300(Optimus Q), LG-SU660(Optimus 2x)

Иконка для 100癒し 1.3.1

100癒し (v. 1.3.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-05-29
(обновлено 2012-05-29)

- は私たちのための彼の同情を示しています
- は、私たちを鼓舞する
- は私たちを癒してくれる








Иконка для La curación 100 1.3

La curación 100 (v. 1.3)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-05-29
(обновлено 2012-05-29)

“La curación 100” collects 100 bible verses in spanish version, aiming to present how GOD

shows His sympathy for us
inspire us, and
heals us
when we are sick.

You must aware that right after Adam and Eve sinned, sickness has become our source of painless and always weaken our flesh.  However, we should not be depressed, the help from our heavenly Father always accompany us.  Going through every page of the Bible, we could see how our seniors experienced the gracefulness and righteousness of our Lord when their bodies were weak.

To help you to be inspired by the scripture, we have incorporated one picture to every verse.

“La curación 100” has incorporated the following features:

Record your thoughts
While reading a bible verse, there may be associations, thoughts, appreciation, feeling…rapture in your mind, just one click away to jot down this previous moment.

Share your thoughts
With one click, your thought or the verse being read will be automatically become the content of an email, blog and facebook; you could share your mind with others immediately.

Get your target searched
“La curación 100” will find the verses as well as your written thoughts embedded with your target phrase or words input.

Иконка для genezing 100 1.4

genezing 100 (v. 1.4)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-05-29
(обновлено 2012-05-29)

"genezing 100" verzamelt 100 Bijbelverzen gericht op het presenteren hoe God

toont Zijn sympathie voor ons
inspireren ons, en
geneest ons
als we ziek zijn.

U moet zich ervan bewust dat direct na Adam en Eva zondigden, ziekte is geworden onze bron van pijnloos en altijd verzwakken ons vlees. Echter, we niet moeten worden ingedrukt, de hulp van onze hemelse Vader altijd met ons mee. Going through every page of the Bible, we could see how our seniors experienced the gracefulness and righteousness of our Lord when their bodies were weak. Het doorlopen van elke pagina van de Bijbel, konden we zien hoe onze senioren de gratie en de gerechtigheid van onze Heer ervaren toen hun lichamen werden zwak.

Om u te helpen te laten inspireren door de Schrift, hebben wij opgenomen de ene foto naar elk vers.

"genezing 100" heeft opgenomen de volgende kenmerken:

Neem je gedachten
Tijdens het lezen van een bijbel vers, kunnen er associaties, gedachten, waardering, gevoel ... vervoering in je geest, maar een klik verwijderd te noteren dit vorige moment.
Deel het via e-mail
Met een klik, wordt uw gedachte of het vers gelezen worden automatisch de inhoud van een e-mail, je kon je geest onmiddellijk te delen met anderen.
Bookmark uw passie
Met een klik, bladwijzer uw gunstige vers om zo het terughalen daarvan te vergemakkelijken in de toekomst voor de revitalisering van je geest.
Haal uw doelgroep gezocht
"genezing 100" vindt u de verzen ingesloten met uw doelgroep zin of woorden invoeren en krijgen ze aandacht

Иконка для 42 Mother`s Bible Stories 1.4

42 Mother`s Bible Stories (v. 1.4)

Figspops опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

An App of the Best Stories that Mothers can tell their Children.

-The Wise Men’s Visit                                      

-The Angel’s Tidings                                      

-Jesus In The Temple                                      

-The Wonderful Draught Of Fishes                          

-The House Built Upon The Sand                            

-Healing The Centurion’s Servant                          

-Anointing The Feet Of Jesus                              

-The Rich Fool                                            

-The Unfruitful Tree                                      

-Sowing The Seed                                          

-The Enemy Sowing Tares                                    

-The Parable Of The Leaven                                

-Seeking For Hidden Treasure                              

-The Pearl Of Great Price                                  

-The Parable Of The Net                                    

-The Man Possessed By Devils                              

-Curing The Incurable                                      

-Jairus’ Daughter                                          

-The Two Blind Men                                        

-Feeding Five Thousand                                    

-Christ Walking On The Sea                                

-The Woman Of Canaan                                      

-Peter And The Tribute Money                              

-The Good Samaritan                                        

-Importunity Rewarded                                      

-The Unmerciful Servant                                    

-The Good Shepherd                                        

-The Lost Piece Of Money                                  

-The Prodigal Son                                          

-Peter’s Wife’s Mother Cured                              

-The Unjust Steward                                        

-The Rich Man And The Beggar                              

-“Avenge Me Of My Adversary”                              

-The Pharisee And The Tax-Gatherer                        

-The Laborers In The Vineyard                              

-The Barren Fig Tree                                      

-The Wicked Husbandman                                    

-Without The Wedding Garment                              

-The Foolish Virgins                                      

-The Parable Of The Talents                                

-Man With The Withered Hand                                

-Jesus Ascends To Heaven                                  

-The Philippian Jailer                                    

-Timothy And His Mother Eunice                            

-Christ Blessing The Children

Иконка для The Style Fair 2011 1.1

The Style Fair 2011 (v. 1.1)

weinter.dev опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

패션 전 분야를 망라하여 개최.
-2012 트랜드 Preview
-소비자대상 홍보/판매
-국내외 바이어와 비즈니스
-지역특화,1인창업자 지원
-로컬브랜드의 글로벌화

Иконка для Tattoo Wallpaper 1.0

Tattoo Wallpaper (v. 1.0)

Italic Labs LC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-27
(обновлено 2012-05-27)

Tattoo Wallpaper displays a slideshow of the most amazing skin art from around the world. Among the well known photographers that worked to bring you these images are Shannon Archuleta and Matt Sabbath.

tags: tattoos,skin,tat,needle,ink,gauge,henna,tribal,celtic,art,wallpaper,backgrounds,tribal tattoo,tattoo design,tattoo designs

Иконка для i 模試 できる企業のノウハウ セクハラ/パワハラ編 1.0.0

i 模試 できる企業のノウハウ セクハラ/パワハラ編 (v. 1.0.0)

Zeata Corp. опубликовал приложение 2012-05-26
(обновлено 2012-05-26)


本コンテンツは、働く方ならすべての方が。そして、企業の総務・人事部門が常に直面する「労務トラブル(セクハラ、パワハラなど)」にフォーカスし、専門家である弁護士の久保内 統 氏(中島・彦坂・久保内法律事務所)によって、クイズ形式の択一問題とし、解説部では実際に起こった事例や判決をベースにわかりやすく解説しています。さらに






当然、かなりの文字量の解説部には、「i 模試」オリジナルのマーカー機能がサポートします。




「i 模試」の特徴だった「マーカーペン機能」をさらに強化し、「フォント機能」を加え、場所によってフォントサイズを拡大・縮小で使いやすさを考えています。

※セクハラ、パワハラ、セクシャルハラスメント、パワーハラスメント、リストラ、労務トラブル、模試、被害、泣き寝入り、嫌がらせ、イジメ、いじめ、性、性差別、愛人、差別、うつ、職場いじめ、猥談、Sexual harassment、Power harassment

・ 続きから:今までの解答選択を保持
・ 最初から:今までの解答選択を消去
・ 設定:各種の設定

・ 左右にスライド:前問題、次問題へ(スワイプ機能)
・ 選択肢の枠のタッチ:左端タッチで前問題,右端タッチで次問題へ(タッチ機能)
・ ▽△ボタン:問題、解答選択肢の拡大表示
・ 数字ボタン:解答選択肢表示
・ 解答へ:解答、解説表示へ(数字ボタン選択必須)
・ ページ番号:タップでスライダー表示

・ スクロールモード(右上に↑表示)
・ マーカーモード(右上にペンか消しゴム表示)

Иконка для Bennuworld 5

Bennuworld (v. 5)

bennudev опубликовал приложение 2012-05-26
(обновлено 2012-05-26)

Look inside the minds of the Bennuworld community. This app aggregates and dynamically updates all our main social media pages. We also include news feeds from the leading environmental, sustainable lifestyle and green business sources on the Web. Bennu is the leader in green social media marketing. Our sustainability solutions increase enterprise value by aligning clients' business objectives with consumer demand and environmental resources. Bennu’s mission is greening the standard for a new lifestyle.

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